Chapter 6

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I sit there looking at the blank tv. Just moments ago I watch everything unfold. I saw Ashley fall of the cliff and into the waterfall. We all saw.

The phone starts to ring and I stand up to reach it but Draco beats me to it. "This is the...Grindelwald home." I see him hold onto the phone tightly and his face expression changes into an angry one. Draco just hangs up.

Ever since the broadcast reporter and family friends have been calling in. I don't think the phone has ever stop ringing since then.

Max and Ryker walk inside. "It's crazy outside." Max says while holding up the curtain just a little bit to get another look outside.

Mrs.Malfoy rushes over and puts the curtain back and scolds Max for it. "There's a reason I put these down."

"Ethan, it's only a matter of time the kids figure out what happened to Ash." Ryker sounds upset as he leans on the wall and looks at the table we have filled of family and friend pictures.

I stand up and look at everyone in the room. " I have it under control."

My girlfriend Serenity comes inside with Owen and Theodore. Serenity closes the door, "there's... so much mail coming through everywhere and the phones throughout the house keep ringing non stop." She says almost out of breath.

Owen gives me a sheepish smile. "We've rotated a couple times with the other illusion members, I don't think we can keep going like this any longer."

Ryker gets off the wall. "So that's your way of keeping things under control?."

"I'm trying." I gritted my teeth together.

Theodore crosses his arms. "Hiding in here isn't going to work. At this point just give the press what they want."

"And what can they possibly want?." I ask.

Mrs.Malfoy gets another glimpse outside and then looks over at me. "They want to know what will happened next and how you all feel." She closes them and walks over to me. "If a member of the family doesn't go out to speak to the public." She points out to the crowd of reports and paparazzi. "They will be in charge to come up with rumors or anything crazy to make you talk."

" I don't know! Now you kids run off." Lucius says out loud in the hallways. The doors open and he walks inside, slamming the door shut.

"Lucius?." Mrs.Malfoy says as if she didn't expect him to be here this early from his court hearing.

"Young man, I've heard what all this fuzz is about. And those kids will figure it out very soon." Lucius cold eyes are on me.

Micha opens the door slightly and pokes his head inside and points to the phone. "My uncle is on the line."

I walk over to the table and pick up the phone. "Cornelius?."

"Son come to the ministry as soon as possible." He sounds very concerned and hangs up immediately. I rush over to the coat rack and put it on quickly.

"What's going on?." Mrs.Malfoy seems to be concerned over my sudden rush.

"I need to go to the ministry." I say before rushing out.

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