C͟H̸A⃠P̺͆T͎E̶R̸ 9

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Alastor's POV

It had been a few days since I started staying at (Y/N)'s and my portals still refused to work. She honestly didn't make me do much except cook. Last time she tried to cook, she almost burnt the kitchen down and put sugar instead of salt, so she put me in charge of food. Honestly, I quite enjoy cooking so I don't really mind.

Also... over the last couple of days, I had become great friends with (Y/N). Which was absolutely horrible because I had to kill her and take my ring back, but... I could just never find the right time to.

"Hey Al? You okay?" (Y/N) asked me, jolting me back to reality and out of my thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry dear!" I chuckled sheepishly as we watched some picture show. "Just thinking is all."

(Y/N) laid her head on my shoulder, "Okay. Just checking." She continued watching the show. My stomach began to feel weird as she laid her head on me. What is this feeling? Is it a sign of the plague? No... Can't be... I'll ask Angel about it when I get back. He always seems to be sick.

I looked at the Television and began to watch the show. It was called an 'Anime' and it was about a ghost who lived in a bathroom. It honestly wasn't that interesting to me but she seemed to enjoy it so, I guess it was alright. I mindlessly played with my staff, tracing random shapes on the ground with the end while watching the picture show.

"Alastor!" (Y/N) randomly shouted.

"What is it?" I turned, looking at her confused.

"Look!" She pointed to the ground excitedly.

"What in the-" I froze. I had absentmindedly traced a pentagram and a portal sat on the floor in front of us. "It worked?!"

"You did it!" (Y/N) tackled me in a hug, knocking me off the couch and next to the portal. Yep, there's that feeling again... I have to go see Angel immediately after this. "Oh, sorry dude." She rolled off me and climbed back onto the couch.

"It's fine." I stood up and dusted my suit off. "I actually have to immediately go see a friend of mine, I hope you don't mind."

(Y/N) smiled, "Of course, now go talk to your friends! Shoo!" She pushed me lightly towards the swirling portal.

"Alright then, Goodbye, (Y/N)!" I took a step forward and fell into the darkness, grade straight to Hell.


I appeared in the middle of the Hotel Lobby and in front of Angel Dust, Charlie, And Husk.

"Alastor?! Where have you been?" Charlie demanded.

"Yeah Al! I've had to annoy Husk all by myself!" Angel Dust whined.

"Calm down, I'll tell you!" I chuckled

"But then you have to tell me something."

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