chapter one goodbye to my friend story

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GOODBYE TO MY FRIEND STORY is being PUBLISHED on November 10th, 2021! This will be show and a movie. It will remain on Wattpad as long as possible. It will be on hard cover, there be nine series of the book.
Hi there, my name is Lilly, this is my story. I'm 15 years old and I live in Seattle, Washington. And I'm secretly in love with my best friend Lorenzo. My parents have been divorced since I was little. I have three brothers Mason, Matthew and Eddie. And I have four good friends Lorenzo, Brian, Ben and Sophia; we have been friends for like forever.
When I was around 5 years old, I met Lorenzo. We met at school, I was all alone, at the playground.
Lorenzo came up to me and greeted, "Hi."
I replied, "Hi"
"Do you want to play with us?" Lorenzo  offered.
"Yeah," I exclaimed.
I will always remember that outfit Lorenzo was wearing, because it was a silly outfit. We have  friends ever since that day.
Two years later I met my other best friend, Sophia. We were at the park, but we didn't know each other even though we went to the same school. Lorenzo and I were playing, and it was fun.
Sophia's mom was yelling at her in Spanish "Ven aquí ahora." It means "get over here now."
Yeah, she was in trouble because she wasn't supposed to go to the park, but her sister took her anyways.
Sophia argued, "Fue María quien me llevó aquí." It means, "It was Maria who took me here."
And then I stood up next to her and defended her, "Tiene razón, no debería meterse en problemas si no fuera culpa suya," which means, "She's right. She shouldn't get in trouble. It wasn't her fault." "Qué me dices?" Sophia's mom asked me. That means, "what did you say to me."
I shouldn't have said anything; I know not to mess with a Hispanic mom. Then my mom rushed over and apologized, "Lo siento mucho por ella." That means, "I'm so sorry about her."
I was in trouble, I knew it.
"No, vale, entiendo, mi hija también actúa así," Sophia's mom laughed. That means, "No it's ok, I understand. My daughter acts like that, too."
That's when I knew Sophia and I were going to be friend for a long time.  Pretty much ever since that day I was friends with her.
Let's begin my story. My alarm rang. "Sweetheart get ready for school!" my mom called.
"Ok mom" I said.
I usually don't like getting up for school. But I have to I run downstairs because I know there's probably not gonna be any food. Because I live with three boys, there is no food like I suspected.
"Mom is there any more food?" I asked.
"Don't worry niña there's some food over here. I made some more eggs and beans" My mom reassured.
"Ok, thank you mom" I replied.
The doorbell ring I went to the door to see who it was, and it was Lorenzo.
"Hey Lilly"  Lorenzo greeted me.
"Hey Lorenzo come in" I invited him in.
Eddie rolled his eyes, and asked rudely, "What are you doing here? Aren't you rich or something, don't you have a chef?"
"Don't be rude" I scolded Eddie.
"It's ok, but your mom's food is better" Lorenzo smiled.
You're so annoying Eddie. You're the one that still lives here, you're already 24 years old" I rolled my eyes.
"I moved back in because I need to save my money like a real man does" Eddie defended himself.
Mason mocked him, "A real man would have his own house"
"Shut up" Eddie spoke angrily.
"Ok, ok." Mason turned to me, "Why are you always defending your boyfriend?"
"Right" Eddie agreed.
  Lorenzo laughed.
"Shut up" I shushed Eddie.
After we were done eating went to the hospital to visit my friend, Ben.
Let me tell you how me and Ben met. Our moms knew each other for a long time. Me and my mom went to their house because Ben's mom was sad, because she didn't know what was wrong with Ben and he was getting sicker every day. He got sick when he was only 7, we met when I was 9.

I visit him almost every day me and ben got know each other more. And one day when he was 12 he got a fever really bad. And his mom took him to the emergency room. Then they told her he had cancer. He's been in the hospital ever since then, and I felt so sad for him.

Back to story.
"Hi Ben" I greeted him sadly.
"Hi Lilly" Ben replied, "How are you?"
I answered, "I'm good, you?"
"I'm good" Ben smiled sadly, and he yawned.
Ben seemed more tired and sad since the last time we saw him. I hoped that it wasn't anything serious.
I turned towards the door, sad to have to leave, "We've got to go, we just wanted to say hi."
"Ok have good a day" Ben waved goodbye.
"You too" I walk to the door, "We will come back later"
Ben yawns, closing his eyes "Ok, see you later."
So, when got to school, this girl named Emma was annoying me. She'd been taunting me since the first grade.
Emma looked at me, laughing "Ew your outfit ugly, estupida niña." Estúpida niña means stupid girl.
"I don't want to fight you. I'm not a stupid girl to be fighting with you. God. sometimes you're so annoying" I told her.
Lorenzo laughed, and Emma just walked away and said nothing.
"Hi girly" Sophia greeted cheerfully.
"Hi" I replied, happy to see my best friend.
"So did you hear?" Sophia whispered to me.
"Hear what?" I inquired.
"Logan is single" Sophia giggles.
"No way" I gasped dramatically, trying to sound interested "He's single?"
"Yes" Sophia confirmed.
"Really, that's cool" I spoke dully.
"What, you don't care? You've been wanting to be with him forever" Sophia raised her eyebrows, confused.
"No, I mean yeah, a month ago yes, but I think I like someone else" I explained to her.
I'm talking about Lorenzo, let me tell you, I like Lorenzo. I have been having more feelings for him lately.
"Who?" Sophia asked, very interested.
"No one important" I nervously smiled.
"Yeah, I'd like to know that myself"  Lorenzo chuckled.
"Me too" Brian giggled.
"Gosh it's nobody important, ok?" I blushed, because Lorenzo was right there.
The bell rung, and class started. Me and Lorenzo were texting in class.
So, who do you like? Lorenzo texted me.
Nobody I texted back.
Come on you can tell me! Lorenzo texted.
"Miss Diaz what are you doing?" My teacher asked.
"Uhh... I'm looking at my schedule for school" I lied.
"Do that on your own time Miss Diaz" My teacher looked at me, annoyed.
"Ok I will" I nervously replied.
Then Dylan laughed.
After school we went to the hospital, me and Lorenzo were waiting in the waiting room.
"I need to tell you something Lorenzo, and it might change everything" I told him anxiously.
"What is it, Lilly?" Lorenzo asked.
"I think I have feelings for you" I spoke carefully.
Lorenzo smiled and he kissed me, and I kissed him back.  Lorenzo smiled, and he grabbed my face and he kissed me. His lips were so soft and wet, and I kissed him back. Though I was nervous, it felt great, and it was my first kiss with Lorenzo .
"I'll be back, I'm going to check if we can see Ben now" I got up awkwardly, still surprised from the kiss.
"Oh, ok" Dylan replied, also a bit nervous from our kiss.
And then I overheard the doctor saying that saying that Ben is going to die, very soon. I started crying. No way. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating, it felt as if it was going 100 miles per hour.
"What did you say?" I asked, in shock.
The nurse didn't know what to say to me, "Please go wait in the waiting room"
I continued crying, and  Lorenzo asked me, "What's wrong?"
I didn't want to tell him, so I said, "I feel so bad for Ben."
"Don't worry Ben going be ok."  Lorenzo said.
"We need to get his favorite food and his favorite game and be with him every second" I said, and more tears fell down my face, my face was red at this point.
"Hey, it's ok we can leave right now and surprise him!" Lorenzo reassures me.
"Yeah, that sounds good" I said softly, wiping my tears.
Then we left to get burgers, his favorite food, as well as chess and connect four, his favorite games. Sophia stayed at the hospital with Ben, we went to the store and got his favorite game and his favorite food. 
When we got back to the hospital, I went to Ben's room.
"Hey Ben" I looked at him painfully, not believing that he could really be dying.
Ben smiles, "Hey Lilly, oh you got me food and games! Can I talk to you alone Lilly?"
"Yeah ok, I'll wait in the hall  Lorenzo said."
"We will too" Sophia said.
"What wrong?" I asked him.
Ben looked at me knowingly, "I know you know."
"What?" I questioned.
"That I'm going to die soon" Ben looks at me sadly.
"No, you're not! They don't know what they're talking about" I deny.
"Lilly, they do" Ben sighs.
"No, they don't because they don't know you're strong" I argued with him, but at this point I was just arguing with myself.
Ben tries to comfort me, "I know, but the best of us die and it's no one's fault"
"No, no, no! I refuse, you're not going to die!" I yell, but deep down I know the truth.
I break down on the floor.
"It's ok, it's ok" Ben speaks reassuringly, tearing up, "I love you Lilly"
"I love you too" I kept on crying.
A couple hours later, the nurse said visiting times are over. I went home, and I couldn't stop crying,

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