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The eight boys have just finished their concert for tonight. They gave stays a good finish as they exited the stage with goodbyes, thank yous and smiles.

All of them proceeded backstage to finally breathe after a long night. Performing for at most two hours isn't really the ideal workout for them but of course they still love what they do.


I was the last to walk out of stage and disappear from the crowd, right after Jisung who was clearly sweating from the encore stage. I walk in and take a short breath then continue to look for one of the staff members, specifically the one holding a child.

After a good minute of looking, I find the staff member holding my precious daughter. I approach them slowly, still out of breath. "Noona, thank you so much for taking care of Nari for me. I'll make it up to you I promise," I whisper to her as I get my child out of her hold.

Seeing as Nari was still asleep, I took her gently into my arms. I walked to a couch near us and sat down slowly, trying not to wake her up.


Eventually, the little one woke up from her nap. Her eyes stirring wide open as she scratches it a bit. She got used to the lighting of the room and looked at the man in front of her. "Hi papa," the girl says softly, hugging Seungmin.

"Hello there angel, did I wake you?" the father asks with concern in his tone. Instead of talking, Nari just moved her head sideways, quite aggressively to say no.

The older smiled at his daughter's answer, thinking about how cute and precious that was. The two continued on conversing with each other, Seungmin playing with his daughter from time to time.

After awhile Nari's stomach begins to grumble. Hearing that, the older decides that it's time to feed her; getting up with his daughter and bringing her to a table nearby.


I was the the first to exit the stage awhile ago meaning I was ahead of the other members. I went to one of the changing rooms as soon as I arrived backstage. I changed from my performance outfit to something more casual and comfortable. I also took my make up off right after.

By the time I finished doing all of that, I went and looked for Nari. Eventually, I spotted her in the hands of my husband, it looks to me as he's about to feed her. So i approach them and did a little scare on Nari as she was facing back. I kneel down to reach her height and then put my hands to cover her eyes.

"Knock knock angel," I say as she replies with a cute, small who is it?

I play with her more, "It's the cuddle monster, I'm going to steal all of your hugs". I say in a 'not so monster-y' voice. "Nooo, you can't do that, papa help!" Nari giggles and jumps into her papa's arms. Seungmin plays along and scolds me, telling me that I'm bad for attacking Nari.

"Okay okay, I give up," I speak up, basically 'surrendering' myself. I chuckle and stand up, leaning down to my husband's height since he was sitting down. I give him a peck and looked at the little girl hiding behind him. I pick her up and swing her around gently.

"Daddy, look what papa made," we stop swinging, I put her down as she showed me the meal Seungmin prepared. Nari giggles as she takes a bite into her soy sauce tteokbokki, prepared with her favourite smoothie.


The two watched her eat the meal, talking to her once after every bite. They all enjoyed each other's companies, the little one gave them both another source of joy. When they had Nari 4 years ago, they were ecstatic. Minho took care of Seungmin every minute, checking on the younger almost every second.

When Nari came out, both were in awe, one more than the other. Minho, especially was sweet to the child. Seungmin had a more strict parenting set while the other was just spoiling the child. Though, the couple agreed on many things as well.

When it came to choosing godparents for Nari, they of course chose the members. They asked them on a dinner party that they had prior to Nari's birth. The news made everyone happy and excited, Hyunjin and Jisung were fighting about what to get for Nari. Meanwhile Chan takes care of the child when the parents are out or busy.

During the tour, they'd take turns on who's on baby duty, eventually having the staff to take care of the girl. It wasn't easy for the couple to take care of a child in tour and with their busy schedules. Despite the challenges, they don't regret anything and plus a cute little girl wouldn't hurt anyone's pride. Except for that one time of course.


Nari finished her meal minutes ago and I'm currently cuddling with Seungmin on the couch. Seungmin fell asleep after changing his clothes and my daughter still had energy after her meal. Now she's playing with Felix and the other members.

I've been playing with my husband's hair for awhile now, a bit shocked on how soft it is. "Boys we're going in about half an hour," our manager screams for the whole room to hear. The members just hummed while the other's still distracted by my lovely daughter. She looks just like her papa.

How did I get so lucky?


I heard our manager scream just now telling us that we're almost leaving. I wake up slowly, my eyes having a hard time to adjust to the lighting. Once I open them I see Minho looking down at me, holding me with his left hand and caressing my cheeks with his right. I let out a groan, signing to him that I'm awake.

"Morning love, sleep more we still have thirty minutes," he tells me and I shake my head no. I sat up and so did my husband. We sat there for awhile, my head on his shoulder as we look at the other's play with Nari.

How did I get so lucky?


That One Time


It was a typical day in the dorm when Nari decided she was feeling hungry and sad. She went out of her bed and seeing as no one was in the room at the time, she continued her way out. When the eight men heard the door open, they looked and turned their attention to the little girl holding a plushie that had a tag that said Gyu. 

A birthday gift from uncle Changbin when the little one turned two. Nari and the plushie were inseparable since then.

So the girl walked out with a saddened face, with a matching tone to the voice. "Papa, I'm hungry," she says as she drags herself near Seungmin. The older of the couple who was sitting beside Seungmin, picked her up and put her down on a chair by the dining area. "Sit here angel, I'll go make you something," Nari nods slowly at her dad. 

Hyunjin and Jeongin approached the child and tried to cheer her up. Jeongin succeeded in making Nari laugh a bit with his tricks and his natural cuteness, playing with the girl for awhile.

Meanwhile when Hyunjin tried after Jeongin, the little one cried. Hyunjin said sorry multiple times not knowing what had happened. Jisung asked what Hyunjin did which the older replied to, "I tried to act cute and then she threw gyu at me and cried".  

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