Part 2 🏒

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I woke up and checked my phone.
My Instagram notifications:
@CHARLOTTE_NEWMEN followed you back.
@CHARLOTTE_NEWMAN liked your post.
@CHARLOTTE_NEWMAN liked your post.
Load for more...

I smiled feeling myself start blushing.
"Am I really about to fall for a girl that I just meant yesterday?" I said out loud before getting out of bed and getting ready for school.

When I went downstairs I saw that my parents weren't up yet so I grabbed a banana and started walking to school.
On my walk I hear someone running towards me.
I turn around and see one of my best friends, Charlie Conway.
"Hey man!" Charlie says.
"What's up, dude!" I say as we do that bro handshake.

As our walk to school continues Charlie breaks the silence.
"So, who's that girl that you were flirting with yesterday?" Charlie asks.
"Just a girl!" I answer.
" man, you are the biggest flirt, along with the biggest liar!" He says.
"Shut up!" I say sarcastically.
"She's a girl I was playing against and she's cool, nice, pretty, and-"
"Ok, ok I get it" Charlie cuts me off.
"but I barley know her, so I'm gonna get to know her!!" I say.
By then we're at school and everyone is staring at me.
Next thing I know a kid in my class comes up to me.
"Is it true you were flirting with THE Charlotte Newmen?"
"Yea, why?" I ask genuinely looking for an answer.
"she's the most prettiest girl in town! ,every guy has been trying to get her to even notice them since they were 8!!" He answers.
"!" I say as i push passed him into my first class.

The day goes on normally.
Girls asking me out, people asking me if I was flirting with Charlotte Newmen, blah blah blah.

Me and Charlie walked home together talking about how weird today was.

When I got home I ran upstairs, got changed, did my homework, and started getting ready for hockey practice.
On my way to hockey practice I was thinking about Charlotte, and how pretty she was.
No wonder everyone was in love with her, I mean I was on the verge of falling but I didn't want people to think that, I mean I'm Adam banks. The one who doesn't care about girls, the hockey superstar, and the guy who only cares about hockey.
As long as I keep up the good work in hockey I'll be able to get away with my first crush probably ever.

Once I got to hockey and walked into the locker room right off the bat all of the boys and the girls started teasing me about Charlotte.
"Chill, guys I don't like her!"
"Mhm sure!"
"Yea, I am sure!!" I said kinda annoyed.
I mean what was the big deal if I liked Charlotte, and I wasn't lying, I don't like her, I just meant her!

After a hard ass practice coach announced that we were going to the Junior goodwill games in California in 2 months and we will be representing our country!
"Guys we need some more players to go with us so if you have anyone in Mind let me know! K? Ok practice is over hit the showers!!" Coach Bombay said. The first person that came to my mind was Charlotte! So when everyone left to go home I stayed to talk to coach.
"coach Bombay? May I speak with you?" I asked lightly.
"Yea sure, what's up?"
" so I know this girl named Charlotte Newmen, she's extremely talented and knows the game really well!"
"Ok ofc! I'll take a look, thx Adam!"
"No problem coach, cya tomorrow!"
I walked out of the rink with my bag happier then ever!
As soon as I got home I decided to dm Charlotte on Instagram.

Hey Charlotte! It's Adam banks, I was wondering if you would like to come try out for the mighty ducks to go to California to play in the Junior goodwill games? My coach is probably gonna text your parents since I selected you lol!!

I waited there for a little and she replied with in 10 minutes!

Charlotte: OMG that's sounds so fun!! Especially I can beat you more often blondie ;) anyways thanks for the selection it sounds so cool!! Goodnight Adam!

I got butterflies reading the reply. I was so happy she was excited!!

I went Downstairs to eat dinner and I told my parents everything.
"Sounds so cool Adam!" My mom said.
"My son is getting all the girls!!" My dad commented.

I went upstairs, got ready for bed, and fell asleep to the thought of Charlotte and me playing hockey and spending more time together.

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