Episode 14 me and Andrew story

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hi guys welcome back I am really scared for today's episode because everything is crazy, and you'll see why, after my dad talk to me I talk to Andrew, I think I want to be with you, what me? yes! Then we immediately start kissing, The hottest thing ever, he started taking it talking off my Clothes, then we went to my room at the hospital, yes the grossest place to sleep together, I can't do it here I kind of want it special and this is just gross, you're right I'm going put back my clothes, do you want to go on a date with me? Andrew asked, yeah, when we got home it felt weird but I mean I was in a concussion for a week, I'm in a concussion for a week Havnt I, wait how do you know that Dylan said, I told you and told ben told me, how Lilly he's dead, he right you wouldn't believe me,
just forget it it's fine, I'm sorry I wish I knew we were talking about, no it's OK it's not a big deal, you know I'm OK right everyone? Yeah but it's weird you were in a concussion, Yeah because I had a choice to live or die! I'm Take her back to the hospital Andrew said, no I said I'm fine, are you sure? Dylan said yeah I'm ok! I was considering a lot what  Dylan said is that why I had been kissing him, behind Dylan's back, I don't know did I choose Andrew, it was all confusing, but I really still like Dylan so I didn't know, Everything feels so different I feel different, well, Lily are you sure you're OK you're supposed to have side effects of what happened, yeah I'm totally fine I already told you what happened, mmm Andrew can I talk to you, ok sure is this about me and Lily, no I don't want to talk about that, ok what's wrong? I think Lilly is telling truth! You believe her, Andrew not want to lose like she had lied, is that really true, He was talking about the whole situation with me and Andrew, OK I mean things like this shut up,  Are you jealous because you told her you like someone else, no You wouldn't understand, Hey so what should I play starting did I miss it, they changed it to next week, thank God like seriously think God, Lilly my best friend and I know her well that she wouldn't lie about this, she wouldn't? yep! Dylan this not possible for this to even happen, yes it is And I just trust Lilly and I believe in her, How would she know she was in a coma for a week, how is she not sick, she Acts like nothing happened, for god sake's Andrew she fell from a high place and fell on something hard how could she survive that, that's a really good point then how, you guys believe me, this might be bad, But if it was meant to happen it was meant to happen, see I'm not crazy, how was ben Dylan said, he wanted me to leave, but you wanted to stay there forever, yeah but he's right he doesn't have what I have, he didn't have the choice, I had to consider a lot of things I don't know if I like Andrew I mean I did but it's does it feel right, I didn't know is that why I kept kissing him I don't know, He had asked me on a date and I just said yeah, I didn't say I would love too, I wasn't tired at all, It felt so weird, so are you ok? Sophia asked yep better than ever actually, so god really help you, you believe it too, yeah you don't lie and why would I call my best friend a liar, I don't know, you're really ok Brian asked no blurry vision No throwing up, no I'm really fine, yeah so leave her alone, woah what's wrong? I said it's nothing he just being annoying, right so why was in a coma a lot of things have happened, Brian and Sophia were really on bad terms, you know Brian said to ben that he likes Sophia sister, Sophia found Brian and Sophia's sisters room, Sophia sister is a year younger than all us, but she hates idea of her sister dating, so then Eddie knows where Preston is and he's planning on go soon he just waited a while because I've been in a coma for a week and so many things happened, my dad and his girlfriend I still totally fine I still hate I can't tell my dad, I never seen him like someone so much, i'm living for Ben and I promised him I would do better, and I would do anything for ben, I just felt really different, Sophia stay the night, I totally felt fine god really helped me, I couldn't stop thinking about  everything that happened it Felt like I was dead honestly, Andrew didn't specify when he want to go on a date, but whatever I usually like that but whatever, Andrew and Dylan stayed downstairs, Brian went home, Dylan was thinking he hates the fact we broke up and he hates that I am with his brother, Andrew! Yeah! Give me to treat Lilly right or else, what are you gonna do about it little brother and I will never do anything to hurt her, you say that with every girl you date, then you end up hurting them, well Lilly is different than all of them, you said that about Cassie, don't ever mention my name again I didn't hurt her she left me, whatever you do that to every girl and I swear you ever hurt Lilly I will hurt you, I'm so scared Calm down Dylan, what's going on Eddie asked? Me and my brother having a disagreement what are you doing still up? I'm still trying to find Preston and is this about Lilly? Yeah, OK I don't wanna hear it Dylan can I talk to you alone, you can't really let him take her, me Lilly broke up there's nothing I can do, I hope you're making the right decision, my brother did not like the idea of me and Andrew, and he didn't like That two boys are at my house, I thought about if I don't like Andrew I thought about my future with Andrew, Andrew is going off to college and I'm going to still be in school, and long distance doesn't work, I was trying to get to know him a little better, as well to see if I really do like him,But I would have to think about it, It was hard sleeping because I couldn't sleep kept on thinking about me and Andrew I went downstairs to get water, hi Andrew said, oh hey! So I didn't tell you when I wanted to go on a date, I can't believe he even knew I was thinking about that, you want to do it tomorrow night? Andrew ask sure, OK good night he said good night. I end up falling asleep, and then the next morning I woke up, and brush my teeth and my hair, then I jumped on the bed Sophia Sophia wake up, No, come on today it's gonna be Great day I can just feel it, fine I'll get up! After that we went downstairs, Good morning Lilly! Andrew and Dylan and my dad said good morning and everyone else, Good morning I thought you guys left already, It was my dad Riley, Andrew, Dylan everything was so overwhelming, so I ran out, you guys are overwhelming her Eddie said, yeah she's already stressed out enough my mom said, I went to Ben grave was so overwhelmed by everyone I mean I was happy that everyone was there except for Riley of course but it was ok and then I felt push down, hi Ben I wish I didn't leave I'm glad I left but without you it hurts, Dylan knew where I was, hi you ok? Dylan asked i'm fine I'm just overwhelmed and I don't know what to do, well you're overwhelmed because he just came out of a coma, you were gone for a week you feel weird it's normal he said, he's was right, I hugged him can you the only person that checks on me, I still like Dylan but he liked someone else, and as hard as it is I think I made the wrong decision, my grandma said I have to listen to my heart it's telling me to go to Dylan, I choose Dylan I didn't know how to tell him and I didn't want to break Andrews heart, because he would be so sad, I love him so much and I can't do that to him, Deep inside I was hurting so bad I couldn't tell anyone, not even my best friend I know that sounds horrible what a horrible thing is, I made it seem like I like Andrew, I could try talking to my brothers and seeing what advice they have, I know my family will always help me in the end, I think deep inside I really liked him, and I don't know how to tell him, and The last thing I want to do is ruin my friendship with Andrew, my feelings are not as strong as me and Dylan, Dylan been my friend like forever let me just tell you, he always took my side no matter what, I actually think I am going to tell Sophia I feel because she is my best friend, we should go Somewhere after breakfast, okay I smiled, I would love too but I need to talk to my parents about something,  is everything ok yes Um I really didn't know what to say, it's ok you don't need to tell me, ok I better get going how about we hang out a little later, ok bye he said, I got home and I asked Andrew and Riley to leave, all right see you tonight, see you tonight I said it was a family meeting and I didn't want her there, she is family why is a problem my dad said, if Lilly want her to leave she should leave is there a problem? my mom said no sorry Riley have to leave my dad said but I don't want to leave Riley said, just wait in the car, fine she rolled her eyes, right like I was saying I need your guises help, with what? Eddie asked, I don't think I like Andrew, what? Sophia said but you ran away with him, he just wanted to come with me and I let him, I really like Dylan, but you're not gonna cancel your date, it's complicated I don't want to break his heart, Lilly if you lie to him it's gonna hurt more Matthew said, I know that's why I don't know what to do, I say you should go on the date my dad said, I have to see if I really like him see I have to make sure I don't like him, I have to make sure I'm making the right decision if I'm not gonna crash one of them, Lilly you had to figure out what you want not they what mason said, they were so right, That's I'm going on this date! I don't know what to do and I was so confusing again, maybe next time never be in a love triangle again, yes take advice love triangles are the worst, you have to break one heart, it will train your life forever. After my family meeting, we went out for breakfast, can't stop thinking about everything, I miss Ben I wish I stayed with him, what would you guys like today? Lilly everyone ordered except you! Oh sorry I'll have French toast please, ok and is that all for everyone, yes my dad said, Riley join us by the way I don't like her, Lilly I was wondering if you wanna have a spa day with me, I am busy today, no you're not Mason said, Well I have a date later of course we can do it right now if you want after eat, I think that would be good my dad said, yeah if you were me you wouldn't think it was good, I do not wanna go anywhere with her, but dad Ohh we can get your hair done for a date, and I will pay for everything my dad said, fine after we ate we left I'm a just tell you how much I hate her, I'm only giving her a second Chance because my dad, so what are you doing for your hair? She asked me in the car, I'm going get it styled! Cool! All right question why are you trying to do this? You don't even like me, what I have never said that! I mean the past is the past Lily let's just forget it, well don't wanna forget it you're a selfish bitch and I'll never like you you're a Gold-digger you only care about yourself and when you're hurt my dad again everyone will see your true colors, she didn't talk to me the whole way, I really feel bad what I said but she is a bad person, when we got there she said tell them what you want, I could still tell she is still mad at me, my nails done and my hair styled, ok and how about you miss The lady said, oh my nails painted thank you, all right take a seat and will be right with you, I was first to go up and she asked me how do you want your hair styled I would like a messy bun, perfect and then after will do your nails, OK she did my hair really nice, I literally loved my messy bun, thank you so much! you are so welcome! all right let's start your nails, what design would you like, I would like pink short nails, OK well she doing my nails I felt so bad what I said to Riley I decided I was going to apologize, after she was done I said thank you again, you're welcome have a nice day, you too! I went to sit right next to Riley she decided to do her hair as well, hey! She didn't say anything, you know the nerve so if you kid I don't care what you think you're just a spoiled brat and you're a real bitch, I don't care your dad believe you he's just gonna think you want to break it up again, excuse me? You Heard me! Oh hell no Who the hell do you think you are thanking you can walk into my life and say that to me, i'm the youngest of my family youngest always goes first so what if I'm spoiled my family cares about me more than anything, and they're going to believe me, you're a grown ass woman and I'm not gonna fight with you I'm leaving, with what car little girl, I'll get a ride, I called Brian and he said he would pick me up, hey! Oh hi Rose rose is Sophia little sister by the way, she 15 They are a year apart, Does Sophia I know you're here, you're not gonna tell Sophia right? Well I do  tell her everything, Lilly! I am joking geez lighten up, please don't tell my sister she thinks he a bad influence on me she said, he is you deserve better, shut up Lilly! What happen with Riley? Brian asked She said that my dad bring believe me what she says anymore, but my dad always believes me in the end, So I don't know who she's kidding, she's a real bitch Brian said, tell me about it,  she acts like i'm not going to tell my dad anything, you are going to tell him? Brian asked, of course I'm going to tell him I do not want them together she's a real bitch, and my dad deserves way better, I feel bad telling him, but he won't be a bad relationship, I rather be in a coma again then deal with her, Can you drop me off at my house? Yeah! After you drop me off at home my mom asked me how it went I told her I'll tell her later it's a long story, I went upstairs And I couldn't decide what I was wearing for my first date with Andrew, EMERGENCY everyone what's wrong? Eddie asked I cannot decide what to wear, are you serious you said emergency there's no emergency all you have to do is pick an outfit it's not that big of a deal, to me it is I said yes, it's her first date with Andrew and she wants it to be great my mom said, fine I'll take you shopping what about Preston? Right umm Mason take her, why can't you? Because I asked you to take her, I'm not paying, I'll pay  I know you don't have any money, whatever let's go Lilly yay thanks Brother, you're welcome now go, my brothers are so sweet, we got to the mall I found a black shirt and a plaid skirt, found the perfect outfit let's go, okay my Brother said, we got home And a couple hours went by it was seriously almost time for my date so I got ready, I was so nervous, I really wanted to give him a chance because what if I made the decision of being with Dylan and I wanted to be with Andrew I don't know, at Andrews house he's saw Dylan he was getting ready he was putting on his tie, mmm you're going on a date, in fact I am Dylan said wow how can you get over Lily that fast, Mind your own business he rolled his eyes, after that my brother called me down Lilly he is here! Coming! Wow you look beautiful Andrew said, oh thank you you look great too! Lilly how about you outside for a little I need to talk to Andrew, he's doing it again mom, it's fine honey just let him talk to him but be nice Eddie my mom said, OK I will try i'll go wait outside, don't make her wait long, I want our your attention on my sister, we are just going out to eat that's it, you do anything to her I will kill you, ok geez! You have to act more respectful or You will not go on a date with her, your a bad boy you're a troublemaker, I was like this in school, I wasn't a good kid I was always with different girls,I broke their hearts but if you ever break her heart I will kill you, what Change realize I can't be immature like that but always I was
Hmm respectful for girls, and I wanted to be something when I grew up I realize I can't be like that, and look at me now I'm successful, OK I will totally respect your sister she is amazing, The only way we will break up if she breaks up with me, she probably will she sees how you act, Ha very funny, see I don't see what's funny? Are you done I just want to go on my date, yeah better watch yourself Andrew, calm down I said, OK you ready, yes let's go before he makes you stay, we got into his car he open the doors for me, we you get to a restaurant, and they asked me what I want it mass potatoes and steak and to drink ma'am, water please, i'll have the same with some wine, he's under age, of course I knew that I would think I would give a kid wine, you're funny! Lighten up Lilly it was a joke, you actually drink so it's not a joke, I thought we were on a date, I'm sorry but just forget about it, don't say sorry I wasn't your fault, why can see I don't like him, all night I was super miserable, hi are you ok, yeah after we were done he was trying to kiss me, you I don't want to kiss me? It's not that it's our first date even through before our first date you kissed me, well I'm tired then why do I take you home, I thought today was gonna be good after he took me home he said sorry it still didn't make it better, it's OK, have a good night you too, what happened it was pretty horrible, really it was that bad yeah but don't make a big deal, Andrew you made her have a bad time, I said it's OK can you just come inside, you had a bad time? No I didn't he's just dramatic, it was it fun, ok good I'll see you tomorrow, bye why did you say something, because I don't like how you treated you, sadly I didn't feel anything on the date we did talk but it's not the same as doing I know what I'm going to do now to be continued....

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