-Vanitas x Reader- Broken Together

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I wandered around the long, empty dirt road. No rout. No final destination. Just an endless pathway of dull brown rocks and dirt. I had lost everything, my friends, my master, my family..
I looked up at the sky and saw the clouds separated, a large blue heart filled the sky between the emerged clouds. kingdom hearts. Everything was over, it was too late. The war has begun, and the three brave keyblade warriors have been defeated. Terra, Aqua, Ventus. I had so much hope everything was going to be okay, I thought we'd win and make it out alive. I guess I was wrong, way wrong. There's no such thing as a happy ending now, it's too late.
I continued walking as I dragged my broken keyblade across the dirt, flashes of scenes and images played through my head. Sparring With Ven, getting my first keyblade from Terra, falling asleep in Aquas arms after having a nightmare. A single tear slid down my face as I came to the harsh realization that those moments are all just memories now. Cherished memories.
That single tear turned into one more, and another, and another, till I completely broke. I fell to my knees and scraped my hand across the hard surface of the ground. "DAMMIT!! WHY!!" I cursed as I threw my keybalde to the ground. I sat there, alone, on my knees with my head on the ground like this was all I had left, which it was.
I came back to reality when I heard a clank next to me. I looked over and saw my keyblade. "Who's there?!?" I yelled and stood to my feet. "Ven?!!" I yelled again. Suddenly a tall figure leaped from the top of a rock and landed in front of me, I took a step closer to get a better look at him.

"Nope, not Ven. Close tho, it's Van"

"VANITAS!" I said as I picked up my keyblade and lunged towards him. I had him pinned against a wall with my keyblade firmly against his neck. A part of me was ashamed for allowing him to see me weak, but it was too late to be worrying about that as more tears flowed out. "YOU DID THIS. YOU KILLED THEM. YOU SICK BASTARD YOU DID THIS!" I managed to say Between sobs. I looked up at Vanitas and saw that his  trademark smug grin was replaced with a blank look, was he feeling sympathy?
"My my... somebody's quite damaged, aren't they?" He softly said. I pushed my keyblade harder against neck and scoffed, "ME? Look at you!!". This time a frown appeared on his face.
"You might be damaged, but I'm destroyed. You think you have nothing left? Try being used. Try having your emotions used to build an Arsenal of unversed. I'm not the one who did this, Xehanort is. I was his puppet, his slave.."

I stared at him. Completely shocked at his words. I had no idea.. he was being used this whole time..
I removed my keyblade from his neck and released him, I know letting my guard down isn't what I should be doing right now, but  a part of me could see the pain in his eyes.. that pain is called truth.
I turned my attention back to Vanitas as I heard him chuckle, "looks like we're both pretty broken" he said as he looked at me and held out his hand, "Might as well be broken together then, right?". I stared at his hand, cautious to accept his request. What was he even asking? I hesitantly took his hand and we walked together, hand in hand down the endless rocky pathway.
I thought I had lost everything, till I looked in his deep amber eyes and saw a hope. A new beginning. His words replayed in my head over and over again, "might as well be broken together then". Together.


Thank you @Mark-Tuans-Wife and @BlueGreenAngel16 for requesting!!

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