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It was 1:27 am as stated on the corner of Seungmin's phone as he scrolls through instagram. "Love, look, Hyunjin and Jisung went to Haven Resort last weekend too," the younger says to his boyfriend who replies with a simple nod. "Really? Cool, we should've went on the trip together," the older then continued, eyes focusing on the road.

The couple just came from a holiday trip in a resort somewhere along Busan. 'Haven Resort' to be exact, the place had a white sand beach and floating rooms. Rooms big enough to fit a family of four, though only two occupied most of them. It was a known resort for couples meaning they're booked mainly cause of honeymoons and holidays.

Minho and Seungmin stayed there for three days. Today, technically yesterday, was their last day in the resort. Unfortunately before they left, it began to pour, which didn't really make it all memorable. Still the couple made something of it, Seungmin mostly.

Before they had left, both boys decided it was safer to wait for the rain to calm down a bit so they stayed more than expected. While waiting for the rain to stop, the puppy-like boy got bored and impatient so he thought of something that could possibly get rid of his boredom.

Seungmin slowly opened the sliding glass door of their room and proceeded to walk outside. Minho took awhile to realize that his husband has gone loose but when he did, he immediately turned his head to that direction.

Minho walked calmly to Seungmin, stopping by the door frame and leaning on it. "Pup, you're going to get sick." the older said firmly, concern in his tone.

"I'll be fine hyung, it's just a bit of rain. Plus look at it, it's beautiful." the younger replied to his spouse. Seungmin was having fun, giggling and dancing around on the wooden platform not minding the rain hitting his skin.

Minho sighed, clearly knowledgeable that his husband will not listen to him. Instead he got ready a towel and took the camera by their bed. He went back to his location awhile ago and admired the boy outside. He took pictures of him and adored every movement.

He loved the boy so much and he knew he was lucky to have him.


We've both been busy with work so much that we barely have time for each other. I'm happy that I got to spend time and cuddle with him this weekend. We spent everytime we can in this trip, knowing that we'd be back to our usual schedule in a few days.

I'm currently driving us back home and according to the time on my phone, it's now 1:31 am. Seungmin just told me about our friends going to the same resort last weekend. As much fun as we would've had with Hyunjin and Jisung, I love having some alone time with my husband more.

'Another Day' is blasting in the radio as I hum to its beat. Seungmin has been quiet after awhile ago, I go check on him and notice that he already fell asleep. I reached for the blanket at the backseat and cover him up with it.


I woke up to me wanting to sneeze, after a few seconds I did just so. I notice the blanket that wasn't there awhile back, I couldn't help but think how lucky I am with Minho.

My thoughts were then interrupted by my own coughs. It continued on for a few seconds till I sneezed again. Eventually I started to sniff a bit more and felt hot to the touch.

Minho then turned to me right after we were stopped by a red light again. "Are you okay pup?" he asks me as he touches my neck and forehead with his palm. "Love, you're hot. Literally and metaphorically," he says to me chuckling quietly, though with concerned eyes.

"I'm fine love, just a bit warm that's it." I shrugged at him, knowing that he'll go crazy if I'm sick. "We're almost home anyway, once we get there, I'll go check your temperature," he says.



Once the two arrived home around 2:03 am, Minho was quick to help Seungmin out of the car. He directed him inside the house and placed him on the couch. "Stay here love, here's the thermometer. I'll just go get our bags." he said to the younger, giving him the thermometer and briskly walking back outside.

The older finished with all their bags and rushed to Seungmin to check on him. "37.9" the younger says sternly, shaking a bit from the cold. The older sighed "I told you not to go in the rain, now you're sick. Let's go to the bedroom first." The older says worried.

They get to their shared bed and Minho lays Seungmin down. He then went to the younger's closet to get some comfortable clothes for his husband.

"I'll just change you and go make you food okay?" Minho said, concern laced in his voice. The younger just nodded softly as he was being changed by his partner.

After changing the younger into more comfortable clothing, he kissed the other's forehead and went out to the kitchen. The older proceeded what he planned to do.

He finishes making the soup and went back inside their shared room. He stood the younger up gently, making him sit down on the bed with his head hitting the headboard.

"Here love, eat first and go take some medecine." Minho says softly to Seungmin. The younger nodded and reached out for the bowl of soup. He ate it slowly but eventually finished it, drinking the medecine right after. He drank water and went back to laying down.

Minho then took out the dish and washed it. Heading back to the bedroom afterwards, he changed his clothes and made his way to the bed. Laying down right beside the younger boy. Wrapping his arms around him and playing with his hair.


I snuggled up to Minho as he continued to play with my hair. Soon enough he stops, kissing my forehead and not forgetting to say I love you.

"I love you too and thank you for taking care of me."

"It's nothing pup, I'd take care of you any day."

We both fall asleep in each other's arms. Loving the company we had.

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