The Rogues

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This was a request made by supercorpshipper2

Peter was adopted after the Homecoming debacle.  Mean!Steve (Sorry I love Steve, Clint, and Sam)

"I bet he's passed out drunk with a girl," Steve said. There were murmurs of agreement, but not from Scott, Bucky, or Wanda. Steve, Clint, and Sam were badmouthing Tony. 

Tony was very nervous about today. Today was the day he would be required to house the rogue Avengers. They were pardoned, which meant they'd be living in the same house as him- with restrictions of course. But, Tony would not show how scared he was, so he took a Disney quote to heart. Conceal - don't feel. "Sir, the Avengers are here," said F.R.I.D.A.Y.


Peter woke up that morning confused. He remembered his dad telling him something important was going to happen today, but he, being the Peter he is, could not remember. So naturally, he got up, brushed his teeth, then head for the kitchen. 

"Guh-mornin dad," Peter yawned. Peter was absolutely oblivious to the six superheroes watching him curiously but with caution. 

That was until Steve said, "Who the heck is this kid! A charity case? One of your hookups?" Steve clearly did not hear Peter say 'dad'.

 The first thing Peter did was get teary eyed, then he went straight up to Steve and right hooked him. Steve now with a bloody, broken nose, looked angry. "That is my dad, now I suggest you be nice to the person who worked so hard to get you pardoned and is giving you a home, food, clothes, and a life where you don't constantly have to be on the run! So I SUGGEST YOU FRICKING BE NICE TO MY DAD!" Peter roared. "He could have easily left you on the streets with nowhere to go. He could have had you arrested, he could have sat back and done NOTHING TO HELP YOU! But he did, and just so you know, he is married, and 3 years, six months sober. I am no charity case. I- am Spider-Man." After the baby spider finished his mini rant, he put a smile back on his face

       "Oxygen Magnesium!" Peter ran straight to Bucky. "You're the White Wolf! Amazing to meet you Mr. White Wolf Sir. Oh mah gosh, your arm is so cool! Can I?" He asked gesturing to the arm. Bucky nodded. Peter started poking and prodding the arm softly and turning it to get a better look. "So cool! It was nice to meet you Sergeant. James Buchanan Barnes Mr. White Wolf sir!" 

"It's just Bucky or James," Bucky said.

"Okay Mr. James, I'm Peter Stark!" The young arachnid replied. "I'm 18, a graduate of MIT.

"So, you were 14, you managed to stop my arm! I thought you'd at least be 26! Steve can't even do that!" Peter just smiled, then went to fanboy over the other heroes. No one could help but smile at the young cinnamon roll. The boy was the epitome of happiness. They promised to forever protect the glowingly happy kid.

"This is Terrible and I hope you like crappy writing," the author said.

"It wasn't that bad Ms. Sam!" Peter said.

"Honey, I'm younger than you so stop all that Miss crap."

"Okay Sam! I just wanted to reveal you were a female hooman!"

"Why yes and I am sooOoOOoOoOoO glad you did," the author replied, sarcasm dripping from her tongue. "Bye and thank you dear readers."


"Stop screaming Peter,"

Peter stuck his tongue out.

"Nyeh! No!"

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