Part 8 🏒

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I woke up on a Saturday morning.
It's been about a month since we started training for the tournament coming up in a month or so.
I had a plan to ask Charlotte to be my girlfriend when we were on the ice of our last game in the tournament.
Threw out the month I've gotten really close with Charlotte and Bryce and officially became enemies with Luis. All that was on my mind besides the tournament was Charlotte.  Her dazzling ocean blue eyes and the way her hair fell perfectly on her shoulders taking her helmet off after practice. She was the perfect girl for me, I knew it and so did everyone else including Charlotte!

I got up and went downstairs. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down watching morning cartoons in my living room. I heard some kids outside of my house so I secretly looked out the window trying not to be seen. It was Luis and Charlotte fighting.
I opened up the window to hear.

"Stop acting like you care about me! You obviously don't your just mad that for once a girl isn't on her hands and knees asking you to take them back! I've moved on and you should to!"
"Oh shut up Charlotte! That's not true and you know it!! I don't care about you, 0, but for you to bud into my life and start playing with Adams heart isn't cool!"
"for the last time I've rejected so many guys this month including you just to be with Adam! And I'm still waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend!! Your just jealous he's better than you on the ice and off!" She fired back like a fire ball as she pushed him out of her way and stormed off.
I was happy I heard it come out of her mouth with out me near so now I knew she wanted to be with me for real. I ran upstairs and got changed into a hockey t-shirt and some sweatpants before heading out to see if Charlotte or Bryce wanted to hang out.

When I got to Charlotte's house Conner answered.
"Hey Conner! Is Charlotte home?"
"No, Luis basically dragged her somewhere, he looked pretty pissed" he chuckled.
I laughed but it wasn't genuine.
My stomach sank knowing that something wasn't right.
Just then I heard foot steps and mumbling behind me.
I turned around and saw Charlotte standing there in shock with a black eye and a busted lip.
"Charlotte? What happened to you?!?" I say as I run over to her looking at her for permission to touch her face.
"I'm fine..." she said. I knew that wasn't true, nothing was fine!
"Charlotte...what happened?"
"Me and Luis got in a fight and his anger took over him and h-he punched me in the face."
My jaw dropped in utter shock of what was coming out her her mouth.
"He's dead." I whisper as I try to pass Charlotte but she put her hands on my chest and pushed me back.
"Pls Adam, it's nothing I just have to take it!" She pleaded. But I didn't listen and frankly I didn't care.
I pushed her gently out of my way not even making eye contact with her before taking off to Luis's house.
Luckily he only lived a few doors down.
I walked right up to him since he was in his driveway taking shots on his hockey goal.
"Yo Mendoza!" I yelled.
He looked at me confused.
I punched him in the face before we broke out into a fight.
We were trying to tackle each other while screaming random insults at one another.
I heard another voice join our screaming match.
I got distracted looking at the gorgeous brunette with a worried look on her face.
Just then a fist collided into my face and everything went black with the brunette running to help and pushing Mendoza.
Was the last thing I heard before totally going out.
I woke up that night in my room with the ocean blue eyed girl treating my cuts and bruises.
" hey sleeping beauty!" She joked.
"Hey char!" I said trying to get up but Barely can move.
"Would you mind taking off your shirt? You have bruises there too!" Charlotte nervously asked.
"Sure!" I said as I slipped off my t-shirt.
She started cleaning my wounds not phased.

An hour passed and she was gathering her stuff to go back home since it was already about 8pm.
"Thanks Charlotte." I said.
"no, I should be thanking you! Thanks for sticking up for me blondie!"
"Anytime shorty!!" I said as we fisted bumped and she walked out of my room giving me one more sight of those dazzling eyes before shutting the door.

I fell asleep that night hoping Charlotte was ok, I hoped at least one of my stupid actions turned out to be a good one. I hoped this showed how much I truly cared about her.

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