Episode five the fight story

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Welcome back today's story it's crazy, You don't want to miss it, so let me tell you a little about me and Emma, me and Emma used to friends a long time ago, but one day she started being really mean to me, for no reason, she pushed me off the slide, l hurt my knee really bad, I went to the nurse, but ever since that day I never liked Emma she started being really mean, and honestly I never knew why, me and her do not like each other at all that's the only we can agree on, now time for today's story, I wake up and I brush my hair, I take a nice shower, brush my teeth, and wear a Black long sleeve, and skinny jeans, I Head downstairs to go eat, good morning everyone I knew today would probably be a good day, good morning everyone said, so am I still grounded from like a week ago, i'll think about it my mom said, OK no rush I love you, Love you too she said, I don't know why I was grounded if she said she can trust me, but you know but I don't know  why I got in trouble now because I messed up, it's so unfair that I'm grounded, qué which means what, I said ¿Por qué los chicos no se castigaron?, that means why didn't the boys get ground, Eddie said porque niña era tu fiesta, which means because girl it was your party, oh sí, pero ustedes también estaban allí, which means oh yeah you guys were there too, pero dije que confiaba en ti, she said yeah but I trusted you, The boys were just keeping an eye on you, oh yeah mom did you know Lily kiss Andrew Matthew said, shut up! Aren't you with Dylan it was spin the bottle, we both were willing to do it, eat your breakfast and get ready for school my mom said, but I am ready, OK love you have a good day, you too Love you as well, The boys will take you to school, can I ride with Dylan yeah sure whatever, I road with Dylan and we were with his brothers so I was in the middle, this was the most awkward situation I've been in like throughout my whole life, they both put their arm around me, get off her Dylan said, guys can you guys both get off of her his Butler Martin said fine they both got mad, I didn't know what to do so I was quiet the whole ride I didn't know Andrew was coming with us, we got there they they both tried to open door for me, stop stop they were saying to each other, guys I can open the door myself calm down, well if it isn't The queen of sluts, you're calling me a slut when you look like one, with that outfit, well at least I know how to dress better than you, I don't look like trash all the time Well yeah because I try to dress like you sometimes, wow you're such a Copy Cater are you like five or something, shut up she walked away, yeah I know how to put her in her place, damn that girl is drama Sophia said hi I feel like I haven't seen you forever I know, it was only a week Dylan said well we can't live without each I said, so what's the tea she said come talk to me privately, so what happen with your guys kiss you and Andrews, well Dylan didn't like it and I felt something when I kissed him, what yeah I think I messed up, and I was being mean to him because the party is getting out of hand, so he doesn't think you like him yeah isn't that a good thing, it is because I do you like Dylan more, but it's so confusing I don't know how to feel, well you have to feel you girl, you kiss my brother last night no what you were drunk so how do you know that? I literally saw you, well I don't know if your official he didn't say anything, well that's why I told you not to date him, I don't know maybe will be together, I don't know maybe we get to class class is boring like always, my teacher Mr. Adam he said what's the answer mrs Lilly, oh it's um, I know the answer Emma said wait let her speak, I really didn't know the answer, The answer to what, Lilly are you paying attention, I wasn't because I was thinking about Dylan and Andrew, yeah but I forgot what you said, Emma what's the answer The titanic ship sink April 15 1912, aw man I love the titanic I should've knew that, so then everyone got a text messages, of Emma spreading rumors that I'm a slut and I slept with everyone, yeah I was pissed, I ran to her lock why would you spread lies about me we all heard about you and Dylan who doesn't know that you and Andrew, me and Andrew didn't do nothing, yeah whatever your lies are, I am done with you bitch So I pull her by the hair and throw her on the ground Who the hell do you think you are, get off of me, no not until you tell everyone that was a lie, I'm not gonna tell everyone it was a lie if it was true, she didn't know how to fight at all, because all she was doing is slapping me I punched her in the face and she started bleeding Dylan had to pull me off of her, then the principal came running what is going on here, she's calling me a slut, both of you to the principals office now, he put his finger, we both went but she had to go to the nurse because she was beat up pretty bad, she hit me and I was just self defending myself, is this true Lily, yeah but she she's spreading rumors that I'm a slut, OK I'm going to call your parents, Emma you're not off the hook, but she said you heard me, he came back I called your mom's phone but she didn't answer, so I called your brother and your brother said he's on his way, does he sound mad, am I in trouble for just defending myself from her she was being mean to me, Lilly you hit her in the face, yeah cause she spreading false rumors about me, well it doesn't mean you have to hit her, you could've came to the office and we could've saw this like mature adults, but we're not adults yet, so yeah I was in big trouble my brother was coming and he does not like coming to my school, he was on the detective case to so now he's even madder , hi I'm here to see my sister Lilly I'm gonna be taking her home and the principal wanted to talk to me, OK sign her name out and I'll have him talk to you right now, mr. Peter someone's here to see you, i'm on my way he said, Emma's mom came in, where is my poor baby if she hurt I'll be suing, yeah she's in the nurse, huh are you OK sweetie, I am fine that girl hit me, oh no is that your daughter no but she's my sister, he sat down Dylan was in there the office so he asked him what happened? that girl over there with spreading rumors that Lilly a slut, what? yeah so your daughter is spreading rumors that my sister is a slut, well maybe she is no she's not she's a little girl I don't know what you don't understand, she's 16 years old do not expect her to be sleeping with guys, no one talks about my sister like that, well you can't do anything about it, i'm suing you and your family, your daughter is barely hurt, well let me tell you what she has she has a bloody nose her face is bleeding, well yeah I'm sorry but they are both kids and we shouldn't blame them for what happened, and you think you're a mature adult, I am in fact I am i'm not gonna fight with the old lady, I am not an old lady, well you sure act like it, i'm going to sign my daughter out right now, OK here's the papers, thank you I am done I'm leaving, ok The office lady said can I please see my sister, of course there coming right now, hi Eddie hey Lilly Dylan told me what happened, are you mad? No because that girl was spreading rumors about you, yes but your sister is the one that hit her, it's not my sisters fault, we are leaving I have nothing to say, OK well it was your sister's fault for hitting, I know sir that wasn't right but she shouldn't have spread rumors about her, then we left, The whole car ride he didn't talk to me until we got home, Lilly my brother said yes, you know she's going to sue us right, yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to do anything wrong, you know maybe she won't do it, yeah maybe my mom got home from work hey mom what happened at school, I fight a girl, what just because she was spreading rumors I'm a slut, she took a breather are you mad no I mean you have every right to do that, but Eddie told me that they want to sue, we could lose the house honey no I'm sorry, it's not your fault it's that little girls fault She shouldn't have done that to you, The phone was ringing Emma's mom was calling hello she said hi i'm Emma's mother the one that your daughter fight, yes and I'm sorry but my daughter didn't do anything your daughter was spreading rumors about her, I know and she is grounded, I will try to make my daughter not do that but please tell your daughter not to hit her again or we're going to have problem, ok but will have problems if your daughter spreads rumors about my daughter, ok deal, so they've made arrangements for us not to hit each other or spread false rumors, my mom said I wasn't in trouble, I went to talk to Dylan after school about it well I can't believe she said that to you, I have a question, yes you really like Andrew don't you! Maybe a little but I like you way more, I know but I don't want you guys to be friends, it's OK I don't think he wants to be friends with me, how do you feel about the kiss I did feel something but I realize I really like you, I think Andrew is probably a crush, and you know I used to get those all the time when I was little yeah, and I still do, I know I mean you could be friends with him but like it's kind weird I know and I am so sorry for that it's my fault he likes me, what you are joking, it's not your fault you are really beautiful and that's probably why he likes you, my brother is a jerk He uses girls that's all he does, I don't know why I like him it's weird, yeah tell me about it, you're really mad at me aren't you no why would I be mad you have feelings I can't control that Lilly you're my best friend, And now my girlfriend that I really really like, you are so nice you are the sweetest thing ever you're very beautiful, and you really know how to make someone happy, Dylan you are nice and sweet I really like you Andrew can't replace you because you're so nice, and he is a jerk I didn't know he was listening then he walked away, then me and Dylan start kissing, we don't stop, we take our clothes off, I mean not all our clothes he touches my hair like a dream I told you about, yeah he kiss me harder, we Drop something again but his mom wasn't there, so I was in the clear, and we finally slept together, like I literally never thought this would happen, after that I left i'll see you later, bye bye gosh it happened I literally can't believe it, so if my brothers find out this will actually happen they will literally kill Dylan, or if my dad finds out he'll probably be worse, I ran to Sophia's house of course, it happened it happened I told her what happened me and Dylan slept together, she opened up her eyes like literally, yes omg you lost your virginity before me, wow ok come in how do you feel, A little different well you should that just happened, God It did gosh what if your family finds out, well my mom really knows about it but she doesn't think I had it, what about your brothers and your dad oh yeah they're going to kill him, and I'm not joking girl I am serious you are crazy! What why you just got in a fight today and you lost your virginity, I know I am crazy we start laughing, this is why were best friends, well you know I'm the fun one, you're not wrong lol, Quick question if I was with your brother  would you be mad, what oh well he is my brother and you're my best friend, but I thought you said you guys didn't kiss! We did I just didn't know how to tell you, I don't know what to say I don't wanna fight with you, and I don't either but I just wanna know my best friend and I care how do you think, I didn't know what to say because she is my best friend and a supporter on everything she does i'm always on her side, I just don't know what to do right now because I don't want her to be mad at me, I don't like the fact you guys are dating that's how I really feel when I'm sorry, she was sad no it's OK I don't have date him if that's how you really feel no Sophia I'm sorry, I got to do homework I'll talk to you later, Sophia was very sad I messed up again I've been messing up all week, I don't know what's wrong with me I feel so bad and I don't know what to say to her she's very mad at at me, I feel bad again I should've cared about how she felt that's how I feel, I asked Mason how he felt about her he said he liked her, now I feel bad why because I told her I didn't like the idea of you guys dating she said she won't date you, wow how supportive friend you are I know but I don't like you guys dating, why if it's our choice you know Sophia really loves you so I don't know why you did that, I know I messed up I'm sorry, don't say sorry to me say sorry to Sophia, OK I will, hi girl she didn't text back I'm sorry course I want you to date my brother that is you how you feel you always support how I feel and I shouldn't be against you, it ok sorry I shut the door on you, no it ok I deserved it, well you're not wrong, guess what I found out? what?? My brother likes you! What really! yeah maybe he'll ask you out soon, yeah maybe you guys are ok but I don't like the whole idea dating but if you like him that's ok of course I mean I just don't want you to be mad at me, I'm not it's just I really like your brother, well he really likes you too, that's good you should ask him out right now and then come back and tell me what happened. Ok They text each well it turns out he asked her out yeah I'm still weird about this, I really do like Andrew and I can't believe what happened today, me and Dylan it was crazy, I went to see Ben but it was getting late, so I went to hurry I will be careful, so hi ben it's been a while since I talk to you, well today I lost my virginity, and I kissed Andrew and I think I have feelings for him, i'm really scared what to do, because I like both of them but I really do like Dylan, I just really don't know what to do I started tearing up, Lilly Brian oh you decided to see Ben too I talk to Ben all the time, oh I overheard you I'm sorry, about me and Andrew yeah, please don't tell Dylan please, Lilly you're my friend why would I tell Dylan, because he's your best friend, what does that mean I'm not going tell him, and I heard the part lost your virginity I don't want to talk about this with you, ok you don't have to know can you go so I can talk to Ben, no because I have to hear what you say, why.. because you heard what happen with me and Andrew and I should hear what happens to you, OK hi ben ignore her, so you know how I told you I like Sophia, I don't think I like her anymore, because you see I just kissed her sister, you kissed her sister, yeah Sophia's gonna kill you, I know but if she can't really do anything about it, I am going home I'll see you later bye God know what He talking about, Poor Sophia sister she doesn't know what she's going to be with a jerk, I went home to Dylan house to stay over I went to sleep but yeah that was today's story come back and see what happens next......

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