Chapter Eight

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Be Careful What You Wish For

Reader's Pov: 

The next day was rough. We were supposed to have the annual football match with the Timberwolves. They always won because Alaric wouldn't let us use our powers. Vardemus, however, wanted us to win this time. 

Noah said he would be gone all day because Vardemus wanted him to look for something. I wanted to come with him, I knew I could help but he refused, saying something about it not being safe for me because I was a witch. So much for telling me I wasn't fragile. Instead I stood around to watch the game, everyone had to be there anyway due to Vardemus's rule.

 A player on the timberwolves team broke his arm in the middle of a throw. It didn't make sense, obviously. I knew it was black magic. Something my grandmother was known for. 

I went to Vardemus about it, but he simply waved it off. "The boy will be fine. I suggest you focus on your studies" he seemed upset. I think it might've been because of the fight that busted out between the teams. 

The next day Noah was supposed to be back. I decided not to trust Vardemus and to tell Noah not to trust him either. He obviously didn't care about the safety of others and I wasn't comfortable with Noah running errands for him. 

Noah didn't answer my calls or texts all day and he wasn't back until late in the afternoon when he found me in the library. I was still looking for the man whose picture was in my phone. I tried to hide the research when I noticed him but it was too late. "What are you looking at?" He asked, his hands reaching out to grab my phone. 

"I know you told me to give up but I couldn't" I watched his face to see his reaction. 

"You've been trying to find him this entire time?" He asked, moving to the black and white picture I had in a folder."It's him with Triad but I still can't find a name or anything else" I pushed my hair back. "He would have to be a vampire but a vampire wouldn't work with Triad. None of it makes sense" I shook my head, picking up my phone and looking down at the photo of the two of us. 

"You don't remember him at all?" He asked softly, crouching down in front of me. "I wish I did, I don't know if it would make being with you any easier. Maybe if I knew who he was I could grieve and move on" I met his gaze and moved my hand to him, playing with his hair. "Noah, I don't think you should help Vardemus anymore." 

He knit his eyebrows together. "Why?" 

"He doesn't care about any of us. I think he's just using you" I admitted and he shook his head. "We have to trust him just like we trusted Dr. Saltzman" 

"Noah, someone is using black magic and he knows about it. I know what black magic does to someone. It isn't something you just ignore especially in a young witch" I stood, gathering my things. "I know he's up to something and I'm gonna prove it to you" I made my way out of the library, back towards my dorm room.

 A part of me wanted to stay with him and enjoy the little time I had before he left again but he was also different lately. He defended Vardemus no matter what it was and he was always gone. I just missed how he used to be.

I spend the entire night trying to research everything about Vardemus. Most of it was useless. He seemed like a good enough person on paper but he was definitely different in person. 

The next day I got a message from Landon, asking me to meet him in the gym. I messaged him back asking why but he never answered. 

When I arrived Raf, Landon, Kaleb, and another girl was there. "This is my sister, Kym" Kaleb gestured to the girl and I shook her hand. "(Y/N), nice to meet you." I nodded, giving her a small smile. 

Just then Lizzie walked in, a girl trailing after her. "Okay squad. We have a problem, and we're down a twin because Josie is in Richmond. Which is why we called (Y/N) out of Noah's arms to come help." 

"Noah is leaving soon again anyway. I needed a distraction." I rolled my eyes, The girl behind Lizzie moving to speak. "A Croatoan came through the portal and it killed a councilman." After talking back and forth about what a Croatoan was and the history we moved on to the plan. "The monster is after Landon so we need to get him somewhere safe" The girl explained. 

We split the team up before heading out. I was with Lizzie and Landon, reading in the library. Lizzie had lit a magic candle to keep the monster away. 

They talked back and forth about Landon and Josie's relationship, I didn't want to talk about lovey dovey stuff not when my relationship was falling apart. 

Eventually we moved to the kitchen to get a snack, while Landon went on and on about Ewoks. Lizzie yawned after he was done, patting me on the back. "I'm gonna go take a nap, it's your turn for Landon duty." She moved towards the door, a dark figure moving towards her and grabbing her by the neck.

 Landon was quick, slicing the creature's arm off. We ran, moving to the library and closing the door behind us. "Lizzie, the monster didn't go for went for you" 

Lizzie moved to search through some books as me and Landon held the door. The phone rang, Lizzie moved towards it quickly. "Hello" she stayed on the phone for a few minutes, repeating what was said to her to spread the information to us. 

It wasn't any help however, the monster bursting through the door. We grabbed the candle and ran, moving towards the basement. Landon suggested we let the monsters fight. It didn't work so we just led it into a cell.

 "Tell me the secret" Landon begged Lizzie but she refused. "It would break Josie's heart and Noah's" She glanced towards me. "Lizzie, since when have you ever not shared someone else's secrets?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Just tell us" Landon added. 

Lizzie balled her hands into fists "Fine! It's-" the girl from earlier walked in, "Silencio" she spelled Lizzie's mouth closed. The monster moved to get closer to her. "So this is about you" Landon's eyes were wide. 

"We don't have time for this. Raf and (Y/N), take Landon to Dr. Saltzman. We'll find a way to keep it busy" She said before running off. Landon, Raf, and I did the same, running as fast as we could away from the school. 

It felt like something hit me, and I felt myself slow. Raf went down first, then Landon and finally I blacked out beside them. 

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