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I found myself following his gaze, staring at him from afar and even watching his little movements. I notice each and every habit he has. The way he flips his hair when he's frustrated, the way his smile makes his eyes shut like it was smiling too. He's just so perfect.

Unfortunately, I can't find the courage to tell him that. "I'll tell him at the right time" I say to Felix. "Seungmin, you've been telling me the same shit everytime." he replied. "You always go 'maybe next time' 'when its right' 'just...not now lix' " my best friend mocked me.


"okay min, I still have class, see you later at lunch" Felix trailed off as he waved goodbye to the younger.
Seungmin waved goodbye as well, processing the words his best friend told him moments ago.

Felix was right, he does say those words a lot. Repeating the same answers, telling the older that he'd confess soon just...not now.


"Seungmin? Minnie?" I called out. Where the hell is he? I ask myself as I look all over our apartment. I need to talk to him. No no, I desperately need to talk to him.

I got my apartment keys and locked the door on my way out. I know exactly where else he could be . So I go there, to the place I assume he would be at. After walking there for what felt like hours, I finally arrived and with a correct assumption.

There he was, sitting on a bench by an old maple tree. Surrounded by golden orange leaves as the fall breeze swept them off the ground. As beautiful as the leaves were, they were just a preview of what beauty caught my eye. 

I ran to the boy who was sat on the bench, I stare at him for awhile, admiring his glittering eyes. I then pulled him into a hug. A hug so tight that it might be suffocating him a bit, but I couldn't care less, I just miss him. I miss his scent, I miss the way he'd stare at me from afar thinking that I don't notice. I miss him.


Seungmin was confused, what has gotten into Minho and he's suddenly acting this way. Now, Minho isn't a very affectionate guy, he'd hug only a few people that he's close with. Seungmin would be one of them but even that was pretty rare.

Eventually though, Seungmin hugged the older back. Now feeling more at ease like he had been waiting for this moment his whole life. He found comfort in the older. Their late night talks, laughing at silly habits they both have, the way Minho doesn't care about how Seungmin falls asleep on his shoulder. Clearly the cat-like boy cares about the younger, he just doesn't show it a lot.


After awhile they pulled out of the hug, losing each other's embrace. They then sat down on the bench, funny enough, it fit them both perfectly like it was made for them. They sat there for some time in comfortable silence until Seungmin finally broke it.

"So min, uhm, what are you doing here?" he asked softly. "Oh well, I was looking for you. I need to talk to you about something...something important." Minho answered. Seungmin signalled for the older to continue, wanting to just listen.

"Remember that time when we went ice skating? We were holding on to each other so when you fell, I fell with you. We ended up getting up and laughing it off, not caring about the embarrassment we just gained." Minho laughed a bit by the end of his sentence. Seungmin replied with a giggle while nodding in agreement.

Seungmin has that memory embedded into his mind, he remembered the way the snow fell and surrounded Minho like he was an angel that fell straight from heaven. God, he's beautiful, Seungmin thought.

Minho continued, "How about that one time we were sitting by the window in our apartment while drinking the hot chocolate that you made. That same time when we saw the first snowfall. Y-you were so mesmerized by the beautiful white snowflake that fell on the glass window. And I was mesmerized by, well, by you."

Seungmin snapped out of his thoughts as he heard what Minho had just said. His mind was having a hard time processing the older's last words. Then it hit him, Minho liked him too. He was sure of it, at least now he is. All those times where he thought Minho just happen to look at him out of nowhere, maybe he was just looking at something behind him or he was being delusional and he wasn't even looking at him.

Now he's sure of it, he hadn't noticed it any sooner because he was too caught up in his own world. Thinking about how Minho might end up rejecting him and ruining their friendship.

"Seungmin, I like you. I always have, since you first entered our apartment, since you first fell into my arms when you tripped over a rock. You fall so much, you didn't notice me falling for you."  Minho stated.

Seungmin continued , "I don't know what to say. I like you too Min, ever since the first time I entered our apartment and since you caught me when I tripped over that stupid rock. I never noticed it because I was stuck in my own world, I was stuck thinking we couldn't possibly happen but now I'm sure. I like too Minho."

"Well then, Kim Seungmin, are you willing to be my boyfriend?" the older asked. The younger slowly replied with a nod, to overwhelmed with emotions to even speak. Minho caressed Seungmin's cheeks as he leaned in to kiss the younger. Seungmin then kissed back eventually wrapping his arms behind the older's neck, Minho doing the same for the younger's waist. They pulled out of the kiss and just sat there.

Seungmin layed his head on Minho's shoulder as they sit there. On a brown wooden bench, with metal railings on the side. Surrounded by beautiful fallen leaves, with a golden orange color. The moment was magical, it felt like the leaves were payed actors. A great preview for a beautiful moment.

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