Chapter 7

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After what seemed for awhile, Matteo finally accepted the reality of things. Thought I can't be on good terms with him but that didn't stop me from feeling sorry for him. But it just bugs me that Ashley can even be with a guy like him.

Ashley's a wonderful lady, even though all the things she's had to bypass she's still strong and smart. For that I admire her. I would be lying if I also didn't include myself to the group of people who thought Ashley is always up to no good, due to her families reputation. Yet Ashley was able to shut us all up.

Matteo on the other hand, I can't stand him. Him and his stupid anger issues always gets the best of him. Worst of all he the son the Voldemort. I don't understand how he is still breathing. But my uncle told me that all wrongs will catch up to someone sooner or later.

"Alright everyone in the office." Mr.Irwin pulls a group of us inside the office with Ethan and Matteo.

I go inside and lean on the wall behind me, I'm starting to feel tired and I really need some coffee. I notice that besides my team, agent Sanders comes in too. There's just something off about this guy. It gets my attention that no aruors are coming besides Harry and Ron. But then  Ryker, Max, Theodore, Sebastian, Draco, Blasie. "Uncle why are they here?." I look down at my uncle Cornelius.

My uncle looks at me with the corner of his eye and directs his sight on each of them, "we are about to find out."

Sanders goes over to the counter and grabs a couple folders. As the boys settle down in their seat he puts down a folder in front of them. "here you'll have each a file in which contains a list of names, you are all very good friends with her and who better to find out her enemies."

They boys look at one another and open the file at the same time. "Here on the board are the people we have our eyes on at the moment. In which you have all made contact with." Mr. Iwrin shows the board. I almost let my jaw fall open when I see a picture of Adrestia. "I see your surprise Mr.Fudge." He tilts his head.

"Well yes why would the ministry have their eyes set on my girlfriend?." I clench my jaw to hold back my anger.

Sanders clears his throat. "What Mr.Iwrin is trying to explain to everyone here is that we can no longer trust anyone beyond out these door of the ministry. Nor are we to speak of this beyond these doors of the ministry." Sanders sends stern eyes to Ron. "Strictly confidential."

Ron gulps. "Yes sir."

"We can't afford more mistakes." Mr.Iwrin growls.

"And we also can afford more lives being lost." A short black haired girl with hazel eyes walks inside with two other girls behind her. They almost look alike. If I'm not wrong these three are the Parkinson sisters.

"Pansy?." Draco stands up in disbelief and rushes over to hug the small girls who just came in.

"Parkinson's sorry to cut your mission short but I thought it's best to have your help here instead." Mr. Irwin gives them a warm smile.

The tallest girl hands a file to Mr.Irwin. "It's fine, we weren't really getting anything at the moment."

The middle girl walks over to them. "Plus we thought if we can have a word with you outside before starting this."

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