This Morning (Part 1)

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    Peter woke to a banging on his door. *Probably Miss Stacy again, * Peter thought. Miss Stacy was his landlord and had grown to be his best friend. She knew his situation, or at least the lies he had told her. Peter did feel bad about it, but he couldn't tell anyone the truth, at least not yet.

"Peter! Open the door please," Miss Stacy said.

"One second!" Peter replied.

Once he opened the door, Miss Stacy pushed a sandwich into his hands, from Delmar's. He hadn't eaten that day, so he was very grateful.

"You need to eat something, after all, you're going to need lots of energy for your freshman orientation at MIT!"

Peter was surprised, surprised she had remembered, and he hadn't. "Thank you so much for everything Stace, you really are the best!"

"Oh, anything for my dear Peter."

Miss Stacy has become sort of an older Aunt May. No one could ever replace May, but Miss Stacy had helped him a lot.

Aunt May. Peter missed her more than anyone could ever miss someone. Maybe that was overreacting. He cried at night knowing that if she had lived, she would not remember him. But that is all in the past now. Peter was going to bump into Ned and MJ at MIT and tell them everything.

"Well, I better run, you're going to do great Peter."

"Bye Miss Stacy, thanks for the food."

Peter crashed on his bed. * I better leave now if I want to make it for orientation, it starts at 3, and its 11 right now. *

So, Peter left. Or he would have if someone hadn't interrupted him. Great, another day, more spiders.

Hey guys, I know its been a long time. I decided to update, and I plan to update again in a couple days. Peace out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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