Chapter Thirteen

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Clarke's POV : 

A few months later

"So, tell me what happened." Alaric's unusually calm voice spoke to me. He was still upset with me for what happened with Josie but there was no way to stop it or take it back now. I think he was starting to understand that. 

"We were doing good. (Y/N) and I were going back to how things were before. She said she wanted to talk to me about something important so I thought it was about us. The cyclops was still out there though so we needed to stop it before it got to Landon. It grabbed her and..." I felt my chest tighten, just thinking back to what happened hurt. 

"Clarke. Hey, look at me. She's gonna be okay" Landon moved beside Alaric's desk and into my view. 

"I can still hear it though, the sounds she made when that creature grabbed her. The sound of broken bones, her screams...everything." I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to shut the images from my mind but they persisted. 

"I couldn't do anything to stop it. I told her that we should've waited for help but she was determined. I mean, what was she thinking? She almost got herself killed and for what? To try and prove herself?" I was standing now, refusing to just sit still as emotions overtook me. 

"How did it get away?" Alaric continued with the questions. 

"I was so focused on helping her that it disappeared. I suppose it didn't see me as a threat. If it goes back to my father, he'll know that I'm working with you and things will get worse." I shook my head, rubbing my eyes. I hadn't slept since the run in with the monster yesterday afternoon. "Just let me go lay with her, please" I made eye contact with Alaric and he sighed, thinking it through.

 "Sure, the vampire blood should've already done most of the healing. I believe she's just resting." he nodded, gesturing to the door to allow me to leave. 

I hastily moved out of Alaric's office and towards (Y/N)'s room. 

When I arrived the first thing I noticed was how peaceful she looked, but the bloody sheets under her was enough to shoot the memory of the attack back into my head. I hesitated nearing the bed any further than I was. I could see that Alaric was right though, her wounds had healed. Lizzie had helped clean the blood off of her as much as possible, although it still stained her tattered clothes. 

I sat beside her bed on a wooden desk chair, grabbing onto her hand gently. It was a relief to see she wasn't in pain anymore, I don't think I'll ever be able to un-see what that monster did to her. I was so sure I was gonna lose her in that moment. I just kept repeating that everything was gonna be okay and that I loved her. I begged her to stay with me, but thinking about it now just forces me to think about the future.

She's going to grow older, her body is going to slowly age and die. She's mortal and one day I'm going to lose her. Whether it be from old age or another wound like this...she'll die. 

I slowly reached for a pillow, for a spilt second thinking about taking advantage of the vampire blood in her system. If she turned then she could heal, she wouldn't physically age and we could stay together. 

As I lifted the pillow above her head I realized the last part was wrong. Once she found out what I did to her...she'd hate me. This is just another way of betraying her and I promised I wouldn't do that to her again. 

"Do it" 

I jumped, moving to look around the room quickly. I could've sworn I heard someone speak but there was no one there. I turned back to (Y/N) trying to see if it came from her but she was still asleep. 

"She doesn't want to be weak. Make her strong. Do it" 

I felt dizzy, as if I was falling into myself. Things were starting to blur, even the feeling of the pillow in my hand began to dull. 

"Do it"

The voice was louder now, as if it was coming from beside me. I didn't turn however. I simply let myself fall into whatever comforting rest came to me. 

I awoke on the floor, a ringing in my ears. I forced myself to my feet, stumbling over to the bed, a pillow resting on top of (Y/N) face. My eyes widened and I pushed the pillow to the ground quickly. She had shifted. Her peaceful face, looked pale and dark. I cupped her cheeks, hoping to feel warmth but she was freezing. "No, no, no, no..." I muttered, shaking her gently. "(Y/N)! Wake up. Get up, please!" 

"Clarke? What's going on?" Hope questioned, her eyes wide at my appearance. She must've heard me shouting. She looked to (Y/N) and she must've known something was wrong. She hastily made her way over to the bed, pushing me out of the way. 

I pressed myself against the wall, trying my hardest to think back to before I blacked out. I couldn't remember carrying out the sinister thought I had but I was also not in the right mind. 

Hope quickly took out her phone and made a call. 

It didn't take long before sprinting could be heard from the hall as Lizzie, Alaric, and MG rushed in. Lizzie immediately went for me, her hand holding onto MG's as she used her magic to keep me bound to the wall. "Tell me what happened or I swear to god, I will pop your head like a grape." she threatened but Alaric cleared his throat. 

"Lizzie, not now. We need to be ready for when she turns. I need blood bags, a daylight ring, and some vervain. MG, escort Clarke to the cells until we get this figured out." 

Before I was dragged out I heard a sharp gasp and seen (Y/N) bolt upright.

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