Chapter Two

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Clarke's Pov :

Lizzie came to me surprisingly with an emotion other than anger. She said that (Y/N) was missing and I needed to go look for her or we'd be late for the introductions. I kept up a good face for Lizzie but I was annoyed. This pageant was all she had been talking about for days and yet she goes missing right before the introductions? It didn't make sense.

 I unfortunately found her though. Outside at an area covered in statues. I huffed, glancing around to make sure no one else was nearby. There she was, a statue with a look of horror. It made me wonder whether the asset of mine had gone rogue or (Y/N) had seen something she wasn't meant to. I moved my hand to her cheek, the rough cold stone unmoving. 

"Of course you had to the be one to get turned to stone. " I shook my head. Maybe Alaric and his group of circus freaks would find a way to bring her back. I could simply pretend I couldn't find her. That would be easy enough, to simply disappear and grab what I needed before leaving. I could get another monster to grab my if it would be that quick. I shook my head, removing my hand from her face and heading back into the party. I knew what I came for. 

Reader's pov: 

I fell immediately, my hands grabbing onto whatever was in front of me to stop myself from landing on my face. It happened to be the student from earlier. She gave me an apologetic smile but my instinct was to step away from her, thankfully I was caught by MG or I would've gone off the railing. "What's going on?" I questioned and they hesitantly brought me up to speed. "Wait, so where's Clarke?" 

"Clarke's here?" Alaric asked coming into view. Oh fuck. 

"Yeah, he's my escort for the pageant. Wait, I'm gonna be...It's over isn't it?" I could tell by the look on Alaric's face that I had missed it. I cursed to myself, brushing off the dress. "I'm going to go change and look for Clarke then. I don't even want to know about this" I gestured to the student before. 

"I'm a gorgon and the name is Nia. Nice to me you too" she frowned as I walked off. I moved quickly to get dressed hoping that I could find Clarke before he left and apologize for sticking him up accidentally. 

I eventually found him, walking on the sidewalk down the road. "Clarke! Wait up" I called and he stopped, seeming to tense up. "I'm really sorry for blowing you off earlier. There was a gorgon and- you know what? Forget it. I just want to spend time with you" I smiled approaching him. He placed something in his suit pocket before turning to face me. 

"It's okay, I figured something happened but I wanted to leave before Alaric found me." He chuckled but I could tell something was off. 

"Whatcha got there?" I asked teasingly moving my hand on his stomach moving it up towards his chest to get it. He stepped away, shaking his head. "It's been a long day. Do you think we could drop it and I'll see you around later?" 

Now I knew something was wrong. He was never like this. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, defensively. 

"No- I just want to go home." 

"You're hiding something, I can tell. Did you take something?" I took a step towards him and he clenched his jaw. "(Y/N), don't. Just drop it and go to your dorm." He ordered. 

I shook my head mumbling a quiet spell, sending him flying backwards towards a tree. I made my way to him, grabbing whatever was in his shirt pocket while I could. Only to feel a stinging pain on my back before everything went dark. 

I awoke slowly to grunting sounds in front of me. It was Landon, tied to a chair and gagged. I went to speak but I was gagged too, my hands bound tightly to my own chair. I looked around, scanning for an idea of where we were but I had never seen this place before. That's when I heard footsteps and Clarke came into view but his attention wasn't on me. It was on Landon. 

I made noise and struggled against the tight rope to try and cause him to look at me. It worked, though he didn't seem happy. He removed my gag, his hand moving to my jaw. "No spells or you're the first one in" He motioned with his head to the pit behind Landon. I gave him a nod to show that I understood. "Clarke, I don't understand. What's going on? And why did you kidnap Landon?" I asked but he didn't answer. He just looked at me before taking off Landon's gag. "I want you to leave a very simple voice mail to Alaric and if you try to tell them anything I'll know." MG's mother moved towards us with a phone allowing Landon to speak. I was told to chime in so Alaric would know that I went with Landon. After the voicemail the two of them went into a office overlooking the pit with giant windows. 

"Landon, What the hell is going on here?" I asked and he shook his head. "I don't know, MG's mom came up to me and said she's give me a ride then tased me. What about you? Isn't Clarke your boyfriend? Kiss him so we can get out of here or something." He struggled with his ropes. 

"If that would work then I would." I snapped at him and kicked at his leg. "If you don't stop he'll come back" I warned. "Good, maybe then you could make up and we can leave" 

"I don't think he kidnapped the two of us because of a petty argument" I watched as MG's mom left and Clarke made his way down towards us. He threw a key in the pit as he made his way down the steps. 

"No one's watching us now" He smirked at me.  

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