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I was in the middle of making breakfast when I heard footsteps from the direction of our room. I immediately knew who it was, knowing that there's only two of us here. "Morning pup," I say, still focusing on cooking.

Seungmin just groans in response, he went home late last night because of his guitar practice. Thankfully it's a weekend today so he'll be able to get some rest. My boyfriend then approches me from the back and put his head on my shoulder.

I felt him slowly rest on my shoulder. I try to peek at his face, only to see a glimpse of him closing his eyes. "I'm almost done with this, let's eat first and get you back to bed, okay?" I tell Seungmin as I ruffle his hair.

He stands up properly, still hesitant to wake up from my shoulder. He nods at what I said beforehand and heads straight to the dining table. He sits down as I put the food down and get us some plates and chopsticks. I got food for myself and I glance at my boyfriend doing the same thing.

After eating we cleaned up the table and I decided to wash the dishes. I told Seungmin he could go back to bed already but he ignored me and he's currently sitting on the counter top waiting for me.


"Hurry up love I wanna cuddle," the younger of the two says as he moves his legs back and forth. Minho just chuckled at his boyfriend's antics as he put up the last plate on the dry rack.

After wiping his hands on a cloth, Seungmin then drags the older to their bedroom. The younger crashes his body on the bed and pulls the other right after. Minho finds everything that his boyfriend does cute but this one just tops it all.

Nothing better than a cuddly puppy Minho says in his head as he closes the gap betweet their bodies and wrap his arms around the other. They eventually both fell asleep, wrapped around in blankets and pillows all over the bed.

An hour later one of the two woke up to get ready. By the time they woke up, it was already 10:25 am as said on the clock next to their bed.


I felt shuffling next to me, I knew it was Minho trying to get up because he purposely lifted my arm from his waist. "Where are you going hyung?" I ask with my eyes still shut, I feel the bed sinking a bit from his side so that must mean he's sat down.

It took me a few seconds to open my eyes, I see my boyfriend standing up and turning back around to go near me. He gives me a peck on the lips and replies "I'll just take a quick shower, go back to sleep," in a low tone. I nod lightly and close my eyes again, falling back asleep.


I look at the clock as I walk out of our shared room, heading to the bathroom. Right now it's 10:27 am, just in time for me to get ready for our date. I planned a date for me and Seungmin weeks ago, supposedly for his birthday but unfortunately we had a schedule that day.


I'm currently looking for something nice to wear for the date. I plan to take us to a park near our apartment. It's Seungmin's favorite place when we were trainees, we also went there for our first date. Since we've been reading busy the past year, we only get to pass by the area once in awhile.

Speaking of our first date, I see just the right piece of clothing to wear for later. I pick that up from the hangers and some black jeans to pair with it.

I put on my outfit and fixed my hair. I then decide to wake up my boyfriend who's still in deep sleep. I approach our bed and move myself near him, near enough for me to whisper to him.

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