Peter: Fourth Wall broken

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First off, a message from Peter and Wade.

"I'm sorry for breaking the fourth wall," the young cinnamon roll said.

"I'm not mother truckers!" Wade screeched.

"Pete, Wade, who the heck are y'all talking about and what's the fourth wall?!" Tony, the young boy's surrogate father asked, followed by many questioning looks from the Avengers.

Then, a shout from nowhere yelled, "NOTHING TOENAIL STANK!!!"

"Shut your pie hole Sammi! They're gonna wander, but the readers probably don't like me, we need to up your game and add more stuff," Peter said. "Like maybe a !Wingfic or a !Songfic maybe a Hydra story? Reveal story? School shooter story? Avengers bringing me to school story? Um, maybe a. . . super depressed me story? Erm, a coffee storY? Fieldtrip? A another book just for social media Spidey/Peter? I have a few other ideas but I forgot."

"I don't know, maybe my few readers can answer, I should write again in the next couple days, if I don't, I'm busy!" The very tired author said.

"WHO ARE YOU GUYS TALKING TO!?" All but Peter, the author, and Wade yelled.

"NO ONE!" The trio shouted back.

Disclaimer: this is only a fill in

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