Chapter Four

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Heartless Mud Man

Reader's pov: 

Clarke started to pull chairs up, placing them down in a row. After placing the third chair down, he moved behind me. He undid my bindings and sat down in the middle chair. "When you said wait...Did you mean for the monster that is no doubt headed this way?" Landon asked the dagger still in his hands. 

Clarke grabbed it from him, fiddling with it. "When it gets here we will hand this little dagger over to it. That way we don't have to do the hard work by fighting through Triad just to toss it in. The monster will do that for us." Clarke was definitely pleased with himself, I could see it in his face.

 I rubbed my wrists, the pain of the rope digging in slowly fading. "What's stopping me from just killing you and escaping with Landon and the artifact?" I approached him, using my magic to push Landon to the side. I didn't want him to get hurt in case I wanted to set Clarke on fire or something. 

 "You wouldn't get very far, no doubt the creature is nearly here and you're the only one with powers. Think you could take on whatever monster crawled out of the pit on your own?" he placed the artifact down in his seat as he stood, taking a step towards me. "Besides, I know you have a soft spot for me. I don't think you'd kill me" he smiled, his hand moving to gently stroke my cheek with his thumb.

"Wanna bet?" I was trying so hard not to melt into his touch that I simply froze, not even pulling away. It was at moment that Landon interrupted again. "Can we go now?" He crossed his arms like an angry child but it was impossible to tell which one of us he was talking to. We both turned our heads towards him. 

"Not quite" Clarke responded, his hand moving away from my face. "What the hell do you still need us for?" I asked moving to Landon's side just to put some distance between us. "Oh, I don't need either of you. Father has a use for Landon though, I imagine you'll want to tag along to stop him from becoming the host" 

"The what?" Landon's eye's went wide as he moved towards Clarke. "The host. He needs to use you to spread his bloodline" Clarke picked the artifact back up as the sound of hooves stomping could be heard. "And there's our new friend" 

I moved in front of Landon, shielding him from whatever creature was about to burst through the door. Clarke stood beside me, waiting happily.

The door sprung open to reveal a headless man riding a horse. "You've got to be kidding me" I stared in shock. The horseman pulled out a whip made of bones and swung it around. Clarke threw the artifact down on the ground in front of the horsemen but I stepped out in front attempting to cast a spell. I stopped as Landon darted out in front of me, grabbing the artifact as the horse raced towards him, grabbing him instead. 

It was too late for me to cast a spell as the horse bolted towards me, I closed my eyes to prepare to get hit. I fell to the ground surprisingly painlessly, opening my eyes to see the horseman riding off with Landon on his back. Then I felt something someone touching me, pulling me to my feet. 

"Did you-" 
"Save your life? Yeah, don't mention it" he grumbled, moving away from me and towards the doors of the warehouse. 

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I ran after Clarke, moving in front of him. "Icaeus!" I shouted as I pushed my hands out towards him but nothing happened. 

 "Remember when you talked about killing me and leaving?" He looked down at me, his hand moving into his pocket. "You can't use your powers on me. The thing you caught me stealing was a relic designed to prevent magic from being used on the carrier once it was activated. Which is what I was doing on the ride to Triad." he brought out a stone covered in markings before placing it back in his pocket. "So, (Y/N), I am going to hunt my brother down, make sure both he and the artifact end up going into the pit, and kill anyone that gets in my way." 

"You haven't killed me yet" I pointed out, pushing him backwards. "I was hoping that you wouldn't catch on to that. I don't want to kill you but I also know that you aren't gonna give up" He took a step towards me and I took a step back. We continued until my back was against the van we stole from triad. His hand moved it's way up to my neck and I grabbed his wrist trying to push it away. His grip was too strong and I had nowhere to escape. 

"Clarke!" I gasped, trying to get him to stop. He held on tightly, my vision blurring the longer he held on. I could feel my grip on his wrist loosen, my hand moving to his jack pocket where the stone was. Maybe I still had time to stop him. I grabbed the stone, my fingers clutching it as tight as I could manage before everything went black. 

When I awoke I was alone. I could still remember Landon though so I knew that Clarke had either failed or wasn't there yet. Luckily I still had the stone in my hands, so I could still stop him if I needed to. I hotwired the nearest car and made my way back to triad industries. 

 There was a calm silence to the place when I arrived, I had to be quick. Making my way into the room they kept Malivore in was easy, the monster had already cleared the path. The first thing I noticed was Landon on the ground. I couldn't tell if he was dead or just knocked out. "Also in first grade, follow the leader"

 I turned my attention to the other side of the pit, Clarke and Hope stood in front of each other. "You don't have to do this" Clarke pleaded, his eyes catching sight of me. I ran to them, watching as Hope moved her foot on the railing, Clarke doing the same. 

"Wait!" I shouted, making my way to Clarke's side. "What's going on?" I asked, my eyes wide as I glanced to the both of them. "It doesn't matter. You won't remember" Hope's hand grabbed Clarke's throat and Clarke grab hers. "A mimic spell?" I panicked. "Hope, please, whatever is happening there has to be a better way." 

"Trust me, I'm doing everyone a favor" She wouldn't even look at me, her eyes staring into Clarke's as he looked into mine. They stood up on the railing going over before I could do anything to stop them. 

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