Peter has a Nightmare

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  I was sitting there. Just sitting there. 'Mister Stark?' I tried to call out, but to no use. He was being eaten by dust. I could hear him crying. No, he was making something more shrill. A scream, I realized. A heart wrenching scream. I was watching him being torn atom from atom. My hero, my mentor, my father figure, was dying right in front of me. I kept shouting out his name until my voice finally came. "Mister Stark!" I was able to move again. "Mister Stark. No Don't leave me. Don't leave me."

"I love you kid, you'll get us back, I know you can," he said. Before I could respond he was gone. The person who always looked out for me, was gone.

 "No. No, no, no, no! Don't leave me. No! Mister Stark! No! DAD!" I cried. I sobbed and sobbed ugly tears. I couldn't believe it. He was gone. "Dad. Please come back. Come back please dad. I won't do anything bad again, just come back," I whispered in between tears. I was shaking. Not willingly, no.

"Kid, kid wake up," I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Mister Stark. I wasn't thinking in that moment. I just knew my father was back.

"Dad, you're alive," I said.

Mister Stark looked flabbergasted at my use of the term, dad, then smiled. "Yeah I'm okay, can you tell me what your dream was about?" He asked.

"You were turning to dust. I co-," a sob choked me from using my words. "Couldn't save you. Yo-You were being torn atom from atom. I- I coul-couldn't save you. You were dying in my arms, once I could finally move, I tried to save you. I could only move and talk for a few seconds before you," sob. "We-were comp-completely gone. Dad, I almost lost you. I did lose you. If I wasn't so useless and weak I could've saved you," I finished.

"It's okay Pete. I'm here. I'm not dead. And you are not useless, nor weak. You are the strongest person I know. My son is not weak or useless. I love ya underoos. You could save anyone with that heart of yours. No matter how lost or confused they are. I'm alive okay? Bub, you will never fail to save anyone. And if you do? Just know it's never your fault. You are the most useful, worthy, amazing person I know. You are my kid, and if I need to? I'll remind you everyday how useful and strong you are," he said. (I know this is a very bad speech.)

"R-Really?" I asked.

"Of course kid. Now get off your butt, we are going to watch a Star Wars movie marathon," he patted my leg and I got up. I was staying there because I always stayed on weekends. 


Tony sat on the couch and Peter joined him. "Hey FRI could you make some popcorn, and turn on the Star Wars trilogy?" Tony asked.

"Of course," his AI replied. They were about 30 minutes in when Tony felt a heavy weight on his arm. He turned and saw his son asleep. The next morning, Pepper walked in and found her boys snuggled up on the couch. She took a picture and walked to do her daily work. She didn't want to disturb them. Of course FRIDAY already took about 100 pictures and sent them to the team. 

568 words.

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