-Aqua x Reader- Stars

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I laid in my warm bed and stared out my window, glancing at the starts in the dark midnight sky. It's amazing how bright they light up the sky, it proves how powerful the light is over darkness. I always found the stars mesmerizing, they're so easy to get lost in.
My peaceful thoughts were interrupted as I heard a scream fill throughout the hallway. I quickly got out of bed and ran towards the sound. [Name's] room?! Even more concerning.. I knocked on the door and opened it, then stepped in her room and Quietly sat down next to her on her bed.
"[Name]...?" I said softly as I ran my hand through her hair. She looked up at me, her face stained with tears and more starting to flow out of her bright [eye color] eyes. I gently wiped her tears away as she sat up and leaned against my chest. I held her tightly and continued to dry her eyes. "Don't cry, love. You're too beautiful to cry". She relaxed in my arms and I smiled softly at her. "It... it was a... nightmare.." she said as her voice cracked, trying to hold back more tears. I rested My forehead against hers as she relaxed once more and looked up at me. I thought I get easily mesmerized by the stars? They don't even compare to the amount of purity and light in [Name's] eyes.. her eyes, I could get lost in those forever, and I wouldn't mind it at all.. I look at her and I feel at home. I feel peace and comfort. I feel love and affection.. I feel wanted. Since the moment I met her when she was just a child and I was barely a teenager, I knew I needed to protect her. Protect her from the harsh world and evil people out there. I'd never let anything corrupt her kind spirit. She probably views me as an older sister, a mother maybe... I think of us as much more, I just fear that I'm the only one who shares these feelings..
I pushed my thoughts aside as I noticed a small smirk form on [Name's] face. My face grew red as I began to get confused. "Whatcha thinking about?" She said as she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "What was I thinking about, well I was thinking about you, Love" I said as I kissed her forehead. Her smile grew wider, as did the tint of red across her face. I giggled and looked down at her once more.


"Yes Aqua?"

"Do you love me?"

[Name] looked up at me, shocked. I was quite shocked I asked that as well.
"Aqua... of course I love you.. my nightmare, it was about you.. us.. it was about you not being with me anymore. I can't live without you. Of corse I love you. I love you more than any-"
I cut her off mid sentence and softly pressed my lips against hers. She instantly melted into the kiss as I held her closer to me. At that moment I had finally realized what love was. Love is having somebody to make you feel happy, and wanted, and special. [Name] made me feel all of those things, and many more. She was my everything.
We slowly separated and took a moment to admire each other. I looked deeply into her beautiful eyes and found myself lost in them again.
"Aqua?". She said, breaking the silence.
"Yes?" I replied. "Can.. can you stay with me tonight.." I smiled and laid [Name] down. "Of course". I said as I laid down next to her.
I held her close to me, I held her like I never wanted to let go, And I honestly didn't ever want to let go. I smiled and looked out her open window, Watching the stars shine and twinkle.

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