C͟H̸A⃠P̺͆T͎E̶R̸ 2͟

705 16 11

"A round of cards?"

"Yeah!" You smiled, poking Alastor's nose. "If you win, you get my soul. If I win, you have to... do something for me, um..."

"Hmm..." Alastor took a step back, scratching his chin thoughfully. "Deal! But, what am I doing?"

"Umm... You have to... cook for me or something, I don't know. I've nver had a demon person say they want to murder me then agree to cards."

"Sure! I'll cook something." Alastor grinned.

"Awesome! Now... let's play cards..."


"WHAT?! YOU WON?!" Alastor yelled. "Ahem, my apologies."


"Well kid... A deal's a deal..." Alastor stood up from the table where the two of you were playing cards. "Now I guess I'll be cooking, whese your kitchen?"

"Right throught that door, Al!"


"Yeah... Now go make food." You grinned as you also stood up, walking into the kitchen.

"Fine..." Alastor walked into the kitchen and rolled up his sleeves, pulling a knife out of a drawer as well as a cutting board. He then walked to the refrigerator and pulled out sausage, chicken, and some vegetables. He threw them on the kitchen island and walked to a cabinet, pulling out a pot. he set it on your stove and turned back to the island.

"Hmm..." He murmured something before picking up the knife and beginnig to chop up the vegetables. His eyes seemed incredibly focused on his task and you decide to take advantage of that. You pulled up a chair to the island and sat down, your hands cradling your chin as your elbows rested on the wooden top.

"Hey, Al?"

"Yes?" He mumbled, his eyes never leaving the meat that he was cutting up.

"What's that?" You pointed to a random object in the kitchen trying to distarct him.

"Whatever are you talking abou-"

As soon as his head was turned you shot up and pet his fluffy deer ear. Wow... IT'S SO FLUFFY!

You thought to yourself as you pet alastor. You felt Alastor freeze under your touch as you pet his head. Oh shit... I'm so dead... You thought as you heard a small growl come from Alastor.

Wait... That's not a growl... is he PURRING?!

Alastor's POV

I turned to look at what (Y/N) had pointed at, freezing when I felt something on my head. What the he- oh my lucifer... wow... that feels really nice... I thought as (Y/N) pet my head.

I let out a small, involuntary purr as she just pet my head. I froze once more, embarrassed of my purring. WHY AM I ACTING LIKE THIS?!? I'll just turn full demon on her and scare her. I can't have her thinking I'm a friend or something.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry dude." (Y/N) backed up and took her hand off my head.


I took my hand of Alastor and backed up, almost tripping over my chair. Alastor turned to face me, his face now terrifying. His eyes were now solid black, his smile bloody. Alastor's tiny deer horns were now huge and spiky. His limbs were all twisted and contorted, making him look like a spider demon,

"N̶E͎V̺͆E⃠R̸ D̸O⃠ T̺͆H͎A̶T͎ A͎G⃠A̸I̺͆N͟." He growled as he grabbed my wrist. I tried to desperately hold back tears and memories as I saw and felt him let go of my wrist and raise his hand. I flinched and instectively held my forearms in front of my face, readying myself for the blows to begin.

"(Y/N)?" Alastor asked, his voice no longer gltchy but now worried. I said nothing but slowly opened one eye just to see him scracthing his neck.

Oh my god, I thought he was going to hit me, but he was just scratching his neck! I look like an idiot probably! F̶U̶C̶K̶ YOU PTSD!

"I- My apologies... I'll be taking my leave now." I heard Alastor say, followed by the sound of metal clanking and scratching.

I oppened my eyes to see a finished pot of jambalaya and a small ring on the ground.

"Hmm?" I knelt down and picked the ring up. It was silver with a small deer skull on it.


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"Huh... This must be Alastor's..." I thought to myself.

"Wait, what am I thinking?! I just played cards and I think made friends with a demon who was trying to kill me! And I fucking pet him?! What the hell was I thinking?!" I sank into the chair, holding the ring in my palm.

"Geez...I'll just take a shower and go to sleep. Food can wait..."

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