C͟H̸A⃠P̺͆T͎E̶R̸ 1

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You smiled as you scribbled in a notebook, the radio's music blasting loudly through the house. It was some random song you had never heard, but it had a good beat. Suddenly you got the intense feeling that you were being watched.

"Huh?" You looked through the window but saw nothing. "Weird..." You sighed, looking down to your notebook. But it wasn't your writing anymore... Now it was strange, demonic symbols surrounding a pentagram.

"NAHHHHHHHHH BRO!" I'M NOT DOING THIS!" You threw the book across the room, the paper fluttering as it hit the wall and fell onto your old radio. Your vintage radio toppled over and fell onto the ground, the glass that surrounded the dial shattering.

"NO, MY BABY!" You rushed over to your radio and picked it up, The radio now just emitted a horrid static noise. You let out a fake sob as you picked it up, wiping another fake tear from your eye. You sat on the floor and turned the dial, trying to revive your musical child. There was a brief moment of silence before a song slowly started playing.

"Hmm?" You turned the volume up and listened to the song. 

Posin, everybody pose~

You silently shrieked, this was your favorite song. You started singing along as you set the radio back up on the little table in the corner, right next to your pet plant.

"Everybody, Everybody, Everybody, dance. Everybody, Everybody, Everybody, dan-OH HELL NAW!" You screamed as you turned around, your eyes landing on a man with short brown hair and glasses. His irises were so brown that almost looked red.

"A good song, isn't it?" He stood up and outstretched his hand, his other one fixing his bow tie. He was wearing a white button up with a brown vest, complete with a bowtie. You backed up, looking at his hand with disgust.

"Look man," You stuck your hand in your pocket and pulled out some money, "I have 3 dollars." You spoke in Patrick's voice, trying to hold back your laughter as you saw an absolute look of confusion on the man's face.

"What's with the voice change, dear?" The man asked, his face one of pure befuddlement.

"Well, my creepy friend, I find that my sudden voice impressions and accents are the results of being a meme lord."

Alastor's POV

"Meme lord?" I asked. Hmmm... A lord of some sort... She might prove to be dangerous, I should probably just kill her now and get it over with.

"Yes... Anyways, who are you and why are you in my house, Mr. Snazzy?" She asked

"Well darling, my name is Alastor and..." My voice trailed of as I looked into her eyes. Her (E/C) eyes were captivatingly beautiful. They seemed to stare straight into my soul.

"Umm... I was just, walking through the woods when I saw a random house! I thought it was abandoned so I came inside to investigate it. My apologies for intruding." I lied.

"Hmm..." She paused. "I'm sorry, Alastor, but my house is not in that bad condition, so tell me why you're really here."  I paused.

How in the name of Satan was she able to see through my lie? Well, no point in trying to hide it any longer...


"Well?" You asked.

Alastor grinned, his hair starting to change colors. "Well dear, I was sent down here to collect your soul... or as others say... murder you." His simple button up and vest changed to a red and black suit, giant horns and deer ears grew out of his head and his eyes were now very red. his plain glasses had shifted into a red monocle.

"Hmm.. Snazzy." You grinned, seeing his shocked expression.

"You're not screaming in pure terror?"

"Apparently not."

"Hmm..." Alastor frowned. "Well that's no fun..."

"We can make it fun...~" You grinned once more.

"And how would we do that, darling?~" Alastor asked, smirking as he took a step closer to you. You smiled looking up at his, you hated to admit it, but kind of cute face.

"A round of cards!"

Broken Radio [Alastor x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now