-Ventus X Reader- Gone With The Wind

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"Stay safe (Y/n)... We'll be back soon" a blue haired girl said and smiled. It was a sad smile, not the kind of happy-cheerful Aqua smile you know and loved. The 3 keyblade warriors have been, distant since they all returned to the land of deparcher, and you had no idea why. Aqua stood up and hugged you,"you stay safe too Aqua..." Her grip tightened as she stayed there for a second. She let you go and a single tear shed and slid down her face. A boy with Brown hair walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and nodded,"(y/n)... We don't know... We don't know when were coming back, but we need you to stay strong. Find your place in this world." Terra smiled and removed his hand from behind his back, you never noticed he even had his hand behind him," take this" he said giving you a large Key-shaped sword. It was heavy and you could barley hold it, you weren't used to the feeling of holding a weapon like this before, besides the old wooden one Ven gave you," this is the master's keyblade (y/n).... Use it wisely and remember to follow the path of light" a blonde walked out from behind Terra and stood in front of you,"never wonder over to the Darkness (y/n)" Ven said ruffling your hair. You giggled,"Thanks guys" you smiled and reached into your pocket. You pulled out a [Fav Color] Star-shaped charm and held it in your hand. You smiled and held your arm out with the charm resting in your hand. The 3 keyblade masters' smiled and pulled out their charms as well, placing them on top of your hand," as long as I know you'll always be with me.... I'll be ok" Ven smiled and walked over to you," remember that (y/n)" Ven said leaning in and kissing your forehead. You felt tears building up in your eyes," do you really have to leave?" Terra sighed," I wish we didn't, but sadly, yes" you frowned and turned around,"Good luck...." Was the last thing you said as you walked up the large staircase of the castle. Ven sighed as you heard footsteps exit the castle. You began to slowly sob as you sat on the floor, hugging your legs with your head buried in your knees. The 3 keyblade masters were in for more than they expected. The final Battle, or the beginning of a whole new adventure. You didn't understand why they had to leave, or what they were doing. The only thing you could do was hope for the best, and pray Terra, Aqua, and Ven survived, the ultimate battle that awaits them.

[The Next Morning]

You ran out of bed, not even bothering to get changed into your normal outfit,"Terra?!?! Aqua! Ven!?" A huge smile spread across your face as you opened the door into Aqua's room. You frowned as you saw an empty bed and Aqua nowhere in sight," maybe they're on their way home now.." You walked down the hall and opened Ven's bedroom door," not here either.." You turned around and closed the door to his room. Your only hope was Terra's room. You slowly opened the door and the frown on your face never left. Terra wasn't there. You yawned and walked outside," what the hell?" The sky was dark and there was a huge blue heart in the middle of the sky, Surrounded by a circle of clouds. You sighed and noticed the palm of your hand glowing. A look of confusion spread across your face as your palm started glowing brighter. You closed your eyes till the light died down. When you reopened them, you were shocked. The Master keyblade was in your hand, and there was a portal of light in front of you. Your keyblade started glowing and dragging you into the portal. You shielded your eyes from the intense light the portal gave off. Seconds later the light died down and you reopened your eyes. You were in the middle of a keyblade graveyard, literally. You looked down at your arms and the rest of your body. You had a full set of keyblade armor on. It had a [fav color] scheme to it. You felt around your head and traced the shape of the helmet on your head. Your thoughts were interrupted by the earth below you shaking, and someone screaming. You turned around and saw a flash of blue get launched into the air," AQUA!!"you screamed as you started running full speed. You leaped on the wall of the mountain and ran up in. Once Aqua was in view you jumped off the wall and caught her, turning in mid-air so you would break her fall. You began falling faster, when suddenly everything went black.

[some time later]

You woke up in a white room with one chair in the center. You rubbed your eyes and stood up, but something was different. You now noticed a person in the chair and someone sitting in front of it,"a-Aqua?" She turned around and her face was stained with tears. You quickly stood up and rushed to her side," what happened?!" She rubbed her eyes and pointed in front of her," Ven" and right there, in the center if the room, Ven was sitting down in the one chair,"h-how?!" You felt tears build up in your eyes. Aqua noticed this and wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close," I-I...." You began crying as Aqua held you tighter,"(y/n).." You dried your eyes and looked at Aqua," y-yes?" She smiled and looked at Ven," I remember when you were both little kids, You would sneak into Ven's room at night and I would sing lullabies to you 2" you looked at Ven and smiled, remembering your childhood memories," but your not a kid anymore (y/n)... Your all grown up. You saved me." You gave Aqua a reassuring smile and placed a hand on her shoulder,"no problem Aqua" you closed your eyes and began singing Aqua's lullaby

Sleep soundly safe in his heart
You no longer have to face the evil in the dark
Just rest your mind, and leave your pain behind
Remember softly, of a time when the world was so bright

You've fought so bravely, my dear
And so you can rest, for now there's nothing left to fear
Fighting onward, you dreamed unreachable things
But now your dreams carry you to a place where these things come True

You sobbed and sat In front of Ven. You scooted closer and rested your head on his lap and closed your eyes.

I'll hold your hand while you sleep
So don't be afraid, I won't let shadows touch your dreams
Maybe in time, we'll leave this all behind
We'll look up skyward, and the stars, will shine in your eyes

Your eyes shot open as you looked up at Ven. He slowly began to open his eyes. Once he had a clear vision of you he smiled,"(y/n)......" You started to cry again," I'm glad your here with me now" you cried in his lap as he rubbed your head," please don't cry."

Promise, you'll wake up in time
When you awaken I will be there by your side
There's a person, he'll fix the broken mistakes
I'll find him and journey on, I will save you, whatever it takes

yeh, so this was my first one shot thing. So no hats plz D:. Other than that all comments are greatly appreciated. I will be doing requests for more one shots, if you want me to do an OC one shot, or like a special one shot dedicated to you as stuff. Anyways thanks for reading :D

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