C͟H̸A⃠P̺͆T͎E̶R̸ 8

515 11 7


"What the- Vic!" You looked at your blond-haired friend with confusion.

Victor looked at you with horror. "You're snuggling with a DEMON?!"

"Victor? What are you talking abo..." You looked down to see that you were currently cuddling with Alastor. His head was on the arm of the couch and you were snuggled up next to him. "Oh shit."

"(Y/N)? Are you oka..." Alastor trailed off as he realized the current position that the two of you were in. He blushed and quickly sat up and moved to the other side of the couch. "Sorry about that."

"(Y/N)?! What the fuck?!" Victor screamed. 

"Why hello there-" Alastor cut himself off, just staring at the blond.

"(Y/N), please come here." Victor grabbed your hand and gently pulled you away from the couch.

"Victor, calm down!" You pulled your hand out of his hand. "This is Alasto-"

"Valentino." Alastor snarled.

"Alastor, What are you talking about? This is Vic-"

"Well, well, Alastor... You're not as dumb as you look." Victor smirked

"(Y/N). Come here next to me, please." Alastor's staff appeared in his hand.

"What?" You looked between the two men with confusion. Suddenly you were standing next to Alastor. "Frick you, Al."

"Well, Radio Demon... Now that both of you know, there's not point in hiding it any longer..." Victor grinned evilly. Before your very eyes, he began to change like Alastor did when you first met. Now he was a large, blue moth demon with pink eyes. He was also now wearing his heart glasses from earlier along with a top hat and fur coat.

"What the literal fuck?" You stared at Vict- Valentino with a mix of confusion, disgust, and anger.

"Sorry, sweetcheeks. I didn't want you to find out this way." Valentino frowned.

"What the fuck do you want with her, Valentino?" Alastor demanded.

"Why, Radio Demon... All I wanted was another Employee." Valentino smirked while taking a step forward. "What do you say, (Y/N)? Why don't you come work for me?"

"I-" Alastor began.

"Well, Mister Moth." You interrupted Alastor, making him give you a confused glance. "Considering the fact that you lied to me about who you were, I'm gonna have to say... No."

"Hmm... I don't like that answer." Valentino took another step forward and placed a long black finger under your chin, tilting it upwards. "How about I change your m-" He was cut off by a loud think and him falling to the ground. You looked behind the fallen demon to see Alastor, microphone-staff raised.

"Sorry, Darling. You just looked like you were uncomfortable." Alastor chuckled.

"Thank ya, Al!" You smiled.

"No problem! Now you go make yourself some breakfast and I'll get rid of Valentino!"

"You killed him?!" You looked at Alastor with shock.

"No, No! I just am throwing his sleeping self back in hell!" Alastor took a step back from Valentino and began to trace a pentagram on the floor. Once he was finished, a portal opened to which he threw Valentino in. "Bye, Pimp!"

"Dang." You looked at the portal as it closed. "Cool."

"Quite so, my dear! Now why don't we get you home?"


You ran into your house, flinging yourself onto the couch. "MY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, I MISSED YOU!" You sighed as you snuggled into said couch.

"Well, goodbye darling!" Alastor announced as he began to once again create the pentagram on your floor with his staff.

"Bye Al!" You waved to him before pulling out your phone and watching TikTok.

Whoa, that person has cool hair... Like! Your train of thought was interrupted by angry muttering by the door. "Alastor?" You asked, turning your head to the angry mumbles.

"Sorry, (Y/N), but it appears my portals aren't working... probably due to that moth..." His voice trailed off as he descended into thought.

"You can stay here if you want until your portals work again." You offered, closing tiktok and putting your phone back in your pocket.

"No... I wouldn't want to impose on you." Alastor chuckled.

"You wouldn't be, as long as you helped around the house." You grinned mischievously.

"Well..." Alastor paused.


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