Downtime (Lawrence)

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I'm unpublishing my books soon. So read them while you still can.

I'm kidding. Happy Mother's Day!


The darkness of the evening slowly settled in as the last rays of the sun vanished into the horizon; taking with it the warmth of the late autumn afternoon and leaving behind a sort of lingering chill that penetrated through the gaps and crevices of the unprotected school buildings.

The meeting has long since ended and the surroundings once again enveloped by stillness. The survivors had already went about their differing agenda - some disappearing into their classrooms to relax for the remainder of the day while others treaded into the winding corridors and unoccupied classrooms of lesser visited floors as part of their scheduled rotational night watch.

Fortunately for you, you were not a part of the latter this evening. After all, you had already done your part and went a couple of nights prior.

You have all the time to yourself and you knew exactly where and whom you want to spend it on.

As the calm mood of the reserved evening cascaded into the expanse of the school and flooded it with a drowsy air, you battled the pull of exhaustion and chose to revel in the sense of serenity that only occurs once in a long while.

It was cool and still and evoked a feeling of happiness that was rare since the apocalypse began. How can you possibly let this go by?

As the bright moonlight beamed through the unbarricaded windows of the third floor hallways - guiding your way with an ethereal bluish white as you traversed the silence without a candle or a torch in hand - you felt your heart beat and bounce from the feeling of excitement brought by the thought of finally lounging in the arms of the one you love.

He had been quite busy these past few days. The pressure of monitoring the supplies, presiding over the meetings, and assigning tasks to survivors who sometimes do not want to do their jobs manifesting itself by means of fatigue and shortness of patience.

And you could no longer even remember how long his soft brown hair, one that you loved brushing so much, has remained unkempt and untouched from the lack of attention.

You wanted to do something to assist him; perhaps, remove a load off his shoulders by taking over at least one of his tasks. But each time that you would offer, he would just answer with a soft "I'm fine." Or "The other kids need your help." with a gentle smile of pure hardheadedness playing on his lips as though he doesn't appear to be the one who needed help the most.

It honestly made you want to slap him square across the cheek sometimes.

You once thought the problem would persist to the point that you would need Ethan's help to knock him out and force him his much deserved rest. But as luck would have it, he finished all of his tasks before you could take matters into your own hands.

Now you could finally spend time with each other.

You rounded the corner towards the last room at the end of the corridor; the familiar smell of old books and varnish mixing in with the faint scent of mint floating in the air bringing you a sense of nostalgia as though you had not been there just a couple of weeks prior.

Weirdly enough, it was him who first introduced the space to you. Promising you the cozy feeling it brings for someone who wants to bask in the gift of solitude. He claimed that it was his favorite spot and how you would most likely find him there should there be a time when nothing requires his attention.

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