Episode 17 My brothers story

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Welcome back to my story I am gonna tell you how Preston and Eddie met, and basically tell you Eddie story, I feel bad it's pretty boring not gonna lie, my brother was 16 years it was 2012 he was considered popular I guess, all the girls wanted him but I didn't know why, but yeah his best friend was Joshua now he was hot, I'm just being honest, he kept him out of trouble, you probably thought I was going to say Preston, no Preston was a bad influence on my brother, but they were just friends not best friends, my brother did a lot of dumb things, He was a jerk he only used girls, but don't worry you'll see how he changed, but that only lasted a little bit, because my brother has a really kind heart, I was five years old at this time, my brother Mason was six, and Matthew was 7, We're pretty young at that time, before he met Preston he was so nice, he would help my mom when we were little my parents to fight all the time, he would try to play with us to distract us from what's was going on, he really is the best brother ever, hi bro Joshua said hi man Eddie said are we going to hang out Joshua said, I can't my parents are fighting and I have to take care of my siblings, Eddies said oh we'll umm bring them Joshua said, I'll ask my parents Eddie said, hey I'm gonna take the kids out if that's OK, yeah that's ok you guys have fun my dad said, ok bye guys Eddie said, yeah we can go, Lilly Eddie yeah? I said baby girl can you go get ready so we can go somewhere Eddie said, okay I said you to boys, ok they said, I remember the dress I was wearing, I was very intelligent at five, I mean I knew how to spell my name right, it was a red plaid dress, I am ready! I said, the boys were Already done, all right let's go princess, ok I said, we went to the park, Joshua was playing with me, tickle tickle, I kept laughing, you're so cute Joshua said Yeah she is it has been so hard at home for the kids Eddie said, and on you? Joshua said you really are my best friend, Brother do mommy and daddy don't love each other? I said see why I said this is because I understood my parents were fighting, no baby why would you think that Eddie said, mommy daddy yell at each otherI said, well they love each other A lot love but sometimes parents fight Eddie said, how do you feel about that? Eddie asked, well I love mommy and daddy and I don't want them to yell each other I said, aww baby there not gonna fight anymore I'll l make sure of it, she's so smart she knows everything Eddie said, yeah she is poor baby Joshua said, yeah Eddie said, I'm sure everything going be Ok Lilly Joshua said, your cute haha I said Joshua just laughed you're cute too I didn't actually like him but since everyone called me cute, I thought it was OK to call other people cute,ha you're not allowed to have a boyfriend till you're 50 years old Eddie said. by the way you can tell he Still does not like the fact that I have started dating, I just wanted to tell you about that time I told you I was gonna tell you the story about Preston and my Brother Eddie,so let me tell you Preston was the new guy at school, and let me just tell you as you quite know he was the bad boy, so they started being friends like a week later, oh and he was a real bad influence on my brother, he would start using girls just for fun talking about Preston, and so my brother started doing things like that too he even gave this one girl a hickey I know gross, she really liked him she was a Nice girl and if her parents now my brother gave her hickey, her parents would kill him, she had to hide it good she wear a scarfs, wait is that Zoey the girl you were with last night? Joshua said, yeah so what Eddie said, you know what you turned into a huge jerk, after you're started hanging out with Preston, stop helping your mom take care of your siblings, taking A vantage of girls, they're not just an object their human being Joshua said, fine you don't want to be my friend that's fine with me I don't need a dumb guy following me around Eddie said, fine have a good life Joshua said, he started smoking I do not suggest smoking because it's not good for you, especially if you're young, my brother did the worst thing he could ever do, he was drinking and driving he was minor so it's pretty bad, a car came out of nowhere, and he got in a car accident it was pretty bad the whole car was destroyed, he was hurt pretty bad, and he had to think about his decisions he's been making he hurt so many girls, he turned into a really bad person he graffitied outside of his high school, He has been spending time with me and my siblings at all, he wanted to fix it All he really thought he was a really bad person, He was knocked out for two hours, then he woke up, if you ever got in a car accident most of the times do you hear like a ring and you kind of look around in a it kinda of looks blurry, he  looked back in pain he can see the car smashed in, The other car was right in the middle of his car, my brother didn't know what to do he was super scared, he called 911 A lady answered 911 what is your emergency? Hi uh I was just in a car accident I am injured pretty bad Eddie said OK sir tell us your name,and tell me exactly what happened? My name is Eddie Diaz I was hit by a car Eddie said OK do you know if the other people are injured? I'm not sure Eddie said OK no worries We are sending help your way. Poor Eddie was hurt he really didn't know what to do, after the ambulance got there they found the other people unconscious they all died it was two people these people are just beginning their lives as a married couple there a planned so many things but sadly that cannot not happen, they helped Eddie he had a pretty bad injury They put a neck brace, he saw the other people and he could see they were dead, no no he was crying no I killed them Eddie, well he didn't they came at him but it was an accident, Eddie thought it was his fault, because he was drinking and he thinks he shouldn't have been driving, he was so sad he couldn't believe the person he became, the hospital called my parents they were so worried, they rushed to the hospital, hi my baby is here he name is Eddie Diaz my mom said oh yes he's in room 9 you can go right in the the Lady said ok thank you my mom said, Mom? Eddie said, hi baby are you ok my mom asked, yeah we're worried my dad said, I'm ok don't worry I'm so sorry i've haven't been helping you guys and I just became the horrible person these past month and I'm so sorry, you're a teenager you're supposed to make mistakes my mom said, you learn from your mistakes as well my dad said I love you brother I said us too Matthew said, aww he smiled I love you guys Eddie said we love you too my mom said we give each other a big hug, well he's lucky he survived it was a Close call The doctor said, they all thought that night what kind of a been miracle my brother lived I'm sure it was God saved him that night he knew for the rest of his life he would live it good, he never forgot that night, The next day he apologized to Zoey I'm so sorry I want to try again and if not I know I messed up Eddie said you're the first guy that ever said sorry to me I appreciate that and I would like to start again zoey said wanna go out Saturday? Eddie asked sure! Zoey said he also went to apologize to his best friend Joshua, hey! My brother said hey what happened to your arm? Joshua asked I'm ok we'll I was in car accident last night Eddie said what are ok? Joshua asked yeah I'm fine but the people I killed last night are not, wait what do you mean they hit me last night The doctors said I was lucky to live, oh my god so they're dead Joshua said yeah! My brother said, you know it's not your fault right! Joshua Said, if I haven't been driving they would've lived Eddie said he attended the funeral of the two couples, I want to tell you more about them because they were great people, their names were Natalia and Christian they were 19 years old, Natalia found out the greatest news ever she was pregnant, they were young but it was kind of an accident, they were so excited that they were having a baby, because they knew it would be great to start their own family they shortly got married after that, Natalia was a chef and Christian was a guitar player, they were such great people they love to donate to many charities, Natalia was on the verge of opening her new restaurants, she was going to call it Paris Fella I like the name, it was an Italian restaurant she really knew how to cook, her favorite dish to make was her famous spaghetti, after a couple months went by she had her baby it was a boy, and they decided to name him Toby, five years later they finally open the restaurant, he was only five years old, he was so sweet,This restaurant was huge it had plenty a tables, One night they were closing Toby was gonna go with his mom and dad but Toby wanted to go with his grandparents, they're clubhouse wasn't that far, it's only 30 minutes away from the restaurant, Natalia and Christian we're just driving Christian was driving on the wrong side but he didn't know, and a truck came out of nowhere and hit them they hit the bar thing and went down they thought they were OK thank God that was so scary Natalia said then they're fell and hit my brothers car, they hit it so bad and then they died, thank God Toby wasn't there he would've been dead too, The grandparents got a call and then Natalia mom answered she was so sad when she hanged up the phone, she fell to the ground no my poor baby is gone, where is mommy and daddy Toby asked, i'm so sorry baby but they're not coming back Natalia's mom said, toby was so confused what do you mean? Toby asked, Poor Toby he didn't know what was going on! Back to present. When Toby finally understood what happened to his parents, he was devastated, it was at a church The funeral, The pastor said in loving memory of Natalia and Christian, they were bright souls, God not cause this to happen, it's just her time to go, Eddie went to talk to the parent, hi I was the other person that got hit, I'm so sorry what I did eddies said he cried, oh sweetheart it was not your fault It was an accident Natalia's mom said, i'm so glad you survived Natalia's mom said Eddie smiled, my brother was so sad of what happened I didn't mean for it to happen, Poor boy won't ever see his parents again, but they'll be looking down looking at him every day seeing the good choices he'll make, toby give my brother a hug I'm glad you're OK too, Toby Will be ok his grandparents will make sure of that, he'll probably make some mistakes but mistakes are good sometimes because you learn from your mistakes just like my dad said, his parents will never be forgotten they were good people they weren't selfish, i'm sure he'll turn out just like them, My Brother is the nicest person you'll ever meet, why he wanted to become a detective figure out people story's, to figure out what happened to them, his best friend decided to be a lawyer, Because he knew how to talk to people and he wanted to help people, I think they turned out to amazing people, They want to tell people both of them and I'm glad they did what they wanted to do, not a lot of people don't get to do what they want to do, my brothers life was pretty complicated and pretty crazy, it was great He wanted to be something good not this jerk he was, you're probably wondering what turned out with Preston well they were still friends, Preston did you a Lotta bad things he did not ever learn from them, Preston because a detective because his wanted to make his dad proud, his dad what's the worst him he abused him, Preston never told any one because his dad would kill him, you kind of feel bad for Preston because there was something wrong very wrong, it makes me feel sad for him because deep inside he was a good person but he didn't know it, and somebody had to show him, he needed to become a good person because he was hurting so bad, and if you ask me that's sad,
My brother knew there was something wrong with Preston that's why he continue to be friends with him, One day my brother saw him all bruised, he asked him why but he didn't say anything, he said that he got beat up walking home from school, but my brother Knew he was lying, but he never knew what was wrong with him but he knew that there was something wrong, that's why Preston is so kind a mess, but he just need hey best friend but he doesn't have friends in world, he wouldn't be out all day because he would be scared of his dad hitting him, and his dad was just him for no reason, that is so sad, One day he's dead him so bad he couldn't even go to school because he had a really obvious bruise it really looks like someone hurt him hard, he was home A month he had to restart a whole year because of that, he had really no friends besides my brother he did a lot of girls though but he never had a relationship I don't know, this one girl really liked him and they started dating but then he cheated on her so they only lasted like a week, I mean never cheat in a relationship, there's really something wrong with him and see more throughout the story, when he became a detective it was kind of hard for him but he did end up becoming a detective, but who knew he was going to betray the company, he literally lied about the diamond and you're probably wondering why, he tried to frame my brother for this, is because he wanted to like my brother have A nice family A dad that doesn't abuse him, people that actually cared about him, he had a really relationship with people, all of it was because of he want it for revenge on my brother because he want it that life my brother, I can understand why he wanted that life that abused him that's awful, I just want to better life and I can understand that, Poor Preston he really is just sad of what he could've had, he always felt left out to, he felt like everyone hated him that he was the worst person in the world so she wanted to prove to them he didn't care, that makes me sad because that's horrible should never wanna feel like that even if you're hurting, He stopped hanging out with my brother because he was mad at my brother just because he had a girlfriend and he had it all I guess, But not really my Brother did have a hard life he had a regret, that he could've killed that couple, and his whole life thinking he was a killer, I'm not saying that Preston had a good life but they both didn't, so he shouldn't have been jealous of him, but he did have it bad too, they were both were in a difficult standards, that's my brother story very crazy he really never forgot the day he got into that car accidents and what happened that day he really thinks he killed those people even people that said he didn't but he feels like the worst person in the world because of that the worst thing you could ever feel like it's to the worst person ever my brother was exactly feeling that I did not feel nice it was just horrible he's really sad what happened and knowing that Toby will never grow up with parents because of him he thinks realistically it was never his fault but that's my brother story crazy complicated kind a like my story That is today's story hope you enjoyed.

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