Episode 11 my dad and his girlfriend got back together story 

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today's story it's super crazy, this is probably the worst day of my life, The today's story it's a little bit crazy and I'm not happy about it all or on you'll see awhy, but yeah let's get right into it, so you're going to hear my dad and his girlfriend story first and then mines let's start, my dad went back home, my dad was sad for a while because of what happen with Riley, and it breaks his heart that she did that to him, Dingdong, oh hey what are you doing here, it was Riley she was crying, i'm sorry what happened I didn't mean to say those things about your daughter I was just mad, let's get back together, OK if you ever talk about my daughter like that again then we won't will never be together again, or cheat on me, so yeah they're getting back together and I don't lknow why, you're going to see why I found out, he kisses her, yeah I know gross, I hate this so much, my dad was doing paperwork, all right I don't even think I told you guys what my dad is a cop just like my brother kind of but he a detective, what are you doing my love? just doing paperwork for work, did you find the guy that went after your daughter and your son, no not yet, well I'm gonna go to bed good night, good night! and he didn't tell me, but now time for my story today I was gonna figure out a way for people not to like Charlotte, I got ready and this pretty yellow shirt and shorts, I put my hair up in a ponytail, I go downstairs good morning guys good morning everyone said today's my first day where is it at Starbucks if you just did it know yeah he told us million times last night Mason said well I was checking if you remembered, i'm so nervous for work today every day after school I'm going to work for eight hours after school, yeah I went to school, and I was trying to show people true Charlotte but now she's popular so now I don't know what to do now, she was annoying me all day, and I didn't know what to do, I saw Dylan and Charlotte's project it was cool they were tried Mentos and soda, I mean I didn't take them long to do that but whatever, I did the project with Brian and we did water and soil, it wasn't cool as there was after school my brother couldn't take me to Starbucks because he started his work shift earlier, so I asked Andrew to take me Dylan was talking to Charlotte, thanks for taking me, no problem he tried to kiss me and I told him to stop, this doesn't mean I want to kiss you, oh well I mean my brother was just distracted with Charlotte so I was like ok, I am leaving I rolled my eyes, uhhh it's so hard not kissing
What am I saying, I started and I was so nervous I feel like I was going to do something wrong, it was Charlotte that was ordering, hello what would you like today, I'll have a pink drink, ok is that all, yes thank you very much, people from my school were there I had a huge idea for her to throw the drink at me, hopefully work I'm going to try to get her annoyed and see if she's throws it or something like that, this is gross she spits it on me, I did it, I am so sorry I didn't mean to spit on you, it's fine i'll make you another one, OK thank you this  not work well, I know what you try to do there and not going to work, I rather deal with Emma then this bitch, I can't stand her, I saw you Lilly I know what are you trying to do, you're gonna lose your job, but mason I told you she going to try to steal Dylan, Lilly he still likes you no matter what I never seen that before, he's right but that girl she keeps trying I don't know what to do and it's really hard, you're right but she's mean, OK what if she's me which I don't believe I said give her a chance, I hate it fighting with her it was the one person I couldn't stand, I dealt with worse a boy hitting me with a ball right Dylan was not happy about that but he punch him, that boy bully me a lot even say if he wanted to kill me, and one person that I thought was my friend started being mean to me, and I have to deal with Emma every day, but something about this girl I couldn't get over and it just hurts that one person is making me feel like this, Lilly you need to focus on yourself you need to worry about yourself don't worry about her being mean you're better than that, I love my brother so much and all my brothers they literally the best things that ever happened to me, you're right again I love you! I love you too! Sophia came to see on my first day, hi Bestie The manager came by, hey regular customer, what would you like today? Mmm Chocolate croissant would be fine, OK that will be $2.75 oh can I have a room Hot chocolate as well, of course your total will be $4.50, thank you! You're welcome! My best friend is great, next customer was a Karen, hello so I got this drink and I'll like a refund, she had a Karen voice by the way, hello um When did you get this? Today this morning and it taste awful, what's your drink ma'am, chocolate chip Frappuccino if you can't tell what it is, OK so the string look really suspicious, can I take this eww what do you put in here, excuse me you're asking what I put in here you guys the one that made the drink, it really smells like rotten eggs, let me get my manager Casey yeah Lilly! My customer is a Karen and she's claiming that something wrong with her drink, it smells like rotten eggs, mmm that's weird, let me talk to her, hi ma'am what's the problem? My employee is telling me that your drink smells weird, yes because you put something in here, what?? Your people don't know how to make something right, Your drink smells like rotten eggs and I don't know why are you trying to blame us if you're the one that did it, well there's something wrong with my drink, is she serious, Casey let me talk to you privately can we just ask her to leave because there's obviously nothing wrong with her drink, yeah I'll call the cops, after we got the cops to take her that lady was crazy, trying to get a refund on something, rest of the day was pretty boring, I was so tired I had to do closing time, are you ready to go Lilly? Mason asked me, yeah I yawned, We got home and I went to sleep, The next day I woke up and take a shower and brush my teeth, then I got ready in a black shirt and skinny jeans, I went downstairs to eat breakfast, what's for breakfast? Man mom still not up yet, mom had to work overtime she's tired just let her sleep Eddie said, by the way are you still trying to look for that guy Preston, you're probably wondering how this all happened with Preston, or not I'm just gonna tell you, so my brother Eddie and Preston we're detective friends, kinda I have a crush on him not gonna lie, if you saw him you would probably too, right what am I talking about his bad guy, they were working on a case, there's this really giant diamond that was about like 2,423 tonnes and it weighs 5,342,000 lbs, so you have to carry it with a The things that carry things that are heavy not sure what it's called, but it's like super heavy And super big, just imagine like a big diamond, so lotta people want to steal this diamond because it cost a lot of money it cost $2 billion like that's a lot, So let's get right into this, Are you sure the diamond secure, Eddie said, by the way they're taking it somewhere, yep I'm sure, Preston said, Preston was secretly working for the bad guys, all right that's it, we should get to go on dude and eddies said, I'm good he punched him in the face, why do you punch me, Is it an obvious I'm working for The industry, I thought we were friends, I don't need friends when I have all this money, then they try to lift up the diamond and it dropped into the ground everyone thought it broke but they won't 100% sure, after that everyone was thanking it was broken Preston kept on thinking it was still out there, because after hit the ground It was missing, maybe someone took it, but yeah no ones seen Preston in for 2 years because he disappeared, but that's why my brother was surprised, But yeah he still trying to catch Preston, he is a really bad guy but also cute, just kidding, maybe really I'm joking, but seriously is a bad guy, yeah don't worry Lilly I'm gonna find him, you better get to school, right can you make me something please, sure what do you want? mmm toast and eggs would be fine, ok hold on, he's so nice he made me toast and eggs, thanks! now get going Eddie said ok I'm leaving I saw Dylan getting into Charlotte car, good morning very angrily, good morning! Why are you going in her car? Martins is off for the weekend, and my car is in the shop Getting clean, and Andrew won't take me, well then I will ride with Andrew, you don't have to well my brothers can't take me either, and seems like Charlotte doesn't want me in, yeah sorry there's no space, yeah so you can just make out with my boyfriend Ha so funny, Lilly calm down,you can do whatever you want it fine, you act like I'm gonna cheat on you, I'm m not gonna do what you did, oh drama Charlotte said, you can't ride with him if he already cheated on me with him, but you know what you can do whatever you want, it was an accident already told you, Lilly you act like I'm gonna do something, I trust you but not her, she's really nice I don't know why you don't see that, no one believes me she's so mean she just wants to steal away from me, I can't lose you I lost my best friend and I can't wait lose you too I started crying, Lilly you're not gonna lose me I just don't really understand why you don't like her, I am leaving you have fun, Lilly wait just leave me alone, but Lilly I was so sad that he said that to me I thought he got over that, And mad at Charlotte because she making him like her more, just not fair I really like him and nobody believes me, I don't understand I'm not lying, he my Best friend and he's taking someone else's side again I really like him I really don't know what to do, I went inside to ask my brother to take me Matthew said sure what happened you look sad,Dylan taking someone else aside again, what?? Is this true he went outside what are you talking about you don't care about my sister don't you, I do I never said that, it's OK Matthew calm down, you ever hurt her I will kill you I swear, let's go Lilly ok! I said why was he acting like that? I don't know, is he being mean to you? No it ok it fine, we'll not if you're crying, it's fine I swear, I love you! I love you too! I don't know why he took her side. The rest of the day I didn't talk to him, at all because I was so mad, Lilly please talk to me I'm sorry, it's OK but I need space, ok bye, after school you went to work, and I got my first paycheck it was $30 not that bad, just 39,030 to go I was saving up for a Big car it cost a lot of money, but it's very nice car, I am so mad about today, after work went  home my dad texted me all my Family he had big news, Riley was at my house, what is she doing here, hey Lilly don't be mad me and Riley got back together, why if she was saying awful things about me, she said she was mad and she didn't mean to yeah I'm very sorry Lilly, but cheating is not a right Lily didn't Dylan forgive you what you did, why can I just give Riley a chance how could you do this to me, don't talk to me I am so mad, I went to my room and I was super mad I'm mad at everyone to calm down but I didn't know what to do, do you know the only person that can fix this is ben but he's not here and it's not fair, The only person that knew how to help me, I miss him so much, I went to Ben's grave I ran out of my house, Lilly wait my dad said, I just left, hi I wish you were here ben I cried I can't do it without you you're my best friend I love you so much, I just wish you never died, you're the only one that can fix me I love you so much, I felt so lost I didn't know what to do, Lilly? Andrew what are you doing here? Are you OK, I'm fine I saw you run out of your house, And I knew you would be here, are you ok no one believes me that Charlotte is evil, yeah I have a feeling she's mean to you, can you believe me, yeah why would you lie about that, Dylan didn't see it that way, well then Dylan must not really like you because I see you like that, and I felt something glow up inside, not really because that can never happen but you know what I mean, it's going to be OK it's gonna get better I promise, I didn't say anything I was so bizarre how this was I think I really like Andrew, then I kissed him it was raining and it was getting late, I kept on kissing him, of course he kissed me back, I did it again Dylan will never forgive me this time, But I just couldn't stand the fact that I felt right now it was so magical, maybe I chose Andrew I'm not sure but this was the best moment ever, we continued kissing! I went home and didn't know what to do I went upstairs because I knew I messed up again I don't know what's wrong with me there's really something wrong with me for doing this twice, I didn't mean to do this at all it was an accident I mean was it, it was I'm a bad person and I shouldn't have done that to Dylan doing so incredible, Dylan text me he wanted to talk to me he was so sorry what happened how can I do this to him it was so mean, I feel like I want to do it to get back to him but I'm not sure, and now he will never forget me and don't know what to do at all, I don't know who I like now I'm even more confused with the whole kiss, I keep on saying Dylan now Andrew, I don't know what do you hopefully I find out, I kept on crying and crying because I really didn't know what to do I had messed up so bad it was horrible, now there was no going back and I messed up really bad, and my dad was right I cheated on Dylan to and he still for gave me and I'm the worst, my dad was back with his girlfriend I kissed Andrew I don't know how I was going to tell my therapist this next week, but I'll figure it out how can I do this I mean I like both of them a lot and I don't know if I could choose someone it is so hard, I had messed up really bad this time, no one will forgive me i'm so horrible, why so many emotions I didn't understand it all it was so confusing, 16 is very hard I feel like the worst person ever and I messed up I didn't know who I wanted, Of course I want to both of them but you can only have one person this time I really have to choose and I have to choose the right person because if I don't I don't know what I ever do, I have to listen to my heart just like my grandma told me so that could be anyone, Dylan or Andrew but I wasn't sure, thanks to my grandma I kind a know what to do but I kind of don't but I think I could do this but I have to choose the right person, well that's today's story thank you guys for reading come back and see what happens next to be continued....

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