What? (UPDATE)

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I watched Spider-Man: No Way Home. It was awesome.

Prompt: I got this idea from a fic I read like a year ago. Peter is from Britain, he moved to America after his parents died. You can't really tell he has a British accent, unless he's tired and forgets to fake it. He hasn't slept in 2 days.

Peter was tired, and that is saying a lot. Yeah, sure, teenagers are tired all the time. But seriously, he hadn't slept in 54 hours because of criminals and studying for his finals. He just wanted to go home and sleep. (same)

In all honesty, he wasn't ready for the day that awaited him. But he had to go to school. 

Peter, Tony needs you to come down for breakfast.

"Okay, thank you Fri," Peter replied, not noticing his accent drawing out. Peter made his way down the stairs, already smelling pancakes and bacon. Tony and Pepper were in the kitchen with 2 cups of coffee, Tony making a third for Peter. Yeah, it didn't have much effect on Peter, but he still enjoyed it. 

"Good morning," Tony and Pepper said. 

"G' morning," Peter returned. His accent was very noticeable now. 

That's when Tony knew. His kid wasn't getting enough sleep. This had happened many times. Getting back from long missions, getting back from patrol, staying up to watch movies or studying. 

"Hey Fri? When was the last time Peter slept?" Pepper asked, knowing Tony would ask anyway. 

Approximately 54 hours ago, Miss.  

"Do you want to go to bed?"

"No, I'm fine, I can take a break from patrol today and sleep when I get home."

"Are you sure?"

"Yesir," Peter slurred his words. 

So, Peter went to school. "G' morning Ned, MJ."

"Good morning, when is the last time you slept?" MJ said.

"Sunday night."

With that, Peter walked off to his first class, Math. Flash was being a butthead, as usual. But for the most part, he was able to fake his accent around his classmates. Until he fell asleep. 

"Peter Parker, wake up this instance! Or you'll get detention!" Mrs. Kate whisper shouted.

"Sorry ma'am, haven't been getting enough bloody sleep," Peter said, forgetting to mask his voice.

"And stop faking that accent, it's very disrespectful."

"I'll have you know, I was bloody raised in England, up until I was 10, this is my accent. I just always fake having an American accent, because I didn't want anyone to know. You can even check on my file."

All of his classmates, not including his decathlon teammates, who had experienced tired Peter, gasped. 

"Oh, well still don't go back to sleep, not until you get home. This is a place of study."

And from then on, Peter didn't need to fake his accent. 

Okay- This is the end of this chapter. I'm thinking of writing another book. I'm into Teen Wolf and Maze runner right now, so I'm thinking of writing a crossover, Thomas as Stiles. Should I?

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