Chapter Six

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Noah's Arc

Reader's Pov: 

Noah moved to grab stuff to make a sandwich. "Just to make sure I didn't randomly text someone else...You got my message right?" He looked up at me and I nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, I was shocked considering I thought you didn't know my name let alone my number."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like a creep. I just noticed I made you upset earlier when we spoke. I thought I should let you cool off and we could talk later. Later being now?...If that's not too forward?" He plopped the finishing loaf of bread on his sandwich. 

I took a minute to consider my options. Either I lay in bed reading or scrolling through my phone, or I could follow this rude stranger to stay up talking. I could tell he wasn't dangerous, at least he didn't seem like it. "I was planning to just hang out in my room..." I started, his eyes going soft.

 "Oh, that's fine." he nodded. "Enjoy your night" he added, moving to put away the materials he used for his sandwich. 

"If you don't mind hanging out there instead of in the kitchen" I gave him a small gesture as I walked towards the door. He picked up his food, following in silence. 

I didn't normally invite random men into my room, however he seemed different from the rest of my friend group. Lizzie was controlling, even overbearing at times. Landon was lost, pitiful lately due to Raf and these visions he's been having. Josie was closed off from me, her attention always her dad or Lizzie. It felt like Noah didn't want anything from me, didn't want to pull me in 20 different directions at once. That's what I needed. 

We stayed up late, talking about everything we could. School, the squad, our backstories, etc. "So, wait-" My eyes were wide in shock. "The blood was your brother's?" Threw a grape at him and watched as he caught it in his mouth. "Yeah, the guy is a dick. He said something about our mom and I lost it." he talked, struggling a bit with the grape before swallowing. "He's a wolf too but he thinks the school is bullshit" I wanted to ask about his mother but I realized I hadn't talked about my father so it wasn't fair. 

"I was worried Saltzman brought you in because of your first turning" I shook my head, moving off the bed and opening the blinds to let the rising light in. 

"No, that was waaayy worse" he waved it off, laying back on the bed. "It's crazy how long we've been talking. I think I really needed to talk to someone so, thanks" he gave me a smile. "Me too...I've been helping everyone with so many different things, I had almost forgotten what it felt like to just hang out like this" I sighed, falling into the pillow beside him. 

"We could hang out in my room next time. No offense but I've got a better view of the sunrise anyway" He chuckled but upon seeing my reaction to his comment he stopped. "We don't have to if you don't want to" 

"I do. I've had a really really fun time but there's alot going on right now. I still need to find out who that guy is, Landon wants me to help Raf, and Josie and Lizzie want me to research the merge. It's hard for me to think straight sometimes. I just don't know what to do" I ran my hands through my hair, pushing it back. 

"Hey, you're stressed out. Look at me," I obeyed his request and met his eyes. "Take a deep breath, focus on one thing at a time. The twins don't have to worry about the merge right now and I hate to say it but the guy is probably gone now I know you don't want to hear that but it's been what? A month? Two? Since you and Landon came back, I think it's safe to say he's-"

"Please don't...I can't just give up. He probably has a family and friends. I can't just let them suffer not knowing. Trust me, I've been given up on my entire life. I can't do that to someone else." I looked away from him but he moved in front of my face again. 

"I've been given up on too and I know that it hurts but whoever this guy was. I can tell he cared about you. He probably would've wanted you to live your life not waste it on someone you can't get to" 

I was silent for a while, looking at him before he continued. "There is nothing you can do for any of these people. You'll waste your summer and more importantly hurt yourself the more you try to do." He placed a hand on top of mine, and my eyes met his. He gave me a nod before leaving my bed and making his way out of my room. 

It took me a few days of trying to continue to do everything I could for my friends before I broke down. It was in the basement, where the cells were. No one came down there and we didn't have anyone imprisoned, so I was alone. At least I thought I was. Unfortunately I didn't account for a nearby werewolf with sensitive hearing. Noah rushed down, moving to my side. 

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He asked, his arms open wide for me. I didn't hesitate moving into his arms and crying into his shoulder. It felt natural, like I just fit into his arms. "Raf went missing and Landon is worried he's dead. Josie is doing a locator spell because I clammed up. I wanted to help but my magic isn't working how it's supposed to. I can't help anyone." I sobbed as his hand warmly stroked my back.

 "I told you to take it one thing at a time or you'd break. Come on, you need a breather." he pulled away and took my hand. I was in no condition to argue with him so I simply followed behind him, wiping my face free of tears the best I could. 

He took me to the lake, the sun slowly going down as he stopped at the edge of the dock. Immediately, he took off his shirt and tossed it on the ground. He then moved to take off his shoes as I looked away. "What are you doing?!" I laughed nervously.  "Come on." He smiled, removing his pants lastly and jumping into the lake. "The water feels great! Perfect for destressing!"  He shouted. "You want me to jump in?" I turned to watch him swim over to the dock. "Either you jump in or I'm throwing you in." 

I seriously doubted he was joking. "Turn around" I ordered and he turned away from me. "No peeking" I added and he crossed his heart. "Scout's honour"  

After undressing down to my underwear I quickly jumped in, knowing going in slow would be harder. I came to the surface, seeing him smile at me. "Better?" He asked, splashing me with water. I gasped, the cold water hitting me in the face. I splashed him back, laughing along with him. We both moved closer to each other with each splash before he grabbed my hands, stopping me from splashing him again. 

The laughter faded as we looked at eachother. "(Y/N) need to let go. I can tell that you've given too much of yourself to other people and you need to start thinking of yourself." He let my hands go."What do you want? Don't think about what other people want from you. Just what you want" 

We were both quiet but the silence was unbearable. The next few moments happened so quickly but I remember moving my hands towards his face, his lips finding my own. We grasped at each other, as if we needed the other to keep ourselves afloat. His hands tangled into my hair and my hands on his chest.

 I was lost in the moment so deeply that I wasn't aware that we were being watched. 

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