Part 11 🏒

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I got up at 5:30 am. I groaned as I arose from my bed as I threw on a USA t-shirt, Nicky pro shorts, Nicky socks, a light blue sweat shirt and some white converse.
I grabbed my bag and my suitcase and walked downstairs.
"Bye honey I love you!" My mom said giving me a hug and kissed my head.
"Cya kiddo! Tell Bryce I said hi!" My dad said giving me a hug.
"Cya char!" My brother, Conner said as we did our lucky hand shake.
"Love you guys!" I said as I walked out and walked into Bryce's car.
"Hey car buddy!" Bryce said.
"Hey man!!" I said.
We drove to the airport.

We said bye to Bryce's parents as we grabbed our stuff and walked over to the group of hockey players.
I see Adam notice me and smiled with a wave.
I waved back excited to see the cutest blonde.
"Ok guys, I'm gonna tell you your travel partners, now you have to stay with them no matter what happens, and NO funny business" coach Bombay says eyeing me and Adam, me and Adam looked at each other and tried not to laugh.
"Luis and Connie, Bryce and Charlie, and Charlotte and Adam!" Coach Bombay announced.
I was really excited because I knew it was gonna be fun since me and Adam got along super well and I liked him so it was a win, win.
"You have 1hour to do whatever, but be back here by 7am!" Coach Bombay said as everyone started gathering with their partners.
"Sup shorty!!"
"Hey blondie!"
"well what do you wanna do?"
"We could get food, I haven't eaten yet."
"Good idea!" Adam said as he grabbed my hand and ran into the closest Starbucks.
"Can I get a dragon fruit refresher?" I asked the barista.
"Could I get a Carmel frap?" Adam asked.
"Ok, that will be $17.99!" The kind barista said.
I grabbed my wallet out of my bag when I felt a warm hand hit my hand signaled to put my money away. Of course that hand belonged to Adam banks.
He handed his money to the barista.
"You didn't have to do-"
"No I got it, my treat!" Adam smiled which made me happy.
"Are you two a couple?" The barista asked handing us our drinks.
"No, we're just friends!" I answered.
"Oh, that sucks y'all would be cute!" She said.
"I know right!!" Adam joked which made me blush.

We walked to the nearest table and chilled out.
"I'm excited for tomorrow!"
"Same! I cant wait!!"
I smiled.

An hour went by and me and Adam made our way back to the spot coach told us to meet him at.
"ok guys let's go to California!"
We all cheered as we made our way to the plane.

In the plane Adam was putting his suit case in the little compartment thing as I was struggling putting mine up because I was short.
"Here let me help!" Adam said flashing a smile as he took it from me and put it away. I smiled back before taking my seat next to Adam's. He looked super excited.
The plane took off and I decided to take a nap. I fell asleep as I used Adam's shoulder as a pillow. I could see him smiling which made me get butterflies.
About 5 hours later I felt a gentle hand shake me awake. I got up suddenly.
"Morning princess!" Adam said in the seat next to me.
"Howdy banks!!" I said in response.
The plane landed and we were in California!
We got out and went to the hotel.
We had to stay in the hotel room with your partner.

Me and Adam walked to our room and Adam struggled getting the door open but eventually got it.
"Whooo" we both said in amazement.
I jumped on my bed and then started unpacking shortly after.
It was about 10:00pm after we're done packing, I got in bed and turned on a movie as Adam got in the shower.
He came out with only shorts on and he was drying his hair when he noticed I was still awake.
"Hey banks!" I said.
"Hey newmen!" He said as he laid in his bed.
We watched a movie and eventually fall asleep.

It was 2am when I heard a bang from the hotel door.
"Banks?" I said walking up to the door.
I opened it and Luis fell in the room!!
"AHHH" I yelled waking up Adam.
"What? MENDOZA?" He said.
"Yep..." Luis said.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked clearly annoyed.
"Making sure y'all were ok, I'm gonna go now!"
He said as he tried to leave the room but Adam blocked the door.
"FINE I got jealous.." he admitted.
"Just get the hell out Mendoza!" I yelled as he ran out of the room.
"That's nuts!!" Adam said.
"Yea let's just go back to bed" I said as I go back to sleep and so does Adam.

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