Episode 16 I love you story/kidnap story

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welcome back today I'm going to be telling Dylan how I feel I don't know how but I am, today was going to be a day I could feel it, But I need a plan to tell him so maybe by our lockers or lunch or after school, i'm really nervous I never told anyone I love them, I called Sophia, hi she said, hey girl, so Um guess what? What? She said, ok so um I love Dylan, omg really? She said, yeah I really love him, awww I'm so happy when are you telling him, today! wait doesn't he have a girlfriend? Yes but I need to tell him how I feel Dylan would never cheat, I already know him he's a good person unlike me so he probably won't forgive me but we'll just see, yeah I notice how Charlotte being a bitch, Yesterday she made a girl crying because she said that Marisa was fat Sophia said, that is so rude Marisa doesn't even look far, she Such a bitch I told you I said, I know I don't know how I didn't see it before, Well I'll see you at school bye love you I said love you too bye she said, I got ready and a plaid dress with high heels, I'm not really good in walking with High heel, but it's fine, I just got a walk down the stairs carefully, good morning! Eddie said good morning how's it going with Preston, He still after me but don't worry we will be OK, I know I was wondering can you help me downstairs? I asked you got to be really careful ok sure he said, thanks I almost fell but my brother didn't let me fall, I eat breakfast and then I asked my brother Eddie to take me to the DMV to get my driving test, after school, he said yeah sure why not, Mom took me to school and I walked in, and you're so weird everything felt so different, Andrew is still mad at me, he didn't want to look at me, The whole day was so boring oh and I kept up all of my homework, so I'm pretty much good and then I have a more but whatever school is almost over, I went to Dylan locker to tell him I felt, I saw dylan and Charlotte fighting, wait let me tell you what happened before the fight, it was a couple minutes before I started walking to the locker, I have a question Charlotte! he said Yes babe? She said did you text Lilly? He said, I don't know what you're talking about! Charlotte be honest did you were did you not text her, to come to the library, I didn't she said, Charlotte if you don't be honest I'm not going on a date with you tonight, fine I did but I just wanted to see if she had feelings for you still and turns out she did, are you serious why? Just because I don't need a reason she said, Lilly? So glad you came I need to talk to you, yeah I said, I was about to tell him but he said that, What's up? I'm so sorry Lilly turns out Charlotte did text you, i'm sorry I didn't believe you, oh so you had a conversation behind my back Charlotte said, it's OK and yeah did, I need to tell you something to Dylan, yeah what's up, I love you and I cannot stand not being with you I hate it I hate the feeling, oh hell no he my man Charlotte said! Charlotte we need to break up he said, I love you too he said I couldn't believe my eyes he just broke up Charlotte just like that, he kissed me, he took me to his house I had totally forgot about my driving test, but it was at 3:00 and it was 2:00, he kissed and we took off each other Clothes, then we slept together, after I have to go I said why? Umm I sort of have a driving test in a little while so I have to rush home, All right I'll see you later he said bye I smiled, ahhh omg I cannot believe it that I love you, someone grabbed my mouth and basically kidnapped me, back at my house my mom was wondering where I was she went to Dylan's to ask him if I was there? I already know what you guys are doing so I just want to know she's here? Lillys not here is everything ok? OK let's not Panic She probably want to see Sophia, she said she was coming straight to your house, what's wrong? Eddie said Yeah? Mason said, where is she Matthew said, my mom started crying I don't know stop, I'm gonna call Sophia's mom I'll be right back, Hola Verónica ¿Lilly está ahí? That means hi Veronica is Lily there No ¿Por qué? She said no why? porque no se donde esta, my mom said because I don't know where she is, está bien, sé que Lilly es una buena niña, estoy seguro de que está bien, It's OK I know Lily is a good kid i'm sure she's fine, she sad, Lo se pero necesito saber donde esta mi hija, my mom said I know but I need to know where my daughter is, she started crying more, Si no regresa en tres horas, llame a la policía y vea qué puede hacer Eddie al respecto. Sophia's mom said Is she's not back in three hours then call the cops And see what Eddie can do about that, he threw me in the car, turns out Preston was kidnapping me, what do you want with me? Don't flutter self where is the Diamond, are you serious like I know where that is I said, you're just an idiot girl, oh hell no you did not just say that! Deal with it I said it, only have you as a trap, and he told my mom there was nothing to do after 24 hours they can do a report, it's been 24 hours back at home my mom and everyone couldn't sleep because they were worried about me Dylan even stayed over my mom couldn't sleep so she went downstairs to ask Eddie is there anything we do to find Lilly? I know where she is? Really why didn't you say anything my mom said, because I just realized this is a trap Prestons trying to drag us in he'll kill Lilly if he has to Eddie said, what? If lays a hand on her Dylan said, you won't do anything, I will me and my brothers will Eddie said, can't you get a long for once Dylan said it's kind your fault she was at your House, and why was she at your house? Eddie asked its none of your business Dylan said oh hell no what is that supposed he tried beating him up, he a minor leave him alone my mom said, right I should be finding Lilly, I'll call the cops right in the morning wait I can't do anything until 24 hours I'll call them at three tomorrow, And I'll try to look for myself Eddie said are you crazy we don't know where Lilly, if we just stand here he's going to kill Lilly and I will not let that happen, you're crazy you're not going anywhere, you're not going anywhere good night my mom said mom end of discussion and For god sake's you don't know where he is, You're right I'll wait and have Lilly get killed, good night mom, how to sleep in his car and he got to the sleep in a nice RV, he tired me pretty good then it was so tight but I had an idea, I had a key it's to my house all my siblings get an extra key I tried cutting it for a long time but I didn't really go anywhere, Ben if you're hearing me I need your help, I end up falling asleep, he had my phone with him, good morning Preston said, ugh you're so annoying I said, come on I knew you had a crush on me he wink, eww do you know how old you are? I said yeah he said, I'm a minor I said calm down I don't want to be with you your totally hot but I don't need you, it was really about to be three so my mom called 911 911 what's your emergency? Hi my daughters been gone for 24hours, OK do you know where she might've went, no I have called all her friends and they don't know where she is at all, ok umm How old is she, 16 years old my mom said, her name Lilly Marie Diaz, We can put up missing flyers and will make sure your family is safe, OK thank you so much will send SPD to your location bye ma'am, bye! everyone was so worried about me, when the cops came they couldn't do anything so my brothers detective friends were We're trying to figure out where Preston was, my poor baby was gone all night, I wonder where she is! I came as fast as I can Sophia said Mason said Bebe um are you OK you're all sweaty, yeah I'm fine I just ran so far, where were you at the mall mason asked, it's just very hot today, any news about Lilly? No but I may know where they could be Eddie said, they probably already broke her phone, but we can get the last Location from her phone, That's a good idea Katie said, OK here you Portland Oregon that's where she is i've been here before, oh let's go find her Eddie said we don't know he has you're not going we got her location that's great but Katie said but what my sister is out there we have a chance to save her, we wait till we find the perfect moment to get him Eddie said, but going in with no plan it's the dumbest idea ever, if you guys are not gonna help then just leave Eddie said fine will go but you better not do anything dumb Katie said, I'm going Eddie said, no you're not you made them leave you have to wait for the right opportunity or he'll kill her, my mom said I know mom don't you think I know that what if he just kills her now, fine go make sure she's OK when you find her call me so I can call the cops and they can help you my mom said, i'm coming too Dylan said, Dylan you're just a kid you can get Hurt, I don't care but I wanna make sure Lillys OK too we're coming too My other two brothers said, you guys are not coming, Dylan can come for not you guys, we're in this as a family, we need to find Lilly first then we call the cops you guys stay here and make sure nothing happen make sure I don't lose my job, OK fine Matthew said, well Dylan and my brother left, in my brothers car, he exactly know where we are going, Remember that time I told you guys about Preston and how he became bad, we're going to the exact same spot it's in Oregon somewhere, but we were going in there, Katie didn't know exactly where we were going that's why she didn't want to go in yet, Where are we going? I said god if you don't shut up I'm a kill you Preston said geez OK fine I said I was sad because I was probably not gonna to see my family again, but then again I knew Eddie would find me, why Preston was going to the same spot in Oregon again somehow he would think my brother would hide it there, he knew my brother knew where I was he's leading him into a trap, he going to try to kill me, if Eddie doesn't give him the diamonds and he doesn't have The diamonds so I'm dead, sincerely my last story, I can't believe you  broke my phone right before he got me in the car he broke my phone, you're not gonna die it's just a phone Preston said, it's not just a phone it's basically my life I said, can't your boyfriend buy a new one? Preston said how do you know I have a boyfriend I said, I saw you two through your little boyfriends window he said, eww Sicko why were you watching us? I said I was waiting until you got out Preston said, you took a long time maybe I should tell your brother when he gets here Preston said, wait he's coming how do you know that? Oh because it A trap so I can get The diamond he said, wow that's really all you care about I said, shut up! He said, I was obviously scared, they got there it took a long time, it was 9 o'clock at night because Seattle is pretty far, OK ready? Eddie asked what's the plan Dylan said I find Preston and you are going to try to save Lilly, my brother had a gun with him, it's only for safety don't worry Eddie said, they found us Eddie Long time no see, give me my sister Eddie said, give me my diamond Preston said, Dam it Preston you know I don't have it Eddies, he grab me by the hair pushed me close to the edge of the waterfall, give it to me or throw your sister in Preston said, no Fine have your diamond Eddie said, you had it the whole time? I said Yeah I just wanted to myself but I don't want my sister to die Eddie said, come with me I know exactly were it is, let go of my sister Eddie said i'm putting Lilly in my car I'm not stupid Preston said, then He put me in his car, Suddenly someone open the door it was Dylan, Dylan! I said I kissed him hey he said, hi I smiled, We should go Dylan said, yeah what about my bother I said, yeah Eddie said to get you out of here Dylan said, we left to my Brother's car, we can't leave him he needs back up I said, all he said to keep you safe Dylan said, I'm not leaving without him I said, Lilly we can't stay here Dylan said, we heard a gunshot, I ran out, Lilly wait Dylan said Eddie no no no, he shot him call 911 ok 911 what your emergency my girlfriend Brother has been shot please send help, we're sending help your way, ok thanks Dylan said, can you hear me Eddie I said , Lilly Eddie said, stay with me I said Lilly? Dylan said, yes! There diamonds here! Dylan said Preston had it whole time I said fuck his plan was to trap him and shoot him and leave the Diamonds dig up by him Dam it I said but he had it here the hole time, He not going to jail we have to do something I said , Like what Lilly? They got there and took him in the ambulance, I was scared I threw the diamonds, Lilly! that looks more suspicious Dylan said, what looks more suspicious Katie said nothing I said as we were going into the ambulance Dylan call my parents and meet me at the hospital I said ok Dylan said I was scared for my brothers life I can't lose my Brother, I can't believe he risk his life for me, I love him so much, I thought about it how he Frame him without fingerprints I don't know why Preston so this Hitting us for no reason making up a dumb story that he thinks my brother has diamonds but he had it all along it doesn't make sense, why would he do this it looks more suspicious since I threw it, he didn't do anything wrong, wait he knew were they were, let me tell you what happened before my brother got shot, right when he put me in the car, he said to my brother Eddie come on you know you don't have the diamonds, What of course I had the diamonds Umm I put them right here Eddie, good guess but no I had  diamonds the whole time, Right when I was pretending that the diamond was left forever I know exactly where it was I was working for a Danny the whole Time Danny is a guy he's in a gang he leads to gang, they've been working against the police for years, that was your plan whole time, then why did you hit me and my sister why did you kill people Eddie said , it was all part of the plan I had to make you believe The last step of my plan is to frame you, how if you got your fingerprints all over probably Eddie said, I never once touched it I wear gloves when I moved it here Eddie you don't get it do you you're the one that touched it last, freeze oh gun you know by now I'm not scared of a dumb gun, Eddie shot it in the air then my tried shooting him then Preston turned it around and Eddie got shot, sorry Eddie you're a good friend but money is better Preston said. I don't know how you could do this to my brother, Eddie know Preston for a long time, sorry never expected Preston to do this, I was scared for my brothers life brother wasn't gonna live I would lose myself forever, I love him so much I can't lose him I already lost my best friend can't lose him either, my brothers like my best friend so I can't lose another best friend, I miss Ben I can't miss my brother too, every day regret I visit in bed more often, it just hurt knowing that he might die, My brother is everything to me I don't spend time together as much as we used to when I was little, so will hurt me he's gone too we'll that's today's story come back and see what happens to my brother,

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