Chapter 10

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I close the door behind me and slip my wand in my back pocket. "Alright, Jack just help me remove these books. I know it's in here somewhere."

"Blondie, I got this." Jack pulls over a chair. "Just sit back and relax."

I groan out in frustration. "No!." I snap at him. "Now help me find what my brother set us out to do." Jack let's go of the chair and starts roaming around the room.

I go toward the desk and start opening drawers. Nothing but just stacks of papers. Swim thing catches my eye on top of the table. I grab the picture frame, I'm in the picture with people I don't even recognize.

I see a platinum blond hair boy with blue eyes with his arms around me. A very tall dark skinned boy, in which he has his arm around a girl with short brown hair. We are all are wearing the same green colored uniforms, with a robe. "This is very strange...."

"What is?." Jack says looking over at me.

I set the picture frame down. "The fact that whoever's office this is has a very good way of hiding things."

"Well your brother has high hopes for us." Jack pulls out a book and it reveals a safe.

"Oh my..." I chuckle towards Jack. "I guess you are some use." Jack gives me a playful offended look. I give him a small punch on his shoulder. "Great now let's just open it and get out of here."

Jack removes more books and frowns. "Code." He looks at me like waiting for me to tell him what it is.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know?."

Alarms go off and we turn to look at each other with eyes wide open. "Well now would be a good time to figure it out." Jack says sternly. Jack start to spin the nozzle to figure out if he can get the safe to open with random numbers.

As second passed by, I felt like this wasn't getting anywhere now. "Jake let me try." I push through and try to see what I can come up with.

The door to the office slams open and two aurors stand at the entrance. "Get down!." A tall black haired young boy shouts at us.

I pull out my wand quickly and flick it to make the man knock backwards. But instead it sent the young girl out to the hallway. The guy moved out of the way to quickly. "I got it." Jake says as he makes his way towards the guy.

I started to panic at the fact I couldn't get the safe to open. So I did want I thought it was best. Blow up the damn thing. I take a couple steps back, 'bombardo'. I lift up my arm to cover my face from all the book that just flew out. "Okay I got it!." I quickly run over and grab the black suit case.

Someone gets ahold of my arm and I look over to see the same tall dark skinned guy from the picture. I punch him in the stomach with my other free hand and kick him back. I don't know who this guy is or why I'm in the same picture as him, or why in the world is that picture in this room.

"Ashley!." I snap my head at none other than fuckin Riddle. I feel my blood boil at just seeing him in front of me. "Please listen to me."

"I dont listen to anyone, not even a riddle." I swing at him but I miss. I reach for my arm with my free hand and it gets knocked out before I can put it to good use on him. "Asshole!." I say pissed off that he had knocked it out of my hands.

I bring the suit case up high and slam it down at him. I gotta admit it I felt good doing that. Riddle tumbles over and trips, causing him to land right on the floor.

"We gotta get going guys, but it was fun while it lasted." Jake says to the two guys and the girl he took on. My am I utterly impressed with Jake.

Jake grabs my arm and we walk towards the entrance but there's this other guy. The platinum blonde haired guy that's in the picture, is right in front of me.

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