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I stand in front of the door of a very familiar dorm room. My best friend lives here and I'm currently waiting for him to come out so we can go on our date. I can't believe I even had the courage to ask him out, I remember that day like it was yesterday—well it was actually yesterday.

"Hey minnie can I ask you something?" I asked very calmly. He then replied with a simple "yea?". "Do you maybe want to go out tomorrow? Let's go watch the new movie, I heard it was good", I continued. "Yea sure, I'm down for it", he replied.

Which brings as back to today. After confirming that Seungmin can go, we set up a time and place to meet up. I agreed on fetching him by his dorm around 6:30 in the evening.

If you can't tell already, I'm very much excited for this. We're both very busy with school so I wanted to ask him out for a chance, plus I've liked him for awhile now and hadn't really told him about it yet. I mean he's just so great, he makes me laugh, he comforts me and most importantly he's my best friend. I just love him so mu—


The door opens and Minho has heart eyes. He immediately ran to hug Seungmin but the younger stops him, "I look cute today, you might ruin my outfit". The older sighs, feeling defeated. Seungmin wasn't wrong though, he does look cute and Minho couldn't agree more.

The younger was wearing a buttoned up cardigan and blue colored jeans. A very comfortable yet a still cute outfit, perfect for a puppy-like boy. As for the cat-like boy, he was wearing a white hoodie on top of his black jeans and according to Seungmin's thoughts not gonna lie but he looks good today.


As we were riding the elevator to go to his car, he just kept on whining and whining about not getting a hug. So by the time we reached the lobby, "Hyung, stop it, I'm going back to the dorm if you'll just be like this.", I say unamused.

"I just wanted a hug minnie", he says with a visible pout on his face.

"fine, come on, hurry up because the movie starts in an hour" I say as I open my arms, getting ready for a hug. He then hugs me and as we pull away, you can just tell how happy he is. Why is he like this, I thought about as he pulls my hand, directing me to his car.

We get to his car and we get in, he then starts driving as I put the music on.



Finally, they arrived. Minho parked the car and they went on the elevator, pressing the floor where the cinema is located. As they step out of the elevator, Seungmin told Minho to go buy our tickets and he'll go buy the snacks. They seperate and do just that.


Minho followed as Seungmin said and went straight to the ticket booth to buy two tickets for the movie they were watching. "Hello can I get two tickets please." he askedthe ticket seller nicely. "Sure, where would you like to sit?" the seller asked kindly. The 22 year old then pointed to the seats he wanted and payed for the tickets.


After buying our popcorn and drinks, I headed to the ticket booth where I thought Minho would be. When I arrived there, I didn't see him anywhere so I went to the person selling the tickets to ask if he saw him. The salesperson said that she saw him go to the washroom.

I thanked the lady and was about to head to the washroom to wait for Minho but a hand stopped me. The same lady stopped me, pulling my hand slightly.



Minho got out of the washroom expecting a smiling boy waiting for him. But instead of a happy Seungmin, he faced a slap on the arm by a crying 20 year old. 

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