Part 3 🏒

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I woke up remembering the strangest boy asked ME to come play for his team in a giant tournament that could boost my hockey career and get closer with the cute blonde, but the only thing that made me slightly hesitant was that my ex boyfriend, Luis Mendoza had just joined the team.
I shook it off and got up from my cozy bed.
I got ready for school and walked to school, with no breakfast, and no idea what I'm gonna do.

I got to school and sat next to my best friend, Claire Morris.
"Hey girl!"
"sup Claire."
"What's wrong? You seem stressed!" Shes asks concerned.
"Nothing much, just that Adam fucking banks asked me if I wanted to try out for his team to play in the biggest tournament I can get in at my age!"
"Wow. WAIT isn't Luis on that team?"
"Yea, that's the thing! I don't know what to do!" I said bummed and upset.
"you have to try out! Don't let that jerk get in the way of your dream and your love storyyyy" she teased.
"Chill out, me and Adam barely even know each other!" I said in defense.
" whatever you sayyyy" she said not buying anything I said.
I rolled my eyes playfully as class started.

The school day passed and I  started walking home.

AUTHORS NOTE: Adams school is right down the street from Charlotte's , he went to a private school and she went to a public school.

As I was walking home with my boy best friend, Bryce we saw Adam and another kid across the street.
"Oooo there's your boyfriend!" Bryce teased.
"Shut up metal head, I barely know him!" I said as I slapped the back of his head.
I felt their eyes on me but I didn't care.
Me and Bryce laughed as we continued walking and talking.
I told him all about the mighty ducks situation.
"Wait, but doesn't Luise go there?"
"THATS THE THING, KEEP UP" I yell which makes Adam and his friend turn their attention to us. I see as Adams face lits up as he realized it was me.
"HEY SHORTY" Adam yelled from across the street.
"SUP BLONDIE" I reply.
Adam and his friend run across the street.
"oh y'all are here now, ok." Bryce says.
"I know he made me come too" says Adams friend.
"Hey Newmen"
"Hey banks"
We stared in each other's eyes, admiring Adam's looks.
I snapped out of it.
"Anyway, this is my best friend, Bryce!"
"Hey Bryce, nice to meet you!" Adam said.
"Nice to meet you too, man!" Replied Bryce.
"Uhh this is my friend, Charlie!" Adam announced.
"Nice to meet you!" I said looking at the brunette boy.
"You too!!" The polite boy replied.
"Hey I'm Bryce!"
The two boys started talking while me and banks looked at each other.
" so, made up your mind yet?" Adam asked.
"Ofc!! I'll take it if your coach gives me the opportunity!" I replied.
"Good, because I need pay back for when we played against each other"
"Yea, you can dream blondie!"
Me and Adam laughed and talked the whole way to my house.
As we all arrived at my house Adam looked at me.
"Cya Newman." He said as he started walking off with the three boys.
"Yea?" He says turning around.
"You aren't gonna give me your number?" I laughed.
"Oh ok!" He said realizing.
He gives me his phone number and hugs me.
"BYE NEWMAN" he says while running back to catch up with the boys.
I waved and found myself blushing until my brother walked over to me.
"Crushing on banks huh?"
"Oh shut up!" I said jokingly while walking inside.

I grabbed a snack and went upstairs to start my homework.
while doing my homework my mom called me downstairs in an exciting tone.
"Yea mom?"
"WHAT? WOW" I said excitedly.

I ran upstairs and FaceTimed Adam first.
"Hey Charlotte!"
"SAME, well I should go tell Bryce because he got selected too!"
"ok! Talk to you later Charlotte!"
He ended the call and I called Bryce.
I told him the great news and we celebrated in a dance party on FaceTime.

Soon enough it was dinner time so I ate and then went upstairs.
As I was doing my night routine, Adam FaceTimed me!

Ofc I answered!

"Hey banks!"
"Hey newmen!"
We talked for HOURS about me coming on the team and my practices that start next week.
"Alright ill let you go, shorty!"
"Cya around, cute (you said fast) blondie!"
"Did I just hear you call me cu-"
I ended the call and fell asleep on what I had just said to Adam and if it was slick enough for him to think it's cute.

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