Chapter 1

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Three years later after the battle of Hogwarts~

The majority of the people are still sadden by the loss of many Hogwarts student. The night of May 2nd 1998, still very vivid in my head. Some nights I wake up from nightmares I have, people agonizing in pain and others crying for the people they've lost that night.

The I lost my friend Fred Weasley and my aunt Vinda. It's been really hard for his family. Especially for George loosing his own twin brother and friend.

Lucky I was able to get my siblings out before the war even started. If it wasn't for Matteo who finally at the end knew that all this was wrong. Then I don't think I would still have them with me still.

So much has changed after the war. Matteo is still serving time in prison. He got charged with 10 years but for his good conduct these three years, they've lowered it down to 5 years. Every chance I get to see him, I'm glad that he did the right thing for himself . I know that after he gets out we will make up for loss time but it will all be worth it at the end.

During the three years the Malfoy's were living with me and they were happy that things have cooled down and are able to move in back to their Manor in a couple of weeks. It wasn't bad living with them at all and I though it would bring problems but it never did. Everyone got along just fine.

After the war a couple of student came back to finish the year of their studies they lost. I wasn't one of those student because well thanks to the cursed necklace I  was able to keep me on top of my studies while I was home. Some decide to just go to work and others decided to take a year off, after all nobody was in the right state of mind to even think about school.

Harry and Ron became Auror's just like me, currently Harry is my head auror. Hermione is now working in the ministry of magic and I'm glad that they didn't use the break in we made years ago against us.

The Parkinson sisters disappered after the war and I've been trying to find them but haven't had an luck at all. Their parents won't say a thing of where they've gone, but I hope they are doing well. Maybe someday I'll see them again. Especially Pansy, I want to know whats become of her now.

The Zabini brother's have visted us often and started their normal lives like everyone else. Everyone is just trying to put behind what happened that night but it's been nearly impossible for any of us. Most of us put up an act to cover up our hurtful experinece.

Theodore and Owen are the ones in charge of the illusion society while I'm out working. But other than that I sometimes join forces with them when I'm really stuck on an investigation.

Someone knocks on my desk, "ash down to earth." Micah puts down the picture frame I have of my group of friends.

I look up at Micah, "I'm here." I said in a sing song voice.

Micha places a could folders on my desk, "I want to know if you recognize any of these people. This happened two nights ago." I look at the picture and see a couple men dress in black standing in front of a couple dead bodies.

I look through more and see the list of the bodies that were recognized. "The majority are from the ministry and only two are aurors." I look over at the picture once again but there's nothing much to see since the men's faces are covered up.

I put the papers down and look at Micah, "have you checked where these people have been the last few days?."

Micha nods and reaches over to grab a list of each victim's last movements. "They've been in the U.S."

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