Part 1🏒

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I was upstairs finishing up getting ready for my hockey game.
My mom screams from downstairs.
"IM COMING" I replied.
I was a little nervous bc were versing the mighty ducks and my brother said their really good especially #99 on their team.
I run downstairs with my bag.
"good luck sis!" My brother, Conner says.
"Thanks con love you!!" I replied while getting in the car.

My mom and I arrive at my home hockey rink and the mighty ducks and a few of my teammates are already on the ice.
"HEY CHARLOTTE" my best friend, Bryce says from the ice which makes a few of the other team to look my direction.
One gave me a death stare, it was #99.
I wave at Bryce and my other teammates and shot #99 a slit smile.
I head into the locker room and get changed as fast as the flash and I was out on the ice within 15 minutes.

"Here Adam pass!!"
A kid says from the other team.
I could tell who Adam was by the time I turned around, it's #99, the one who gave me the death stare.
They were having a scrimmage and when #99 went to take a shot and it got blocked by another kid which caused the puck to Land right in front of where I was waiting in line.
The kid came skating right towards me but managed to stop himself before hitting me.
"Sorry." The blonde kid says before skating away.
I shook it off and went back to warming up.

30 minutes pass by and the game is about to start.
My position is right offense and so was that blonde kid from earlier.

The game started and my teammate, Carson passed me the puck.
The kid skated right towards me but I faked him out just in time, shot and scored.
My whole team including the parents and my coaches were going crazy!
I can tell the other team were really annoyed but mostly #99 ( the blondie)
"Shake it off Adam, you'll get her next time"
One of the other team members said from the other team.
" yea you got that damn right." The blondie said.

The game went on and me and the blondie were going back and forth with runs, moves, fails, trash talking, ect.
I could tell from a mile away that he never meant a girl who was on his level or even better than him.

It was the last minute of the game and it's a tie at 3-3
"Your going down, shorty." The cocky blonde mumbles.
"If your gonna talk to me you gotta speak up blondie" I reply.
"Whatever. Either way your gonna go crying to your mommy after this" he huffed.
" let's get this over with so I can shove this win down your throat" I reply.
" you can try" he says with a smirk.
Just then the puck drops infront of us and I get possession. He hits me against the boards then gets the puck.
I spread after him pushing him which makes him fall and I zoom down the ice.
I pass it to Zach and he shoots and scores!
Just then the timer goes off and we won the game!!

Blondie is still on the floor so I walk over.
I put out my hand to help him up and he takes it.
"good hit, blondie" I say.
"Whatever short stuff." He replies.
I giggle.
"I'll look forward to the next time I can beat you!" I say confidently.
"oh it'll be the other way around , you just wait" he laughs.
"Well I'll be waiting" I say while skating off the ice as he follows close behind.
I go to the locker room and get changed. As I'm walking out to meet my mom in the car I hear a voice behind me.
I turn around and see #99
"WHATS UP LOSER?" I reply.
"ADAM BANKS" he replies.
"WELL CYA LATER BANKS" I say as I make my way out of the rink and into my mom's car.
On the way home all I was thinking about was Adam banks also known as #99, I've never meant such a cocky hockey player with so much sportsmanship.
It was almost weird lol.

I got home, took a shower, and my mom finished making dinner.
At dinner we were all just talking about our days and my game.
" I meant a pretty interesting boy today." I said.
"Who?" Conner asked.
"uhh #99 on the mighty ducks, his names Adam banks!" I answered.
"Adam is a hell of a player!" My dad commented.
"Yea, he put up a good fight, it wasn't easy!" I said.
Dinner went on like usual and then while I was just going through my phone before bed I got a Instagram notification.

The notification:


I was confused on who it was so I clicked on the profile. And low and be hold it was #99 Adam banks, that made it even harder to go to bed but I managed to get some sleep for school tomorrow.

#99 ~𝕒𝕕𝕒𝕞 𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤~Where stories live. Discover now