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TWs: Fluff, straight people, bullying, mentions of underage drinking 

Peter had heard about soulmates ever since he was a kid. He had fallen in kiddie love many times. It wasn't real love, just what he thought was love. That was until he saw how in-love Pepper and Tony were. That was real love. He wanted something like that.

"Eter. Peter!" Ned whisper shouted.

"Huh! Oh, hey Ned! What's up!" Peter replied sheepishly. He hadn't been paying attention. 

"I found my soulmate!"

"Thats awesome man!"

"Yeah! It's Cindy!"

"I'm happy for you man," Peter said. "Can I see the tattoo?!"


Ned showed Peter a small tattoo on his wrist: A crescent moon around a LEGO. Soulmate tattoos typically had something to do with each member of the party. Cindy Moon and Ned Leeds who loved LEGOS.

Peter had only recently gotten his tattoo, but he hadn't found who had the matching one.  His was a book that had spider webs on it. His first thought was MJ, the girl he was infatuated with. He really did like her, and he planned on flaunting his tattoo that was on his hand, to hope she would see it and say she had the same tattoo. If only.

Anyway, he went about his day. Flash had called him names. Ugly. Soulmate-less. Disgraceful. Penis. Puny. Stupid. Nobody will ever love a loser like you Parker. 

Sometimes it got to him. But he tried to not let it. He could smell alcohol on Flash's breath anyway. At least he wasn't going to be a single, lonely, and a potbellied drunk by the age of 20. 

"Hey loser," MJ said, once they sat down at lunch.

"Hey MJ! How are you today?"

"I'm alright I guess, what about you nerd."

"Pretty okay."

"Hey guys what's up," Ned joined in.

"Hey Ned."

"Hey other loser," MJ said.

"So have you guys figured out your soulmates yet?"

"No, not quite yet, but I could show you guys my tattoo if you'd like," Peter replied.

"Yeah, show us nerd," MJ said.


Peter rolled up his sleeve, to show a book with a spiderweb covering it.

The bell rang, signaling it was time to go.

MJ grabbed his hand.

"Well, looks like you're my soulmate Parker."

Peter blushed furiously, his heart beating faster than Pietro, as they walked to their next class, unknowingly realizing that this is what love feels like.

There you go, hope you enjoyed. It wasnt very long, but I tried, I'm not good at writing things to be too long.

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