Chapter 8

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It's been two days since the bombs went off. There's been a couple rumors of Ashley going rogue. Which I just can't believe them as she warned us last minute. If I wasn't for her warning...things could've been much worse. I felt happiness to see her face again to see she's alive but not I'm back to feel nothing but just leaving me wondering if she could still be alive and well.

It was hard to see her on tv for just a couple of minutes. Ashley didn't have her long black hair, her eyes doesn't hold happiness nor is there color on her face. Around her eyes is a purple-ish color, as it look like she hasn't even closed her eyes for a mere seconds to rest. Her pale skin, it like her soul is being sucked right out of her.

I was transported alongside with her siblings back to the manor. We were only given so little time to just relax and after that we were sent underground with the illusionist.

Owen and my brother Theodore were trying to figure out where Ashley could be. Though it didn't take long as Adrestia had sent a letter hours before we even got her. I was told that the letter is actually an invitation to the acolytes very first meeting. Which is tomorrow night, in Paris.

But my brother suggested to not feel tempted to go as we can no longer trust Adrestia, nor can we just show up to a place we aren't sure what twisted turns it will have for us.

Owen on the other hand says we should take the chances and if this invitation is to be true, then to take the time to bring Ashley, August and Alex back. But if we are set up for a trap then we are to retreat and do nothing else anymore.

I say either way we have nothing to lose, but that's not up to me. Tonight they will take this into vote. If the illusionist agree with Owen's plan than they will also take in consideration of who will be going along.

Pansy takes a seat next to me at the lunch table. I look at her as she takes a bite out of her red apple. "There's plenty of other seats." I snarl at her. To me she's never been a very pleasant human being. She's such a stuck up brat. But I always contained myself of saying anything to her when I found out she's friends with Ashley.

Pansy sets her apple down. "You never liked me huh?."

"Was it not obvious?." I raise an eyebrow.

Pansy nods. "No it was but why?."

I put my fork down and look at her. "we'll for starters it's like your parents worshipped you for being the only daughter to have an alliance with..." I stop. I haven't even mentioned my father since that fatal day.

Pansy looks over at her sisters that are seated at the table not far from us. "I had to...they left me with all weight, I'm friends with Draco. The Malfoy's are the most respected families between purebloods. So what else could I possibly do?."

I cringe as the word, purebloods rolls off her tongue. I can't even bare to hear the word even today, even after what happened, even after those who were died to defend those who aren't. "Done the same things your sisters did." I said as if it's so easy like that. But I was once in her place and so was Theodore and Sebastian.

Pansy let's a small laugh. "My parents would've have me killed than to ran off just like them. It happened twice they wouldn't have let it happened a third time."

"What happened that night?." I say changing the subject. Pansy gives me a blank look. "That night where did you and your sisters go?."

Pansy picks up her apple and I put her arm down before she can take another bite out of it. "Pansy?."

Pansy sighs. "I...was scared and I ran away like coward. My sisters followed me and we fled to Canada with my aunt."

"Did it help?." I ask out of curiosity.

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