-Terra X Reader- Practice Makes Perfect

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Before we start, (key1) and (key2) are your weapons. Choose any two keyblades of choice for this.

Enjoy :)


You sat on the soft ground as you watched him train. He swung his large key-shaped sword as he hit the targets scattered across the small portion of the island.

"Terra maybe you should rest... You've been training for hours" you got up and walked over to the boy, Terra. Terra grinned and ruffled your hair "I'm fine. Don't worry." He grabbed his keyblade and began striking the targets again.

You sighed and sat back down on the ground, watching Terra silently. You suddenly got an idea. You smirked and stood up, summoning your own keyblades'. Yes, you had two. (Key1) and (Key2).

You snuck up on Terra an placed the two keyblades around his neck." Wanna spar?" You removed your keyblades from his neck and waited for an answer. Terra stood silently "Terra?" Out of nowhere Terra swiftly spun around and attacked. You easily blocked his attack. "I take that as. Yes" Terra smirked and struck again.

-20 minutes later-

You and Terra were still sparring. You had both of your keyblades crossed against his neck, as he had his keyblade behind yours. "Tie?" You said as you smiled. Terra smirked and jerked his keyblade against your neck, pushing you forwards into him. You closed your eyes, afraid of what would happen, till you opened your eyes to see they were looking directly into Terra's. You felt a smirk form on his lips. What the he- you thought, till you looked down and realized what had happened. You blushed and tried to pull away, making Terra only pull you back.

He dropped his keyblade and moved a stray piece of hair our of your face. "I think I won this match (y/n)" you smiled and cupped Terra's face. "Oh really, because I think we still tied" you leaned in and kissed Terra again.

"AQUA YOU'VE GOTTA COME LOOK AT THIS!!!!" You and Terra quickly separated and looked in the direction of the loud noise, and both of you were not happy with what you saw. "VEN IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!" You both yelled as you got your keyblades and chased after Ven.


Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been dealing with depression.. Anyways I hope you all enjoined the new one-shot. I'm still taking requests! I might do a Sora X Kairi one-shot in the future. Should I?

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