Chapter Five

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Reader's pov:

It was like I had been staring at the pit forever. I watched as it slowly sank to the ground, a hole left where the mud once was. I blinked quickly, shaking my head. I didn't know where I was or how I got there. There was suddenly an explosion of fire, my attention moving to it immediately. "Landon?" I called out as the fire calmed leaving only a mound of ash. He broke free and I covered my face as to not breathe any of it in as it rose up. 

 Then there was a ringing from a cell phone a few feet away from him. Landon picked it up and I helped him to his feet. "Dr. Saltzman? Okay. Uh...I don't really know what happened." He looked to me but I shook my head. I couldn't hear the other end of the phone but I assumed Alaric was on his way to get us. Landon hung up, making his way over to the railing and looking down on the hole. 

"This doesn't make any sense" I started to dust him off the best I could but he stopped me. "Let's just go outside and wait for Dr. Saltzman" 

It was difficult returning to the school, people like me with no family had to stay over the summer. My time was taken up by either Landon, Josie, or even talking to Lizzie from Paris. 

I helped Landon try and find a spell to help Raf, I comforted Josie since her father wouldn't explain the merge, and Lizzie just wanted to show off how great of a time she was having. I did have some moments to myself, those were used to find out whose pictures I had in my phone. It was a man, brown hair and brown eyes. He had a wide smile and we were even kissing in some photos. If he was with me and Landon then it didn't make sense why he was gone and the Malivore pit was destroyed. 

One day while in the library, I was searching through records of people from the school, the picture of the man on my phone as I looked through. I heard someone clear their throat, a hand moving to one of the files I had already read.

 I heard someone clear their throat, a hand moving to one of the files I had already read

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I looked up at him, noticing the blood on his face. "You really shouldn't walk around like that" I grabbed my bag, pulling out tissues and come alcohol wipes. "Clean yourself up before a vamp walks in and loses their cool" I suggested, extending the supplies towards him with my phone so he could use it as a mirror. 

 He took everything from me, with a raised eyebrow. "You just carry this stuff on you?" He asked, opening up a wipe.

 "I'm one of the fragile ones in my friend group so when we get together on a dangerous mission...I'm prepared." I shrugged, moving my attention back to the folder in my hands.

 "Who's the lucky guy?" he asked, turning the phone to show the picture of the man and I.

 "I'm not sure. Dr. Saltzman thinks he's in the pit so no one can remember him. I figured since the picture was taken in the dorm that he must've been a student but I can't find anything so far" I frowned, closing the folder and picking up a new one. "Do you think he's alive?" 

I froze from his question and shut the folder. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name" Our eyes met, the blood from his face cleaned off. 

"The name's Noah, I'm a wolf." He smiled at me. " You said fragile so I'm assuming you're a witch? You know, just because you don't have a healing factor doesn't make you fragile." He stood, tossing his file back into the pile of folders I had already read before handing me back my phone. "I hope you find out who he was." 

"Then he just left, not another word spoken. He didn't ask for my name or say thank you. He was kind of an ass, I mean, obviously this guy meant something to me. It was rude for him to ask me if I thought the guy was dead." I complained to Josie and Lizzie later in their room. Josie held some device that let her talk to Lizzie and it looked like she was in the room. "But it's Noah McAllister. That guy has been on my radar since he got here." Lizzie smiled. " I've tried talking to him but he's not much of a conversationalist" Josie pushed me lightly with her shoulder "but he went out of his way to talk to you" she smiled and Lizzie shook her head. "I've got the hot european guys here, (Y/N) has Noah, now all we need is for Josie to get out there!" 

"I am not sticking around to hear this." Josie rolled her eyes, handing me the crystal. "Talk with her for as long as you want. I'm gonna go get some air" Josie made her way out and I continued talking to Lizzie. I used my free hand to pull out my phone after feeling it buzz. I continued to speak to her as I searched my notifications. 

"I am serious about trying to find out who this guy is in the picture. I'm not just gonna give up on him for...Noah?"

"Why'd you say it like that?" she asked, moving to sit on the bed. "He just messaged me. How the hell did he get my...I gave him my phone" I sighed. 

"If you don't message him back I will come back down there just to make you regret it" she threatened teasingly. "Thanks Lizzie, but I'm not scared of you." I gave her a little wave as a goodbye before tossing the crystal on Josie's bed ending the call. 

I made my way out of the room, towards the kitchen to grab a small snack before going to my own room. I checked the fridge, grabbing the closest thing to the door. A bag of green grapes. It wouldn't be very filling but it was already late and I just wanted to lay in bed and take a breather away from people.

 I heard the kitchen door open abruptly, causing me to jump. I dropped the bundle of grapes I had just pulled out of the bag. "Shit" I muttered, the person moved to help me pick up the stray grapes that rolled around on the floor. "For someone apart of the infamous squad, you're pretty jumpy (Y/N)" Noah chuckled, handing me the grapes he caught. "I'm taking a break from the squad. Besides with all the monsters running around lately, can you blame me?" I put what I needed in a bowl and put the rest back in the fridge.

"A lot of people consider us the monsters."

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