Episode four my birthday story

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Hey guys I'm back today it is my birthday and I'm turning 16 today. Every birthday was different, when my parents divorced my dad couldn't make it for my birthday, I remember being so sad, I didn't even want a party, I just wanted my dad there, my bothers trying to cheer me up, but nothing work so my mom called him, and he give me the greatest gift a Beautiful Necklace that said daddy girl, I didn't even care about the gift, I love it but I love him he cared so much, I was so happy, today's birthday was going to be different, because my best friend Ben's not gonna be there, every time he couldn't make it to my birthday he end up making it, he was across the world and he find any way to make it to come to my birthday, it makes me sad because Ben will not be at my 16th birthday party, I miss him so much, But even though he's not here today he is there but not physically here, and hopefully have a good day, so Dylan found another way to talk to me, after everything happened been like three weeks in that happened, almost like a whole month sense me and Dylan seen each other but we talked on text and yeah we're official now, I really like him so I hope this relationship goes good, I'm very sad the window it's gone, Ding dong then I wake up and open the door It was Dylan good morning beautiful he said omg what are you doing here your mom will kill you, what do you think I'm gonna miss your birthday Today A special day, I know but I don't want you to get in trouble, i'm not and he gave me a kiss, my brother comes downstairs I swear they're like my main bodyguards my brother Eddie said , what is he doing here, you already know what mom said, aren't you gonna get in trouble, I am sorry OK I know it's my fault what happened to Lilly and everyone matter what happens between us can we just leave that in the past today it's Lilly special day, it wasn't your fault already told you and yes it is my special day so shut up Eddie I smelt something really good in the kitchen, my mom made my favorite breakfast chocolate pancakes OK I sound like a kid but seriously this is my favorite breakfast, good morning everybody good morning my mom said , take a seat Dylan ok my mom was acting really weird, we heard a knock at the door so I went to get it and it was my dad and his annoying girlfriend, Hi my dad said and his girlfriend said hi like very annoyingly, I shut the door on them, Who is it my mom said it's dad and his annoying girlfriend, let them in, Mason Matthew come down breakfast is ready my mom said, what are you doing here with here OK let me tell you why I don't like her and I'm really nice to everyone but I really don't like her, she has been dating my dad just for his money, and yes she is a Gold digger everyone just thinks I'm just out to get her because, I want my dad and mom together but she's really a bitch, oh sweetheart come on, no it my birthday and I don't want her here, OK I'll just leave then no dad I want you here but not her. But why not girl, i'm really said because I don't like you I rolled my eyes, You just ruined my whole day I went upstairs sweetheart come down my mom said, i'll go get her Dylan said Stay down here i'll go talk to her Eddie said, hey don't hey me you can't just let one person ruin your day, you guys know I don't like her and I don't know my dad invited her, today was supposed to be fun not boring, I want my dad here not her, Lilly she's so nice I don't know why you don't like her, wow you're really not listening just don't talk to me, I think the whole idea of dad dating someone makes you sad, well yeah what do you think I think, she's only using Dad for his money I start crying don't cry, come downstairs and eat breakfast I'll tell her to leave ok, okay""" we go downstairs and I decided to let her stay, she can stay it's OK and he's right I can't let one bad person
Ruin my day, so we eat breakfast me and Dylan were stare in each others eyes the whole time I stopped because my dad kept on looking at us and I knew he got mad, then I don't know why then out of nowhere Dylan's mom bust open the door what are you doing here, mom it's Lillys birthday you already know this, uhh I don't want you here because I told you you can't talk to her, she's just a slut and she just want to sleep with you, excuse me I said, you heard me little girl, ohh my mom got really mad, what did you say to my daughter, now I know where she gets it from, all right ladies let's calm down my dad said, my mom fight her my mom is crazy so she doesn't care what people say, my dad has to pull her off of her, you stupid bitch it was so funny me and Dylan kept on laughing, get off of me I'm calling my lawyer, go ahead bitch they can't do anything, if you ever call my daughter a slut again I'll kick your ass, let's just all calm down please, my dad did not like this, I really like drama on my birthday, I think this is probably gonna be the best Of my life, baby go change for your birthday, they were planning a surprise party for me but I didn't it know, I got dressed for the day and a pink puffy dress, today was my sweet 16 and I couldn't wait I already had a Quinceanera so today was gonna be even funnier, then I did my hair and then My make up so then I went downstairs and they said they all had plans I was so sad, but the only person who can hang out with me with Dylan I don't care as long as I hang out with someone, so we went to the places I always wanted to go before I turn 16 I already 16 so we just did anything off the list The first one was skydiving, I couldn't do it so I crossed it off wait why do you do that i'm scared of heights I don't know I would turn 16 so fast so then Sophia and Brian joined us, oh hey hi Bestie, hi Brian hi Lilly, so you cross the first thing off your before you turn 16 list, I'm not doing it whatever you guys say, then I will tell Dylan your first crush, nope you wouldn't then, I'll tell Mason you like him she's getting a phone call i'll be right back to the conversation, oh yes she likes everything pink, i'm gonna go she's going to get suspicious, what was that about, oh nothing! Well I'm telling Dylan then I'm telling Mason, Dylan Lillys first crush was your Br.. shut up, she was going to say his brother, Will do it ok wait who was it Dylan said, yeah I'd like to know myself Brian said, let's just do this, Dylans Butler takes us there, they put us jumpsuits and then I was so scared because we had to do it by ourselves, well this is my last story, bestie ready we hold each others hands, I think the boys are OK with it they're not scared of heights like I am, ahhh we both scream, so then we had to pull the string then we got on the ground safely I was so scared, like I'm never doing that again, it was the scariest thing that ever happened to me, are you OK girl, are you"" we both start crying, The boys just look at us like we're crazy, it's OK guys it over Dylan said  I know you guys are such crybabies Brian said,well they are girls so technically they get scared over everything Dylan said, I start laughing Dylan yeah Lilly""you want to keep your girlfriend, yes i'm sorry, yeah you are I rolled my eyes, The next thing was going on the most scariest roller coaster in the world, are you guys ready for this one, then we go into Dylan's car again and then we go on the roller coaster, we're going on kingda ka It's a 456-feet tall with a 416-foot drop from the first hill, the Kingda Ka at Six Flags We go on the ride I am so scared again it was so scary because we went so high, I told Dylan I love you Dylan he laughed and said I love you too, well that's not the kind of love we met just like love not love love, Sophia was like we shouldn't have done this, I think Brian fell asleep, i'm not sure we go up and then we go down three times, after the ride I threw up, it must be the pancake coming up, never again it Sophia was holding back my hair, that was fun I guess Brian said yeah it was Dylan said, it's OK girl what's the next thing, well this one's not so bad a hot air balloon this one should be fun, all right let's do it my Besty said, everyone said yeah I was ready but we've been doing stuff in the sky, so we go up it's super beautiful, Dylan asking is a question if you guys would be anything what would you be, vampire I said I would be a Bear and Sophia said she would be a bird, The weirdest we're not all of them a vampire babe, wait first time he called me babe, yeah what's wrong with that? oh nothing that's fine, all right then he hugged me from behind, I really can't believe he did that, Sophia and Brian just stayed quiet, after we were done Sophia was talking to me, omg he called you babe, I know"" dude you just called her babe, I know because I really like her, well she really pretty, Brian really back off she's mine, ok geez""  so we finished most of the list the last thing was telling them my biggest secret and they have to tell me there's i'll go first I guess Sophia said I like Mason, I think we all knew that Brian said, well that's the only secret I have, OK my turn I guess Brian said I like you Sophia, you do I don't like you Sophia said, I felt so bad, my turn I guess OK the secret from earlier that's Sophia was gonna say don't get mad Dylan, why would I get mad? Well because I like your brother Andrew, what?  Do you still like him, no not anymore, Lily yeah but you know I like you more, can we just forget about it please, fine he was so mad but today was my birthday so that's why I think it say anything, yeah I sort of like his brother, i'm sorry OK, Dylan said no why are saying sorry that's how you feel and I know you like me more so let's just not talk about it, Sophia and Dylan didn't say anything and the whole ride he didn't talk to me either, we're going home SURPRISE!! Happy birthday OMG they lied to me, no way a sweet 16 like I want it, everyone came up to me and gave me a hug, so there was so many people there my whole family was there my mom side and my dad side and my friends it was like at least a 100 people, it was so fun, by the way my dress was fine, I change before I left, let me go put back on my dress, they had the biggest cake ever it was ice cream cake it was so good, my brother Mason made it say I told you Mason would find what he wanted to do with his life, you made this I said , yeah how do you like it, how do I like this this is the best cake I've ever had, and I didn't think there would be any more drama, but there was Dylan's brother came, first let me tell you about Andrew I had like him for like a long time, he's not really around because he does his own thing most of the time he is a year older than me his 17, he's really hot and he bad boy I feel so bad for telling Dylan about it, hey Lilly oh he just made everything worse I mean he didn't because it's all my fault, hi see Dylan do not like that, what are you doing here she didn't invite you, it was a surprise party, are crazy mother wanted me to come, if that's OK if I'm here of course Sophia said, you're always welcome, she's right you are, Dylan look really mad, you know I'm just kind of nervous what happens, there are too many boys at this party my dad said my sons are fine but not them, there's only 20 boys I said my mom decided to let me have the party to myself after a while everyone had fun and it was crazy I want to be experienced a party of my own for my birthday so yeah she said she trusts me, but my brothers are staying we had cake we had food, it was so fun, after all my family left and my mom and my dad, it got crazy I don't know what to do, and now we're gonna have fun Brian said Andrew agreed, they literally destroyed the house I wasn't ready I just want my mom, well it was fun I guess we did a lot of things we did spin the bottle, even though me and Dylan were kind of together, we decided to do it he was mad at me so I think that's why he wanted to do it too, I went first and it landed on Andrew my brothers didn't like the idea of me kissing someone in Front of them but yeah we kissed, and I actually felt something, Dylan left me and then Sophia and my brother kissed, grossest thing ever, The party just got worse from there, everyone making out in my all the rooms, The music was loud, I knew for sure I was dead, Andrew wanted to talk to me but I was too busy trying to clean the house, what do want Andrew sorry if I ruined you and Dylan's relationship, no it was just a dumb kiss, oh that's how you saw it, Wait Andrew that's not what I meant, my brothers got drunk someone brought beer to the party, they weren't doing anything, I really didn't know what to do I started crying, Eddie went upstairs and fell asleep I don't know how he hasn't woke up, for once in my life I actually need it my brothers, The whole house was messy, I eat more cake, Little did I know next-door Dylan and and Andrew were fighting, why you kissed my girlfriend, it was just a dumb kiss calm down she didn't really care, are you serious yeah then something broke, then he rushed over both of the boys oh I had some beer I know underage drinking is not OK and my parents didn't have it it was the people that brought it, but I just drank it because I was hoping it felt better but it didn't, I broke my mom's favorite vase and I was screaming, so my brother woke up too it was three in the morning, my brother was so mad he yelled at everyone to get out, Lilly are you OK I broke the vase over my hand, are you OK Dylan  rushed over Andrew left, yeah then I passed out, then they put me in my bed, and my brothers and Sophia and Brian and Dylan helped clean the whole house, he put alcohol my hand and I screamed again ow, I went to sleep, I think that was the most craziest night I ever had 16 I think it's going to be fun, Dylan went home all my friends went home my mom was so mad when she found out, I was grounded for a whole month, but lesson learned never have a party again like ever ever again, me and Andrew were still complicate it and I don't really want to think about it are Kiss was kind of an accident, and now I feel bad about Dylan, this was the most craziest birthday I have ever had I really wish Ben was here to see it he would've loved it, but yes 16 it was probably going to be hard because I have to learn more things about my life, hopefully my next birthday will be more fun as well, it was literally my first time getting drunk, don't try it because I'm never gonna drink again, it was so gross I threw up the next morning, I had the worst experience drinking, I wondered what Andrew was thinking about our kiss, I know Dylan for sure wasn't happy, and know I feel bad, And I don't know how I feel about the kiss but it was amazing, I don't know I think I liked him I feel bad what I said at the party, it was so mean because I saw his face and I know he was sad, but yeah come back for my next story......

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