Episode eight the truth story

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Hi guys I'm back, today's story is me telling Dylan what happened, and what happens to my dad and his girlfriend, I really don't know how I'm gonna tell Dylan, that I kissed his brother and I enjoyed it it's going, i'm going to break his heart, i'm thinking second thoughts wait no I can't do that I really like him and I can't do that, i'm very nervous and I hope it goes well, let's get right into it. Right now I want you to choose between me and her, he laughed obviously and she's my daughter, find then I'm done with you we're breaking up, good I was gonna do it because you cheated on me, i'll pack my stuff and leave wait no you leave, it' my house, fine just don't expect me to pay the rent anymore, ok bye he waved at her""" she left i'm never coming back, she act like someone cared, i'm sorry that I told you that I just couldn't lie to you anymore I just didn't wanna break your heart, My love you're the child you're not supposed to care about these things, i'm glad you told me she was kind of suffocate me, and I love you so much and I will always choose you I didn't want you to choose, you didn't have too I did I love you more than anything, I love you too, i'm really gonna tell Dylan tomorrow about what happened with me and Andrew, that's great my love. I'll take you home today go pack your stuff, OK I went to packed my stuff then I saw Dylan's hoodie he gave me well technically I stole it, but he let me borrow it, it's still smell like him ok I sound like a weird ok sorry, I packed all my things and headed downstairs, ready to go are you hungry, I'll call your mom and see if she cook dinner, hey hi did you cook dinner Lillys coming home what really does this mean she's telling Dylan, I'm pretty sure, yes I'm cooking dinner right now, OK bye oh and I need to tell you something when I get there, ok bye. OK I was a little bit happy about my dad's break up with Riley because my parents are meant to be and I really love them together, let's hope""" ready to go yeah"" i'm a little nervous I don't know what to say to Dylan, I got home I asked Dylan to come over, everyone hugging me when I got in,I was so nervous, are you hungry I made dinner my mom said, i'm nervous mom what if I don't say the right thing, Lilly you're my daughter I know you're gonna say the right thing, but what if he doesn't want to talk to me again, well then forget him because you were more special than he think, stop thinking about it overwhelming you just eat and wait till he get here,ok"" I made your favorite, spaghetti"" yeah, I ate very fast, stop you go chock, maybe that's better than telling Dylan, Lilly eat slowly it's going to be fine Eddie said so what did you have to say John that's my dad's name by the way, oh yes so turns out Riley has been cheating on me, she was talking crap about our daughter, saying all the stuff about her, that Lilly the same thing that she's a hypocrite,that she's out to get her, my mom looked very mad, what Eddie said she's comparing herself to a little girl, she's a grown ass woman, exactly what I said,
¿Por qué diría cosas así de mi hija? Which means why would she say things about my daughter like that, I don't know but she's crazy and I saw that today,right my understand Spanish because he learned it from my mom, Ding dong The doorbell rang it was Dylan, I can't do it it's too soon, Lilly answer the door, Mason said, wow nobody care about me, but everyone go upstairs, I didn't know what to do, everyone went upstairs to open the door, before I open the door I'm going to my grandmas today to see the rest of the story, but she told me to tell him, hey hi he was about to kiss me, wait I need to tell you something, And please don't be mad, What's wrong? I take a breather and said ok I kissed Andrew what?? I didn't mean to an accident I started crying it was wrong I shouldn't have done it, please forgive me, is why you left? Yeah"" I know I'm the worst person in the world and you don't have to forgive me I'm so sorry, you cheated on me I just need time to breathe, are you breaking up with me, no I just need a break and I'm not breaking up with you, I really liked you and that really hurt, I don't know what's wrong with me, Lilly there something wrong with your happens but I hope he didn't do it on purpose, I did and that's why I'm telling you because I enjoyed the kiss, and I know I shouldn't have because it was so wrong they did that, because Dylan you're amazing I really like you and I didn't want to do that, Lilly that's why I'm forgiving you, you're so sweet and I can't face the fact to hurt you, so that's why I need a break, i'll see you later he was mad and sad, and he deserves a huge break, how did it happen? Well he text me and said come out so I came out and he told me how much he like me that I can't deny what we have then he kissed me and I kissed him back, I gotta go he got home,wow why do you do this to me! Dylan was so mad at his brother, what are you talking about are you talking about? are serious, oh she told you! so you don't expect her to Lilly she's been my best friend for a long time, I thought you were my brother well I guess that means nothing, calm down just accidentally happened, OK whatever you can't talk to her again, I can do what I want, do you ever talk to her again I will hurt you, is that a threat little brother, I'm not scared of you, then he punched Andrew right in the face you  stupid bitch, then I rushed over stop stop it's all my fault I'm sorry, Lilly stop saying it's your fault it's his, why if I kissed him and I enjoyed it, it's mines I was with you didn't do anything, you liked it Andrew said, yeah but... Lily please leave OK, I decided I'll go to my grandmas tomorrow. I messed up again like always, I asked Sophia to come over and stay the night and she said I'll be right there, she was in my brothers room ewww it's not what it looks like, whatever I need to talk to you, what's up I told Dylan oh your brother told me, how did it go it was scary, and he said he needed a break, you guys broke up, no it's not like that just a break and Not a break up he said he's not breaking up with me, he wouldn't do that to me, but I feel so guilty and Andrew knew I enjoyed it, I just don't know what to do, I started crying, hey it's gonna be ok, no Sophia I messed up really bad, and I should've thought about that, I'm the worst person ever, Lilly it happens you're a human being you had a feeling, it's not your fault, you're right but I know right from wrong and I'm not like that, I'm changing and it not good, it is good you are a mature young beautiful 16 year old that's going to get through it, aww thank you I needed that, Plus you're more mature than me, no I'm not Lilly I wouldn't took the decision like you did, I wouldn't know what to do, you were responsible, you did it, girl you are great person, not me I cheated on Dylan and that was not right, I know and I'm not saying it was but you took responsibility to your own
Hans you did the right thing you told him, I love you I love you too. We went to sleep i'm glad I told Dylan but this would change our lives forever what I told him it was not right to do this, but I end up doing it because I felt like it was the right thing which it wasn't, The next morning I woke up and I brush my teeth Sophia was still sleeping, I jumped on the bed so she wake up, wake up wake up ugh I am so tired, what happened to you my brother last night, then kiss me you know the rest, ewww in my house he lives in the same house as you, OK I don't wanna talk about it, i'm gonna go downstairs and eat breakfast are you hungry, yeah I'm gonna take a quick shower, OK see you downstairs, good morning everyone no more lies with me I feel so much better, good morning sweetheart my dad said good morning my mom said, mason where is Sophia said good morning eddies you said good morning as well and Matthew too oh she's taking a shower, I have to use the bathroom Mason said there's a bathroom downstairs, yeah better use the one upstairs, stay downstairs I will hurt you, fine"" ewww this is exactly why I hate living with boys. Eddie are you going to take me to see grandma today yeah sure why not, thanks we had beans eggs and bacon for breakfast, I don't really like beans but since I'm older I have to eat them, Schools tomorrow and after all the drama I had at school I don't really want to go, now technically I have to be nice to Emma, well I don't think I did but let's just see what happens tomorrow, Dylan will not talk to me at all I text him good morning and didn't text back, he said he needed a break so I'm gonna respect that, I can't do anything about it, what time are you going to leave I have to do some paperwork but then we can leave, ok so I went upstairs and literally do not know what to do Sophia got done with the shower and got dressed, Sophia Do you wanna talk to me at all I can't stand it, he said he needed a break Lilly I know but I didn't know he meant it, but I think that's why he said that, he really mad at me I don't like this at all, I know I'm the one that messed up but still, are you ready to go Eddie said Yep I'm coming right now all right I'm gonna get ready, so get ready in this beautiful dress that's white, and it was so beautiful we left and we got there, Lilly I didn't expect you to come back, well why wouldn't I she is my grandma come right this way, grandma are you ready for today's story, yep so what happened to you and that boy, I told him what happened and he said he wanted a break he break up with you no just an actual break not just a break up, oh OK right where was I oh yes so I decided to tell him that I was seen both of them, and I know that wasn't right and I told him that I'm so sorry for that, You're seeing both of us, yeah I know I'm sorry, how could you be seeing both of us, We need to break up, what??? No I said I was sorry, you can't do both of us and still be with me, you have fun Lilly, he had broke up with me and I understood why and Andrew told me he couldn't do this anymore I told him about the break up and he still didn't want to be together, so what I did was had to make a big decision they both told me we had it I had to choose, him or the other and I didn't know who to pick because I really like both of them, it was so hard I didn't know what to do, my mom was so mad when I told her shit why did I do it I told you because I like both of them, it was wrong dating both of them, but I still did it, I cried for days not but knowing what to do but I thought about it who makes me happier, tanner or Eric? I don't think about this really hard, I thought all the ways of Tanner how he makes me feel when I'm sad he makes me happy, he never wants to hurt me, but with Andrew we have a connection that can never be broken, it was like nothing I have ever felt before, and I couldn't face the fact that I liked him, but in the end I think I knew I wanted to choose what does one of them makes me happier more than anything and makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, I really know he was the one for me, I really love him, he was the love of my life, no one would no why I made this decision cheating was very wrong, I told tanner how I felt yes and I chose Tanner because Tanner was so incredible, and I told Eric I hope this doesn't change anything you will always be in my heart, you are incredible I really did like you but the person I love not you it's Tanner, that your decision but it did change things with me and Eric he didn't really talk to me that much, but when I told Tanner how I felt he felt the same way, and I would never cheated on you again, and I will be with you always and forever, every day we would look at each other and we would grow old together, we eventually got married when I was 25 in 1965 The best day of my life, and then The same year I had dad, so amazing things happen I had 2 more kids of course as you know, And me and your grandpa got older, your dad and your aunt,uncle took here so we can help, and me and grandpa stay here now and every night I try to go to his room give him a hug, and also a kiss, Awww was the cutest story ever grandma, well is the story I can tell you liked it sweetheart all you have to do is listen to your heart can you find out who you want, my grandma was so right she always is right, but I felt like I knew who I wanted to choose, grandma showed me what I had it to, all I have to do is listen to my heart and hopefully my heart will be right, I thought about that hard and I really don't know I would think about it tonight too are you
I went to talk to my grandpa and asked him why he did he forgive grandma, i'm not saying he shouldn't have of course he should've but I want to know, hi grandpa Sophie what brings you here? No Grandpa it's Lilly my mom's daughter, oh Lilly you look so much like your mom, thanks I was wondering why did you forgive grandma, oh because I knew she was the love of my life, when she told me how she felt I knew she was one, she knew everything about me, she was my best friend, I met her when I was around 8 years old, and something about her made me happy, when we met she was so nice and I knew she could be my best friend, I told her I liked her when I was 15, she said she liked me, when I broke up with her I broke up with her because I thought she was in love with another person, so it broke my heart but when she told me she loved me that's when I knew she could be the one, I didn't believe she chose me because I thought she liked the other guy better, turns out I was wrong and that's why I for gave her she's my best friend and I love her and it will always be by her the rest of my whole life, they relationship was so cute, he really liked her I could tell, that was true love they relationship and I want that with one of them , it was so cute how to grow old together, but when you find the one you grow old with them, it was something I had to think about, I love you grandpa I love you too, most perfect love story I could ever heard, I want it that forever, but for sure I knew who to choose, I think I would have to think about it though, and hopefully I choose the right person, I know one of them will be sad but I decided to do this on my own, I will figure it out, I hugged my grandpa and told him bye i'll come visit you guys more I promise, I was happy because my grandma made me happy I knew who I wanted to choose and it finally felt better, bye grandma bye baby ready to go yeah"" we get in the car and asked me how was it it was good I know who I'm going to choose, ok he didn't know what I was talking about, he started driving then a car came out of nowhere and we crashed very bad to
be continued......

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