Episode 15 Dylan's new girlfriend story 

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hi guys I'm back I'm a little sad today well you see Andrew and I had the worst date ever, he even tried to kissing me after I said no, turns out Dylan and Charlotte were official, it stung like a bug I didn't know how to tell Andrew I didn't like him or maybe I'll just see, I cried myself to sleep last night, my mom tried to wake me up, come on Niña you got to go to school, I hate it I can't tell Andrew I feel, I know you don't like him but that's not your fault my love, it is I kissed him I ruined everything he thinks I like him but I don't, and I don't wanna break his heart, I just can't believe he tried to kiss you after you said no my mom said, right I hate my life, it's ok, don't say that! My mom said ok I'll just go take a shower get ready right now, OK great I'll make breakfast thanks mom, you're welcome, after shower I got ready in A pink dress, and then I curled my hair, then I headed downstairs, UGH! What wrong? Yeah! Mason and Eddie said, oh I don't like Andrew and I don't know how to tell him, I can tell him Eddie said, shut up I rolled my eyes, The reason I think I liked him because he's hot, but I can't just like someone for that, Eww! Eddie said I ate breakfast Headed out the door to leave wait sweetie, yeah mom I have a surprise for you when you get home, so don't go anywhere after school, OK I wonder what it is, I asked Andrew give me a ride to school, oh yeah sure, thanks, you're welcome, I am really sorry about last night Hope you can forgive me, oh god no way yes feelings are coming back, so now I don't have to break his heart, I was probably just being dramatic, last night before I went my dad's Brother called me telling me memories about my dad so I was really focusing on the date or you I'm so sorry and kissing you would take all the pain away, it's ok, let's have a do over tomorrow, of course I would love that, oh wait I forgot I bought you flowers, you didn't have too I did because you're so amazing let me go get it, I Felt butterflies and a beating in my heart, I realize why I liked him in the first place, so now I like both of them I know I how to make the decision, I don't know who I really like yet so I'm nervous, I'm back here you go there were pink roses, After he left my house last night he was so upset what he did, and he asked Dylan what kind of flowers do Lilly like, she likes pink roses, how did you know I like pink roses, I asked Dylan, thank you! You're welcome he smiled, well we better get going. We got to school and I wasn't really paying attention because I had to think about my decision again, but I mean actually smart, Earth to Lilly, oh Mrs Katie I'm so sorry what do you want, it's your turn for the report, what is it again? Imperialism and World War I. We talked about this week Oh yeah I don't know if you know but I was in a coma so I don't know what you're talking about, Oh yes I am so sorry, Lilly oh no it's OK I just don't know we're talking about, i'll send you a video of what we learn, OK thank you! you're welcome! You can just sit down for the rest of the class you don't have to do report and I won't give you a bad grade, ok I fell sleep by accident do not ever fall asleep in class, I had a dream that I was seeing Andrew and Dylan at the same time and I didn't know how to tell them I was, so the last part I don't remember and I woke up, ahh good it was just a dream, what's wrong is everything ok yeah I just had a bad dream, sorry I was sleeping, oh don't be after a coma you're very tired, so it's totally normal, I'll try to catch up so I won't be behind, ring ring The bell rang, Andrew came to my class after it out it was over hi Lilly, I was happy hi I didn't have to come well I want to see you for Break, but I did to see my beautiful girlfriend, I giggled sorry I know we only had one date I don't know why I said that, no it's ok just have to wait a while we have to make sure we like each other, well I mean we do it so complicated, I for sure like you like a lot he said, God my heart keep melting, After we sat down all his friends came, kinda I just wanted to sit alone just me and him because he's popular he has a lot of friends, Sophia came to sit with us, hey? hey! so what's the drama? Oh nothing and everything has been born, I have missed you, he was just talking to his friends and not even analogy me, as i'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with him, I got a text from Dylan it says come meet me in the library, that's weird! I went to the library after nutrition, then I saw Dylan and Charlotte kissing, it hurts so bad I don't know why he text me to come if he was busy, that was Lilly! He said yeah I wonder why Charlotte said that's so weird Dylan said I know right she said, I was crying the whole day everyone didn't know why, after school I was feeling so sad, when I went home that night I really thought about who I want it, it was gonna be a hard decision but  that I was going to make it, At dinner I didn't say anything, when I went upstairs I thought that's really really hard, Who is the person that makes me happier Dylan or Andrew, I had to think about every single moment, me and Andrew we're going to try again tonight I have totally forgot, I never look bad for a date My hair was fine and my dress so I just wear that, hey! hey you look beautiful,  you ready to go I said yep let's go, everyone at school was telling me that you were sad, is everything OK yeah it's just I saw Dylan and Charlotte kissing it  sounds stupid but I was jealous, it's not stupid you had feelings for Dylan, you are great it doesn't matter he doesn't like me anymore
Yeah he does I know he still likes you I can tell Andrew said, oh wow, let's Forget about it, today is our date, ok he said, this time I decided we should go to a carnival Andrew said, how do you know I love carnival, I ask Dylan again, oh OK guess my favorite ride, The Tilt-A-Whirl or something actually it' actually The Ferris wheel but I like that I do, The whole time I did have fun this time he got me Cotton candy, hold my hand, we played games, then we went to the Ferris wheel, we went up and then I kissed him, it was pretty amazing, After we got off the ride, we went to his car and we take me home, how was it? My mom asked I went upstairs crying, i'm sorry was it that bad, it wasn't at all, cause for sure I don't know who I like, do you still like Dylan, yes and I don't know I have to think about who I like and I don't want to Break any of your heart, he's so sweet Andrew and Dylan so I don't know what to do, later that night I went to sleep but I cried myself to sleep and I thought to myself I really have to choose so like I was saying earlier who makes me happier Dylan or Andrew, Dylan is the only person that I could tell anything, Andrew does make me happy too when you got me flowers I was so happy, but who told him I like those flowers was Dylan, Who told him everything even know he doesn't like me, or maybe he does and I don't know yet, Dylan is great when we were younger when I was sad he always made me happy, when I was alone he made me happy, Andrews always with girls, he's sometimes a jerk but ever since his mom and dad divorced and his dad died he has been sad, some bad boys are not bad they're just hurt, it's also confusing, I want to my moms car because I left my purse The other day,It was like 3 AM I was a little scared, boo! Dylan said ahhh oh my gosh Dylan what is your problem? I'm sorry but what are you the one doing in the middle of the night, Getting my purse! Don't ever scare me again, ok so about today Why were you watching me and Charlotte kiss he said, what? Are you serious right now?, yeah that's why I asked, Gosh you're so ugh I can't believe you just said that right now, wait Lilly what did I do? He said, leave me alone I said he seriously said oh where were you watch me and Charlotte kiss which I wasn't because he's the one that texted me, Lilly please wait? Why are you mad? Because you text me to meet you in the library, I didn't! Then who did! Oh that bitch! What? You really don't know who this was? No? It was Charlotte it's so obvious she wanted me to get jealous, Lilly come on it wasn't her,wow I've been your best friend forever and you're not gonna believe me, wow of course But she wouldn't do that, how about I ask her! And will get to the bottom of this I swear he said, OK good night! He's going to believe her no matter what she says so I don't really care. I don't know I can't get over him I still felt butterflies when he was close to me, snap out of it Lilly has a girlfriend, That  night I went to sleep, when I woke up how do you strong feeling about who I chose, I still can't believe, what Charlotte did but I know Charlotte already she's a bitch, I don't know why she hate me so much, I went downstairs, oh hey sweetie good morning sorry about your surprise it came a day late, you're so quiet you must of forgot about it at dinner, oh no I was just distracted about Dylan and Andrew like always but yeah, boys wake up we're gonna give Lilly all the stuff she got from people wait people got me stuff honey you were in a coma, A lot of people got you things, but it's just a coma they didn't have too, Close your eyes boys hurry up, we're here sorry Eddie said, Open your eyes my mom said OK open your eyes, omg omg you got me a car! I said my mom said Yes of course we did, you really didn't have to But pero cariño lo hicimos porque casi te pierdo y no quiero, perderte nunca más te amo tanto que no deberías tener que trabajar así que te compré este auto which means Hi sweetie we did because I almost lost you and I don't want to ever lose you again I love you so much and you shouldn't work so I bought you a car, you became amazing young woman that I love so much that has been very mature and talented, she said my mom started crying I started crying to aww mom thank you so much! we pitched in to my mason said, thank you as well thank you guys for always protecting me, you're welcome Eddie said all the boys smiled, well go test it out my mom said, hey can you take me to school, Mason said sure I guess, good morning Lilly, good morning Andrew, Nice car, thanks dang it, I don't have my drivers license oh God I totally forgot, I almost Let you drive license my mom said, I wanted to show off my new car, well after school we can go to the DMV As long as you practice The book, I did perfect let's do it, I know we have to wait 3 to 4 weeks right, but I'm still happy I got a car, I was so thankful to my mom she was so nice for getting me a car when she didn't have to, Well I can take you to school Andrew said, OK sounds good I said can you take me to Mason asked, no you cannot come I said, I would but I have stuff in the back, I gotta go bye Andrew said yep bye, we got in the car and drive to school, when we got there I went to in history class oh Lilly would you like to catch up for last week homework yeah you have a Lotta homework from other classes too, I hate it I have tons of homework for missing a whole week, but don't worry Lilly it's not your fault, it's just we don't want you to be behind, yeah it ok, I wasn't thinking about Andrew At all all I can think about is Dylan and I really didn't know why, after class Andrew is kissing me then he tried to sleep with me in the classroom, but I couldn't stop thinking about Dylan, Even want to think about them in class i'm not mad at him for what he did just know and I'll I loved him, OMG I love him I always loved him but I love loved him, I think I was in love with him, I can't Umm is it too soon he said no I'm sorry I don't know what to say to him, for what I don't like you i'm so sorry I feel so bad, and I know you like me a lot and I'm so sorry that I made it seem like I like you too, you cheated on Dylan with me
I wrist my relationship with my brother for you, I know But I love him and I'm sorry but you will never be him, if This is how you feel you should have never kiss me, you're a selfish bitch he said if I only care about myself I wouldn't have said sorry, because it's dumb to say sorry but I was just being nice, your a jerk and all you care about is yourself, whatever Lilly I don't care, wait I didn't mean to say that I was just mad what you said to me, that's fine whatever, he was so mad at me, I feel bad what I said but he shouldn't have called me that, can't believe I loved Dylan I knew him so long so surprised I love him, he is so amazing and cute, let me tell you a story how I started liking him, well I always liked him but I never saw it when you have a boy best friend know when you have feelings but sort of where you don't know you like him, but you can feel you like him, I can't does not like him, if you met him you would probably feel the same way, Charlotte has him wrapped around her finger how always take her side I'm tired of girls like that, I just don't know how to tell Dylan how I feel, but when you're in love with someone feels weird, and you're not sure how to feel, I feel bad way to Andrew but I really like Dylan and I can't just lie to myself, I didn't have a ride after school because I broke up with Andrew, I forget my mom was going to take me to DMV had to do my knowledge test and then get the driving test, hi mom! hi sweetie! How was school? Well not so good me and Andrew broke up, what why? Because I told him I like Dylan, ohh so you like Dylan, yeah no I do but I love him, you love him? Yeah I just found out today, well Niña I'm happy for you, thanks mom love you, love you too, when we got there I got down, and I take the test 15 minutes, and then I got back in the car did you take that long, so did you think you did good, yes I think I hope so, I'm sure you did good my mom said, thanks mom, so do you want to talk about it? Dylan? I was going to say your break up about Andrew but it it seems like you don't really care about it, I do I feel really bad we started fighting he called me a selfish bitch, and I told him he's a jerk, he called you selfish bitch? Yeah!  why? If that's how you feel? I know but he's just mad, let's talk about Dylan, You love him? Yeah! Are you sure you're making the right choice I don't want you to regret your decision ever, no I really really like him and him, I really didn't tell you what I got for my birthday because I only care about the people, my mom got me The greatest gift of all a charm bracelet she got when she was younger, Andrew you got me a flower crown, really didn't know why or how he knew I wanted one, but I really like the gift, my brothers got me cute pictures of us when we were babies, in the picture frame like a big one, my mom really love that gift, they also gave me money to get something for the mall, Sophia got me the cutest clothes from our favorite store, then Brian got me A teddy bear I lost mines when I was younger and he got me one, then Dylan got a real pink Rose and necklace it was the best gift ever, his card said thanks for being my best friend, I don't know what I would do without you, you're beautiful your smart, and a very good actor, that gift that's the best gift besides my moms, I needed him to know that I loved him I didn't know how to tell him how to feel or how do you say the right words, The hard thing was he had a girlfriend, and one thing about Dylan he's not a cheater and I totally respect that because I wouldn't date him if he had a girlfriend, I don't know what to do but I love him and I cannot just not tell him how I feel I will kill me inside because I do love him he's my best friend I never thought I would love my best friend but I do, when do you find the guy love you just have to write feeling that you love him, Charlotte is a bitch not fair that he's with her she's mean and selfish, I don't know how I could let her take someone away from me, she said she would and she did but that's my fault not hers, I hate it when I broke up with Dylan, Dylan was so incredible and I broke his heart I was the worst person ever feeling like no one loves me because of it, When I saw Ben and heaven can he reminded me I had to choose Who I want to choose and I did, my grandma even told me a story about it, she did the right thing she chose one person, Andrew will always be in my heart no matter what because he's Andrew, He'll be someone I would never forget about I feel bad for breaking up with him but you love dylan it might not make sense but to does, but that's today's story see what happens next...

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