Part 10 🏒

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It's been another crazy month and today is the last day of practice before the big tournament. Tomorrow was travel day and then the next day was the first game.

Practice was starting at 7:00am today so I got up, got ready and was in my way to the rink by 6:45am. I got there and saw a parked car next to me. It was Charlotte's car. Charlotte jumped out of the passenger seat throwing on her last shoe while grabbing her bag I jumped out of my car to help her since I could tell she was having trouble.
"Here, let me help you!" I said as I grabbed her bag.
"Thanks banks!" She said as she put on her shoe.
"BYE MOM!" She yelled closing the door and both of us walked towards the door.
"So you excited for tomorrow?" She asked.
"Hell yea, you?"
"Isn't it obvious!"
We both laughed as I opened the door for her.
We walked in and got changed in the locker room.

Before we walked onto the ice we looked at each other and fisted bumped smiling.

"Ok ducks, welcome to the last day of practice before our trip to California!" Coach Bombay said.
We all clapped and cheered.
"Let's start with warm ups and go from there!"
We did our usual warm ups before he announced we were having a scrimmage and set up teams.
Me and Charlotte were on separate teams so we death stared each other as we got into position.

"ANDDD PLAY!" Coach Bombay announced as he dropped the puck in front of me and Charlotte.
She won the puck and went zooming right across my face. I had enough time to react so I threw my stick in front of hers getting possession of the puck causing her to fall on her face. Charlie helped her up and she went skating towards me shoving me out of the way enough to get possession and passing it to Conway. Conway made a break away to score and as I tried to chase after him Charlotte blocked me.
Charlie shot and scored as Charlotte skated up to him cheering him on and high-fiving him.

We played for the rest of the practice and me and Charlotte were going at it, failing, passing, shit talking, and congratulating each other slitty.
The finale score was 3-4 Charlotte's team won.

Charlotte got comfortable enough to take showers in the locker room about 3 weeks ago and every day Luis would stay until at least one of us left before another but today was different when I got done no one was there so I just threw on a pair of sweat pants and no shirt then Charlotte walked out of her station putting her shirt fully on.
"Oh hey Adam!" She said.
"H-hey Charlotte!" I replied a little uncomfortable and nervous.
"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something!" She said.
"No! No! Your fine!!" I answered.
She walked over to her locker and started packing her bag.
"S-so practice was fun." I said trying to start a conversation.
"Yea really fun!" She answered.
I smiled at how pretty she was.
"Adam! Adam!" She said waving her hand in front of my face causing me to come out of me daze.
"S-sorry! I-I should go!" I said grabbing my bag and starting to walk out.
"Bye banks cya tomorrow!" She said waving with a slit smile.

As I walked out I fell into a wall.
How could I be so stupid! I thought slapping my hand on my head out of anger and utter embarrassment.
Soon I left and got home.

I took an hour nap before my mom barged into my room.
"Adam get up and start packing for tomorrow!"
My mom said exiting my room shortly after.
I stood up and rubbed my eyes as I grabbed my suit case and started packing.
The packing took me about 2 hours and I was WIPPED by the end of it.
"ADAM DINNER!" My mom called from downstairs.
"COMING!" I called back as I got up and made my way downstairs.
We had pasta. I ate it all within 30 minutes.
I ran upstairs, did my night routine, and shot Charlotte a good night text. I was thinking about saying I loved her but stopped myself before hitting the send button.

I laid in bed wondering what would have happened if I stayed longer in the locker room, Or said I loved her. It wasn't an understatement I truly did love her and I hopped it showed. I fell asleep excited for tomorrow and hopping that I would get partnered up with Charlotte tomorrow for the plain ride we had early in the morning.

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