Chapter Eleven

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Moment of Truth

Reader's Pov: 

Clarke had been in the basement jail cell for weeks, but I still couldn't force myself to go see him. He had asked to see me a few times, mostly to Lizzie and Raf. Sometimes he could hear me outside the door and shout for me. It hurt to leave but I just wasn't ready to face him. It was just hard after hearing what he had done to Noah, watching him fight Landon, trying to become Hope, and knowing he's the one that hurt Josie. 

It was another one of those days where I found myself at the door down to the cells. I stared down at it but I felt frozen. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even register the person behind me. It was Lizzie, a simple frown on her face. "(Y/N), you gotta stop doing this to yourself." she shook her head. "Go talk to him or this is gonna drive you crazy" she took my hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "I just-  he's done so many bad things but I still believe he's a good person. It's just hard for me to forgive him" 

"And I totally understand that, however, I'm sick of having to watch the both of you moping around like sad preteens experiencing heartbreak for the first time. You are a powerful witch and he's the son of the most powerful monster ever created. Granted he's just made of mud... Whatever, you guys need to talk this out like actual people." she opened the door but I panicked, taking a step away. She must've known that I would because her other hand was already there, pushing me inside. 

Once I was in his sight there was no hiding anymore. 

He stood from where he sat on his bed and made his way to the bars of the cage. Rafael looked up at me from his seat. He was reading while on guard duty. "I'll give you guys some privacy, I'll be just outside the door if you need me though" he nodded to me, his face soft. Did everyone know about me and Clarke? 

Clarke waited until he heard the door shut behind Raf until he finally spoke. 

"You've been avoiding me"

I felt a lump in my throat as I stared up at him. "Do you blame me?" I answered after a moment of silence. I moved to stand in front of him. "You hurt a lot of people killed someone I cared about" It was hard to meet his gaze. "You lied to me...several times and you do this thing-" I could feel stinging in my eyes. "Where you pretend to be someone else and make me fall in love with you. Then, you use it against me." He turned away, leaning his back against the bars.

 I moved to the side so I could still see his face as I gripped the bars. "Why? Am I just that naive and desperate?" I stared at him but he was still. I was trying to call back to when he commented about how easy it was to get close to me.

 "Why kill Noah and pretend to be him? Because I don't believe it was to be close to me again...unless it was and you knew I'd find out you were Noah the whole time. You just wanted to hurt me. Is It because I didn't jump after you to the pit? Or because I didn't stop Hope when I had the chance?" I was shouting now, tears falling down my cheeks. "Answer me, goddamnit!" 

"You said I made you fall in love with me" 

I stopped, wiping the tears from my face. "I meant as Noah-" 

"No, you didn't. Before, when you broke up with me- I mean Noah, you talked about me. You said that you were afraid of labeling it because it meant you could lose it. You wanted us to be more but you were scared I would say no" 

I thought he was mocking me, or just using moments when I admitted how much I cared about him against me. 

"When Hope and I were in the pit, she asked about me and you. I think she was trying to figure out if I was just using you to steal for the school. I told her that I thought we could've really been together if it weren't for my father." he turned to face me, his hands moving on top of mine. "I wanted to stay normal with you and forget my father but if he got out and found that I had betrayed him for you..." he trailed off, looking down at our hands. 

"I don't want to have to dig into every word you tell me to see if it's a lie or not but that's where we are. I'm scared to trust you again" I went to pull my hands away from him but he gripped them tightly, careful not to hurt me. 

"Place me under a truth spell" his eyes were focused on mine. "Please" 

He let my hands go and watched me. He seemed determined that I do a truth spell on him. Luckily it would help me find out what his real intentions were so I was okay with humouring him. I took a step back to give myself space. 

"Veritas Tempus" I moved my hands to gesture the spell.

 "Ask me anything" he nodded, his eyes not leaving mine. 

"Did you know I was supernatural when we first met?" 

"No, it wasn't until you brought up that you went to the Salvatore school that I pieced that together"

"Did you really tell Hope that you thought we could've been together?" 

"Yes, she had me under a truth spell then too" 

"Why'd you kill Noah?" 

"I was jealous, I seen you with him and it made me upset that you forgot me. I knew if I could just pretend to be him then I could experience how things used to be between us" 

"How do you really feel about me?" I felt like I already knew the answer but I needed to know for certain. 

"I love you." 

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