Lily (Zion AU)

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This is for Elethirielle and MitaculousYT^^

I wrote this with you two in mind so I really hope you like it.

Also. Country Name = (C/N)


You've been in a very close friendship with Zion for the last few years now, and in those years he just has to admit that there was something about you that he couldn't see anywhere or in anyone else.

At first he thought it was just because it was his first time finding someone whom he can be honest and open to, and that he was just excited to have a special person that he could go on adventures and have fun with regardless of how uncharacteristic or childish it might be.

Your open personality and willingness to accept and understand even without hearing an explanation was something that he appreciated so much that, for a short while, he allowed his walls to crumble, and laid out his emotions bare for you to care for.

He told you of his fears, his heartaches, his peeves, his dreams, and even his future plans, and with each and every story that he would share, he would always look at your beautiful face and wait for what you have to say as if your take on things were to be his basis on what to do next.

You always seem to know what to do or what to say as well, and evidence of that came in the form of calming him down when he argued with his father about transferring him to a school overseas. You stood by him as he ranted and raged and eventually cried angry tears of frustration, and was the one who was able to convince him to speak to the older man again and explain in a civilised manner why he does not agree with the idea.

Zion has wholeheartedly considered including you in his future - but in what form of relationship, he was yet to let you know. But then he saw you happy in the presence of other people and asked himself why you never smile or laugh the way you do with them whenever you were with him and a more practical, more realistic side of him intervened.

He started believing that no matter how earnest a person was in a relationship, regardless of the type, and no matter how happy they were at first, eventually they will lose interest and drift away from one another. And that was what forced him to keep you at arm's length and deny your attempts at getting closer without giving a proper explanation.

You were patient however, and very much understanding. You followed him everywhere at school like a puppy to her owner, and continued bothering him the way you used to despite his stark refusal to answer. You visited his house often and ignored the awkwardness that has since emerged between the two of you since he raised his defenses back up and proceeded to accompany him on his soccer games and movie nights without any regards for his coldness.

He was irritated of your persistence, thinking you were the same as his shallow-minded ex-girlfriend Scarlett, but deep down inside wished for you not to give up. He wanted to see the extent of your kindness, patience, and selflessness. He wanted to see how long you'll fight for the relationship. There was a boundary that he wanted you to cross and once you do, he will open back up to you.

You knew that.

You understood that he was testing you.

You knew Zion was afraid.

He has had a lot of fake friends in the past. Materialistic people who only tried getting close to him because he could afford most students his age couldn't. They would use him for free rides, free food and free passes amongst other things as though he was their parent and then still have the nerve to turn the tables later and accuse him of being the cocky one who uses his money to gain friendship.

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