-Namine X Reader- Just a Sketch

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"Yes, [Name]?"

I furiously slammed my pencil on my clean white desk, and quickly turned around to be greeted by a girl with a cheeky grin on her face and a slight tint of red on her cheeks.
"[Name]... for the last time.. WHAT". I said as I looked [Name] deep in the eyes and Glared at her. "Oh.. I'm sorry. I just.. can I see what you're drawing..?" She said shyly as her grin faded and her blush deepened. My expression softened as I saw her sudden change in mood, this girl has no idea how badly she has me wrapped around her finger. "Of course, come here", I said as I got up from my desk and sat on a white couch across the room. [Name] stood up from her spot on the floor and pounced on the couch next to me. Adorable. I flipped to the beginning of my sketch book and handed it to her. I was amused by how amazed she looked when looking at my art. I loved to draw, but my sketches were fairly simple and not very detailed. I still Adored the fact that [Name] loved them. She continued flipping till she landed on a page, it had a drawing of her and I walking hand in hand down a long hallway, facing each other with our lips barely touching. I quickly grabbed the sketchbook from her and slammed it close. She looked at me, clearly confused, till a smirk formed on her face. This time it was my turn to blush. Her smirk turned into a genuine smile, and she gently took the sketchbook back and returned to the page she left off on. I don't know why I let her take the book again, I shouldn't have even let her see in the first place. What was she going to think... does she hate me? Is she weirded out? Is she embarrassed?
I looked down at the ground and waited for a reaction from [Name]. Out of Curiosity, I glanced over at her. She was staring right at the drawing, a heartwarming smile on her face. Suddenly a single tear slid down her face, as her smile grew wider.
"[Name]?!" I said as I grabbed the book and comforted her. As soon as I put the book away she leaned in and held me in a warm embrace. It wasn't a normal hug, this one was so full of emotion, like she never wished to let go. Frankly, I didn't want to let go either. She pulled away after a few minutes and stared deeply into my eyes. "Namine, it's beautiful.. is that.. is that what You want?" She said as she continued to stare at me, waiting for an answer. I didn't know how to respond, so I simply said "it's just a sketch..". She wasn't satisfied and asked once more, this time leaning in closer, "Nami. Is that what you want?". She was so close, at this point I could feel her soft breath on me as she looked at me. Her eyes never left mine, till I answered her question by pulling her onto me as I softly kissed her. Both of us relaxed as we melted into the warm kiss. Moments passed, moments that felt like forever, till [Name] slowly pulled away. She looked down at me and I saw pure love in her eyes.. a soft general expression. She leaned in once more and rested her forehead on mine, "Namine.. I love you.". I giggled and moved a stray piece of hair away from her face, "I love you too".

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