Part 12 🏒

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•DAY 1•

I got up and saw Adam was still asleep. I took this opportunity to hop in the shower and get ready for the game.
As I exited the bathroom I saw Adam rubbing his eyes as he got out of bed.
"You better hurry, banks!"
"Yea I know it'll take me five minutes!" He said as he went in the bathroom and came out shortly after.
"See?!" Adam said as I giggled.
"Well let's go banks!!" I said as I ruffled his hair, walking out of the room.
Adam ran after me to catch up as he put a hat on.

As we got downstairs I walked over to the checkout to leave.
As I was waiting for her to check us out or whatever i I heard a familiar voice.
I turned around to see Richie Rutledge, we went on a few dates here and there last year but stayed pretty close friends.
"Richie?" I said in utter shock.
"Yep, I'm playing for the Iceland team!"
"Wow, congrats that's a good team!!" I said.
I was genuinely happy for him since that's been his dream for a good amount of time.
"Thanks newmen! Who are you playing for?"
"The ducks!!" I answered excitedly.
"Congrats char, I'm proud of you!" He said.
Richie knew that I didn't care what team I was on, all I wanted to do was play in this tournament.
"Well I guess I'll cya around, bye char!" He said as he gave me a hug and walked over to a few of his teammates.

I walked over to Adam, Bryce and Charlie.
"Who was that?" Charlie asked.
"Oh Richie Rutledge, a kid from my class!" I said.
"Ohhh the Richie you went on a few dates with last year?" Said Bryce.
I hit his arm really hard.
"OW!" He said as I smiled at him.
"Yea, that Richie!" I answered.
I looked over at Adam and he looked a little jealous which I found cute.
"Chill out banks, he's nothing but a close friend!" I said.
He looked at me and smiled.
"Thanks Charlotte" he said.
I smiled lightly and turned around to see Richie looking at me shooting me a slit smile before turning his attention back over to his friends.
"Ok well the bus is here so lets go!" I said getting up and grabbing my stuff and so did everyone else.
Luis pulled me aside before he got on the bus and Adam stayed back to make sure nothing went wrong.
"Is that Richie Rutledge?" He asked intensely staring at him.
"Yea, he's playing for ice land!" I said.
"are you still like...seeing him?" Luis asked.
"Charlotte come on were gonna be late!" Adam yelled towards me.
"COMING! No." I said looking back at Luis before taking Adams hand, leading me in the bus.

We drove there and headed to the locker room.
I got my gear on and started walking out with Adam.
"We got this!" Adam said looking at me.
He could tell I was a little nervous.
"Thanks Adam!!" I said smiling at him almost getting lost in his dreamy eyes but stopped myself.
We were versing Italy which was exciting.

The puck dropped and Adam won it passing it to me.
I speeded down the ice and shot. The goalie caught it but Adam was there for the rebound. I skated up to him and put my fist out for a fist bump but he pulled me into a hug. It made me smile because it was a pretty long hug and it was nice.

The game went on and the final score was 7-2. We won. Adam looked happy since majority of the goals were me or Adam.

I made my way in the locker room, changing and walking out.
"Hey Charlotte, wait up!!" Adam said running towards me.
"What's up, banks?" I said helping him catch his breath.
"I'm good, you?"
"Good now that your here!" I said laughing which made him join.
"Smooth newmen, anyways you were amazing out there!!" He complimented.
"Me? You were a super star!!" I said.
"Thanks Charlotte!" He said giving me a side hug.
"No problem banks!" I said.
Me and Adam walked into the hotel mid laugh at a joke he cracked on the bus ride back.
I saw Richie sitting with his friend looking at me because my laugh was so loud.
He looked a little jealous almost, like I could tell from a mile away he did not look like he had a liking in Adam but I didn't care what anyone had to say anyway, I like Adam and that's it no buts,what's, or musts.

I checked us in and we walked right passed Richie and his puck headed friend that was death staring us.

Right when I walked in I crashed and Adam took a shower soon doing the same.

I fell asleep on why in the HELL Richie had to be here at this time in me and Adams friendship or whatever was going on between us.

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